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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Go to TSC stores and ask for something called a calf sled. Its a plastic type sled farmers use to bring the new born calves of the field in the winter...Heres a few other links http://goodoutdoors.theshoppe.com/calf_sled.html https://www.thefishinhole.com/index.cfm?ima...;PRODUCTSEARCH= http://www.ufa.net/PDFFiles/Livestock/5050...ng-Supplies.pdf
  2. Happy New Years TJ and everyone else too !! I'm going back to bed
  3. Those are a lot bigger than the ones we get down this way in the Thames Good Job Dave !!
  4. Randy, Now add in cigarettes and beer.....
  5. Bucktail, Meant to mention this earlier in the thread but my toy poodle just when through the same ordeal. Sam my Lab was playing with him outside when I heard a yelp...The poodle comes running in the back door with his left front leg dangling.....Anyhow, send him off to Guelph animal hospital for a rebuild on the leg which consisted of a couple steel plates and 8 weeks in a cast and he was a good as new. My wife Carol does look a little concerned in this pic. You'll be fine brother !!!
  6. Don't worry Spiel,I'll have you in a body cast and roll you out there in a wheel chair if I have too I just got to get over this nagging ACL in my right knee. Got smoked by a Mastif couple weeks ago at the dog park Nothing a good dose of Tylonol won't fix though...
  7. Glen Things just haven't been the same around here since you went on vacation. Its good to have ya back bubba
  8. I feel your pain Mike. Been going through the same thing here since June. Dad in the hospital with a bad liver and pretty much taking mom there everyday,sometimes twice... its exausting..Just recently he's been stable enough to go to a special needs nursing home were we are pretty sure he will spend the rest of his days. We did manage to steal him for a few hours on Christmas day though and take him to my sisters for dinner. Hope your dad recovers well from his ordeal and returns home soon... Our thoughts and prayers are with you.....
  9. I'm a bit of a neanderthal at heart so I need to get out and kill stuff and bring it home for the wife to cook up
  10. It is an interesting concept Terry but wouldn't it take a little time to attract fish to some newly placed weeds or would they just come and hang right away ?? Heres a thought...What about those suspended fish that don't hang around weeds..The possibilities are endless
  11. I picked the 20th. I may be able to talk someone into making it by then if we push it out that far
  12. I think thats going a little far ??? Building artificial reefs or structure is good sense but to spend cash on what mother nature is already doing naturally well......I already cuss the weeds out as I'm ripping them off the bottom so I don't think I'd go out and spend my hard earned cash to put plastic ones back in. I'm sure there will be someone out there interested in this stuff..... but not I
  13. ehg, We are not just fishing forum but rather what ever you want to talk about forum but we do slant heavily towards fishing but not heavily towards catch and release unless of course we are talking muskie, steelhead, walleye, bass bla bla bla but never perch or gobies Not shure everyone shares you beliefs on your last comment though exept for,thats right you guest it ACDC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzBIe8Q6K6Y
  14. I'm in for the the 20th
  15. Job well done Roy
  16. Problem is there is no natural predators left to keep the population of coyotes in check cause we killed them off by building cities and highways everywhere effectively taking away their habitat. Soooooo theoryedically know one is completely innocent here....Our forefathers were responsable for wiping out bears,wolves and cougars here in Ontario by changing their enviroment and now we have to deal with the aftermath of coyotes breeding like rats and eating themselves out of house and home.... In a sence we can have our cake and eat it too Merry Christmas all and have a Happy New Year !!!
  17. And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Vince...Glad you like the company here
  18. Hmmm,this could be an interesting idea.....Lets pin it and see where it goes
  19. Good read Spiel.. Thanx !
  20. Glad to here your dads making it home for Christmas Dan
  21. There may have been a day where the shoot first ask questions later clause may of been exeptable practice but in this day and age where even owning a non restricted gun is being challenged by the law by tight regestration conformances it would be very wise to keep the guns away safe until hunting season.... I was taught never to point a gun at something unless you were prepared to kill it so even thinking of bringing a weapon out to intimidate or using it to coerce another human being into doing something against there will to me is strictly out of the question no matter what the cause. If you have issues with trespassers you call the police or like stated here talk to the individuals that are trespassing. As a law abiding gun owner I don't like to here this kind of thing happening because no good can become of it. Accidents happen when guns are handled unsafely and it would be sad to here of some young kid getting shot and killed over trespassing...... I personally think enough has been said about this and perhaps lessons learned.....Hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas... Cheers !!!
  22. Only been ice fishing a couple of times but the last time I was out the fish weren't biting either or at least until I accidentally dropped some rabbit stew down the hole . Matter of fact the fish weren't even around until that point. Could of been timing perhaps or just the fact that I showed them something they had never seen before or tasted for that matter ....We all started baiting our hooks with tinny peices of rabbit and the perch were gobbling it up along with a couple mud puppies that arrived on the scene as well..... Good Luck !!
  23. White Christmas
  24. I received a engraved fly reel as a gift twenty years ago and its still like the day I got it. No worries, go ahead and get it done
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