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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. This is an ethical situation which ends up giving the right of way to the hunters. They were there hours before you setting up decoys and putting up there blinds. Lots of work involved...Also fisherman just being in the pond will ruin the bird hunters day because every bird that may come close enough to come into the decoys will turn away when they see the fisherman. Bird hunting(duck and geese)is a game of stealthy camouflage and calling in the birds as they show up on the scene. Granted it was probably to late until you noticed them there but the right thing to do would of been to exit the pond asap. If it was a larger lake you could of left the area but seeing it was a pond the right thing to do was to leave and fish somewhere else. Cheers !!
  2. TB, I think this may be what your looking for.... http://www.craa.on.ca/ladder.shtml Cheers !!
  3. Hope things get better for you and your wife Cliff. Our thoughts and prayers are with you... Chris
  4. Great video TJ. Thanx for putting that up. The guy waited until he had a perfect shot and placed the arrow right were it counted. Takes a lot of nerve and patience to do that,take it from a fellow hunter. The urge to take a shot before its time is almost overwhelming in these situations especially with a big animal in front of you like this bull. Cheers !!
  5. Hey,that manther looks awfully familiar ???
  6. Harrison, I posted this on the OTB.... Ontatiotrophybucks.com http://z4.invisionfree.com/The_Hunting_For...dex.php?act=idx Lots of hunters there and a great opportunity to find your boy a new home. Good Luck !!
  7. Wow what a freight train !!! That is one sweet lookin muskie. Big congrads to the fella who caught it....
  8. Beautiful shot gun wd..I'm sure it will serve you well. Cheers !!
  9. Congrads !!!
  10. I got to agree with the ticking them off tactic...When I was more avidly angling for fall run salmon in the river I used a fly rod and my flies of choice were very bright in colour.Most of the flies I used kinda looked like woolley buggers on steroids. These flies would get their attention and I've seen the salmon come off their beds and attack a fly five feet away when the water was clear...That was more than ten years back and I'm sure the salmon haven't changed much since then. I think fishing for salmon in the river can be an ethics game and with lots of different opinions and interpretations as how we do it or even if its a good idea to go after them at all. I personally have decided to leave them be and respect the rights of other fisherman to legally angle for them.... Cheers !!
  11. You have my deepest condolences Joey....Your dad looked like a real trooper in those pictures and I'm sure even though he's not around anymore his presence will always be felt...
  12. Just a thought....Heres a easy fix for those of us that are not handy with wood.....Its a no brainer set up that will last forever with little to no maintanance.... http://cruftbox.com/cruft/docs/elecsmoker.html Cheers !!
  13. Nicely done Roy. Walleye's or bass sounds like you had yourself a great time on the water. Cheers !!
  14. Sorry to here about your little buddy Kyle:(
  15. Congrads Jamie !!! I'm sure you'll do well.....Looking forward to seeing your first show
  16. If its any constellation I was the very first poster on OFC many years ago when it all started. Over the years many folks have come and gone and returned for all the same reasons only to find that the grass isn't any greener on the other side...Although things may seem dismal at times its all part of this big family atmosphere we got going on. Heck,inlaws can be a pain and then add 5000 more people to the big picture....Keep the posts and pictures coming fisher people and keep a stiff upper lip when the time calls for it..... Cheers !!!
  17. WD, I don't mean to be the voice of doom and gloom but we can all learn from incidents like this. One of the reason's we wear sunglasses while out in the boat fishing(eye protection)...I also have a clear pair for evening fishing pending on who's out with me or how many people in the boat chucking baits.... On the other side of the coin, glad to here you were able to remove those trebles without any permanent damage. Its always scary when this type of thing happens up in around your head cause if you just happened to have turned your head or your partner's back cast was a little further to one side it could have been a lot worse of an outcome...
  18. I also agree with fil on this one. Those smaller sized muskie just don't seem to tire out at boatside and can cause real trouble in the boat while removing hooks. They seem to have a unlimited supply of energy and a quick head shake will firmly plant #5 trebles in you somewhere....only god knows Good Luck !!
  19. Don't cry GWB...Just mother natures way of telling you that your about to enter the muskie twilight zone and to prepare for your next encounter by maxing out your credit cards on muskie gear Good Luck !!!
  20. Lambeth Rod +Tackle for me.... Great family run buisiness.
  21. What Rick said......Big brother is always watching
  22. LucG, The floating jig heads work fine...I find the only benefits to the floaters is that they come in different colors and if using nightcrawlers it eliminates needing to blow them full of air . Draw back is your stuck using the size and quality of hook they come with. I like my hooks super sharp and smaller than any hook Ive ever seen on a floating jig head so the floaters are out of the question for me. I use home made lindy rigs so all the separate components are chosen by me to my satisfaction. Plastic beads,micro swivels,fluorocarbon,top quality super sharp hooks...I figure you might as well put the ball in your court if your going to spend the time and effort into going after walleye.... Also, make shure you use a sliding walker weight of some sort to get your best sensitivity on your rig and if your going down 30 feet 3/8 to 1/2 oz weight will do fine...Between the swivel and your jig head I would use no less than a 24" tipit( fluoro leader) and no more than 36" only because you don't want to spook fish with you weight with a short tipit and to long of a tipit and your wasting $$ on fluoracarbon..... Cheers
  23. Nice Fish !!! And all caught on video and great pics too boot.....What more could we ask for ??? Little early in the morning but what the heck, cheers [() and big congrads on your new personal best...
  24. My two cents worth.... Back in the old days when I subjected myself to the masses I had a system that worked for me when it came to this kind of thing....Patients and a good sharp pair of scissors. I spent more time handing piles of mono back to their rightful owners accompanied with all the swivels,lead and cleos to fill a dump truck.As I snipped and cut away all the debree from my rig to my best advantage a lot of this newly found swag would sometimes end up at my feet in the river (pending on the owners persistence) unretreivable due to current and depth . A kind apology to the owner for the loss of his hardware and I retie and carry on fishing. You see, its all about educating new and sometimes older fisherman on the river if you have the patients... Most of the time folks that are new to fishing around float fisherman just don't realize their are float fishing ethics and it goes a little farther than just chucking out a cleo and crankin it back in waiting for a hit. Timing between drifts so as to permit the float guy beside you get his drift in and sometimes you can have as many as ten float guys doing their drifts all at the same time,some running the outside lanes and some running the inside... and then it happens...All it takes is one person to foul this fine balancing act of synchronized fishing talent....You can see the territorial state of mind at the river a mile away when the guys are all float fishing together or even as individuals......Its just human nature... So we as float fisherman(I am also in this group) must "suck it up" and use our brains and not our brawn to declare psychological ware fare against our most worthy opponents while fishing at the river which are supposed to be the fish by the way but sometimes ends up being just a little bit more,if you get "my drift".....Lets keep it fun !!! Bottom line,no pun intended.....Know one owns the river and assault is against the law. Cheers !!
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