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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. If all else fails just start pushing buttons and see what happens
  2. Welcome aboard Mike.....Nice to see you have finally come out of the closet I'm sure your skills will come in real handy around here... Cheers !!!
  3. Friend of mine lived in Mackie Ontario by the Ottawa River. He said he saw wolves on numerous occasions in the winter chase deer out onto the ice were the deer loose there footing and become wolf dinner.
  4. Wow,good numbers for sure !!! I'm sure theres a few guys here that wished they would of took you up on your offer
  5. Sounds like you have a combination of two types of critters working on your composter. Probably racoons turning it over and then the mole holes through it the pile which is pretty normal..
  6. Thats easy....Head to the northwest were theres a hunting season for Elk and build a nice little place with a garage where I can put my new 4x4 and quad.... Hey,whats that growing on my roof Cheers !!
  7. Move into the northwest were there is a Elk hunting season. Oh ya,splurge on a log cabin home, good 4x4 and a quad... Heres what my new house will look like
  8. Let us not forget about the preparing of the Christmas reindeer....uh I mean venison. Notice the Christmas wreath in the window, top left hand corner Cheers !!
  9. My wife and I have a 61" Toshiba rear projection set. Its well over 7 years old. Never had any problems with it to date.
  10. Good to here
  11. Artic char on a fly rod,or any rod for that matter
  12. I caught a rock while walleye fishing
  13. Good point Krisco...I think he touched off on a little of everything on his original post but things just ended up going towards the fishing end, go figure !!
  14. Pardon me but I don't agree Lew...Your pretty much saying if you don't put people on too big fish consistently your not guide material but just a wannabe scammer. That may very well be the way it is in the muskie fishing industry but I don't think its the way it is across the board. If your a trophy hunter then you go out and hire a trophy hunter guide but most people just want to get out to unfamiliar waters with a guide and have a memorable day.From what I can remember not only does the guide offer up some fishing experience but also offers his knowledge of the area. Also, alot of people that hire guides come with fishing experience but just want to be taken to new waters for a day without having to haul a boat or rent a cabin and such. You got to understand that not everyone is a trophy hunter including myself. I'm a recreational type fisherman that enjoys going out, taking in some fresh air and if I catch fish its a bonus. I guess these days its all about your expectations when you go out looking for your fishing guide ???? Check out this link. http://www.great-fishing.com/
  15. To me this is one of the biggest reasons "why" the longer poles do so much better.Being able to run as light tippets(leaders) as required to present your bait to the fish in a non intrusive manner. Most days you will be able to get away with running your main line or heavier leaders to the hook once again depending on the water conditions(clarity)...But there will be days you will be fishing gin clear water and using lighter tippets will be a must to fool those steelhead. The longer the pole the more shock it is capable of absorbing from your line before the breaking point of your line comes into play. You can virtually run 1 or 3 pound mono tippets and land a 10lb fish with a float rod. Its just a matter of playing the fish out and accompanied with a center pin the sky is the limit based on your skills.. Sure there are good quality spinning reels out there with fine drag systems but as far as I'm concerned nothing can match the smoothness and control a centre pin offers up when fighting a steelhead or any other fish for that matter. Cheers !!
  16. Now I know what a yurt is. Kinda looks like camp Jiggy without the porch...
  17. He got a "careless" and a $140 dollar fine for that fender bender.....He also had an affair with some lady too. I guess the media just thought they would throw that in as well....
  18. This is a good read if you have a few of minutes. http://www.flyfishsteelhead.com/stories/surface.htm
  19. Wait, There is a unionized Timmies here in London.......Go figure !!
  20. Sounds like something I should of said at the begining of my post above....
  21. Well,without going into any great detail we had a interesting day. John pretty much told it the way it was exept the part about "spiking the pike head first into the mud" and I only want to clear that part up because I'm sure I'd here about it later if I didn't. It was a clean release and two pics were taken and for some odd reason they were identical like John double clicked or something.... Heres a pick of John casting right into my pike spot after shoving me out of the way.Geeezzz, what a sore head this guy is... Anyways, good bunch of guys to fish with and I'm sure they will eventually get over being skunked today and having their behinds handed to them by yours truly..... Cheers !!
  22. Yup,husky type head and very light coat....May even be a stray huskie for all we know....Hope he doesn't get shot by a hunter thinkin he's a family pet runin game.
  23. He's big Rick... I may be wrong but it looks more like a coydog to me especially since he's very white looking....
  24. Yummy in there tummy
  25. Sweet set up !!! Love the color as well,my fav.....
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