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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Those boyz had alot of nerve..Too bad it cost the one fella his thumb....
  2. Welcome aboard Amie
  3. OK folks, I think we pretty much covered everything in this thread....
  4. My nephew Hans was lucky enough to be picked out of a group in Toronto to attend the olympics as an official for the snowboard events. He will be standing at the end gates as the boarders finish their runs. Keep an eye out for him..... He is is now there grooming the track in preparation for the opener. Lucky kid !! Looks like they got enough snow to get things underway Cheers !!
  5. I thinks that fish feel more pain when they get there guts torn out and eatin alive by bears.. Discuss
  6. St Croix for sure....I got poles that are twenty years old and needed nothing more than a new eyelet here and there. Tuff as nails for the price no word of a lie.... Good Luck !
  7. Lately Ive been eating fish without cooking them... Salmon and shrimp sushi...Oh and of course some hot Saki to wash it down...
  8. We are all hunter gatherers...
  9. Two days ??? I'm sure there will be some great fishing stories when we get back
  10. Thats cause its too small to even see
  11. Right on Joey !! Thats something to proud of
  12. Congrads on your first rabbit and may there be many more
  13. Why fix something that isn't broke......
  14. Right on Pete !! Soon you'll be able to taste food again and don't forget to exercise to give yourself some distraction and boost your metabolism at the same time....Might as well go for the gusto !!! Good Luck
  15. OK,here it is.....This is a little graffic..... Make sure you scrape off all loose material and remove.This also means brain,eyes,nostril linings and anything else interior.The brain and eyes may be dried up by this point but still must be removed. Rehydrating may be the best way of loosening up these parts. Boil the scull in a combination of water and dish detergent for as long as it needs. Periodically removing it from the boiling water and scaping....be carefull not to immerse the antlers in the boiling water as it will fade them.... Access brain cavity by drilling a hole in the base of the scull and use a coat hanger or whatever you can fine that will work to pull out the material. When it is fresh you can use a drill with a bent coat hanger to mix the brain into a milkshake and simply rinse it out. After this process is done,all material removed from the scull then you are ready for the next step. This involves bleaching and sterilizing whatever is left on or in the scull.....With a strong bleach solution soak the skull for a day or as long as you feel fit...Again do not immerse the antlers in the water/bleach mixture...Tape off the base of antlers to prorect them from discoloration. Now set aside and allow to dry. The next step is easy...Tape off the antlers and spray paint with a "appliance" white epoxy paint. This will keep the scull brilliant white all through its life without fading and it makes it easy to dust of as well......This is personal preference. Some like the natural fading bone look... Hers a couple before and after pics of a black bear skull I prepared for a friend of mine.... before after. The fangs still needed to be polished in this pick. Cheers !!
  16. Brian, Don't worry about the fish....Their metabolism will be so slow right now that they won't need any food or much oxygen. How deep is the pond..Usually ponds deeper than 24 inches won't freeze solid and the fish will be safe. Any shallower and you must transfer the fish indoors or like suggested install a pond heater.....Other than that the plants and all else should be fine and your pond will wake up in the spring and return to its normal state.....If you got any other questions just call or come on over and we can talk more over a home made brew or two
  17. I can't remember the last time an asian carp posted anything on our board
  18. Thats great !!!
  19. Great job Spiel !! I'll have to get out the vice and try tieing a couple of those....
  20. Heck, all I need is one of these out in the bush and I'm good to go !! http://www.papabert.com/Stadium-Sippin'...n'-Seat.asp
  21. I guess in the eyes of the law if you can prove your actions were self defence than all is good...
  22. I like the idea of spicy hot chicken wings on the ice
  23. Elisa, Welcome aboard !! Looking forward to sharing the ice with you and your family !!! ChrisK
  24. Everything is the same except for the date of course.....Its now the 20th http://www.fishingfortyler.blogspot.com/
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