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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Sounds like the little fella adopted her
  2. John,how far up is the head of the Thames ??
  3. Dude,that is one big fish !! Congrads and great pics too....Bet you could catch more sturgeon if you went still fishing for them...
  4. Now thats the only way to learn how to set a hook...
  5. Oh ya,your hookset...How could I have forgotten Hey if your going to Lakair this June you can show me your new and improved version.
  6. Shame I didin't live any closer to ya Bly or we would be out fishin right now. Hope you hook up with somebody
  7. Theres and old saying, "If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen"
  8. If your going to use the pole for lighter applications a spinning set up of some kind would suite you better. I would go with a medium action combo. Just keep in mind that baitcasters have come a long way and there are some real sweet light action combo's available that can chuck smaller baits if your interested ?? Cheers !!
  9. Honestly, I don't like the way the spinning poles load up. They bend at the tip section and thats it. The butt section remains stiff with hardly any flex. I could never get by that problem with the ugly sticks which is probably why I don't own any..
  10. ChrisK


    This was a fishing website last time I checked...
  11. ChrisK

    Oh JOEY!

    Happy Birthday Joey !!
  12. More than likely bear dung...As for the deer poop bucks dung looks more like a solid pile and the doe dung looks like larger size pellets so if thats a buck its gonna be a big one and seeing that you have a good population of deer there it wouldn't suprise me if you have a big buck or two hanging around in the area... Cheers !
  13. Tony, A float rod pin real combo is made for current and not placing in a rod holder in a dead stick application. You can fish the pin any way you want I guess but if you want to put the rod in a rod holder then consider a mooching type real that has a drag in the reel. Same type of reel but with a functioning drag. The pin reel has a clicker and it is made to keep the reel from free spinning while you are traveling from spot to spot or at least thats what I use it for. Ive seen some guys use the clicker on the pin reel while landing fish which I can't for the life of me understand because it takes the free spinning capabilities of the pin reel and you need free spin while picking up slack line on the trout while they are running towards you but thats another story. Bottom line is use the right tool for the job and the pin isn't the way to go for carp unless your trying to get them under a float in the current... Cheers !!
  14. Yup,great lookin crawdad fly for sure. Mine don't look half as good as that one and I get plenty of bass so you should do alright... Good Luck !
  15. Go figure
  16. Nice buck Shayne !! He must of put up quite a fight. Cheers !!
  17. Brian, I think I would be going down there in person and requesting to speak with the manager. Good luck !!
  18. Congrads on your first solid encounter with steelhead.Just a little tidbit though... The ones that get off always seem to be the biggest one ever Now that you got your icebreaker behind you and your confidence levels elevated you can now go back to the river with a clear mind knowing that your methods are sound. Thats really half of the battle. The other half is putting yourself in the right place at the right time.... Cheers !
  19. Sorry to here that Flex. You have my sincere condolences. My father also passed on just recently so I know how you feel. We sure do miss them...
  20. ChrisK


    Welcome back Carole
  21. Thanks Misfish and all else who reply but I think we all owe ourselves a big pat on the back..Without our great membership and mod team none of this would of ever come to be and a special thanx to TJ and Monique for putting this great wheel into motion almost decade ago.... OFC Community rocks !!!!
  22. And the moral of this story is......wait for it . . . . . . . . Thats what ya get when you use cheap CTC leaders Nice flic TJ
  23. Not to worried about visibility so Flouro is out for me. I've been using 80lb triple fish for many years now and never been bittin off. Usually an arms length for trolling and about twelve inches give or take for casting. The stuff is easy to tie so you need no crimps and can make a leader on the spot in about 2 or 3 minutes.... Cheers !!
  24. Good shot Roy considering all. One less mouse you got to worry about
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