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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. You bet !!! Blown Lindy Rig for night crawlers is the only way to go....Gets them off the bottom into the strike zone where the eyes can make short work of them. Unfortunately so can all the little nibblers like sunfish and perch so you got to develop some technique in telling the two apart,walleye from nibbler...Usually what I do is gently pull the worm away from the perch or sunfish until the nibbling stops and then carry on.... I use a home made lindy rig with a single hook so when I finally get a walleye to commit I got to give the fish some time to take the bait fully in its mouth. Setting the hook to soon will only result in retrieving the line back to the boat with only the head of the worm on your hook instead of the fish.....
  2. I would tip tip your rigs with minnows this time of year..Worms and leeches work fine to but minnows seen to be the popular choice. I notice most boats vertical jigging rock shoals as well this time of year. Myself, I can't stand anchoring so I'm always on the move dragging my bait behind a Lindy Rig.. Good Luck !!
  3. My condolences Albert.......I feel the same way about my dad....
  4. Now my feelings are hurt All this time I thought I was the pretty one ??
  5. My condolences Wayne.... Chris
  6. Absolutely a fantastic addition to our OFC....Thanx TJ and Dave Mercer for making it happen
  7. Forest City Surplus here in London if your passing through
  8. I would go with a good solid square back canoe with a small horse motor on it. With this you could take out your kid and your wife for a day of fishing....It will fit on top of your camper trailer as well and you should have a couple bucks left over to get some life jackets and other required accessories..... Good Luck !!
  9. Where has the summer gone ??
  10. Seems for once I'm using the right stuff
  11. Well, Considering this will be a survival tackle box of sorts I would go with.... -Fishing Line -Hooks -Egg Sinkers -Knife -Matches
  12. Try Trilene XL or XT...It seems to last a long time on the reel unlike some other brands.... Cheers !!
  13. Lots of them in North London Dollarama
  14. I was gonna say sukka......
  15. Of course the rod makes a difference.....The way to tell how much of a difference is to put one in your hand and then and only then will you realize how cheap it really is....I guess thats the real challenge of using this stuff..... North London dollarama branch has a ton of the rods,telescopic or cane pole......If anyone wants one I can scoop a bunch of them and hand them out at one of the G2G's
  16. ChrisK


    Did someone say Cohiba
  17. Lot of good points brought up here....My past experience is based more on the braking aspect after all else is said...In poor weather conditions you may have trouble stopping in your Jetta without being pushed by the boat. Sure you can do it but its just to much of a risk.... Be Safe....
  18. Are you kiddin me...Fer a buck a bait they can eatem up all they want !!!! Just got back from north Londons Dollarama. They had a whole wall of rods and reels and some baits. Lets see here... 1 Rod $2.00 I reel $2.00 4 Baits $4.00 Hmmm....That leaves two bucks...Guess I got to go back tommorrow for one more bait.
  19. Well done Frozen Fire....Sounds like you handled that ski like an old pro. Amazing how well things go when you keep a cool head in these situations..... Cheers !!!
  20. You gents can go with steel leaders if you like but I'm going to throw caution to the wind and fish leaderless and with no snap swivels to boot....Finesse and stealth is the key here Now back to my search for a rod and reel....
  21. Frozen Fire, Nice first Muskie..Must of been a rush getting him to boat side. How did you manage to calm him down and remove the bait...Awile ago there was some question here as to how to handle a hooked muskie at boat side without the assistance of a cradle or muskie net.Would be nice if you told us how you did it for all the rest of the muskie to be fisherman.... Thanx, Bud
  22. These are the dollarama baits I have chosen for this weekend..The store I bought these baits from did not have any of the rod or reels so I'm still looking around for a combo. Cheers !!
  23. Got my vote
  24. Glen, Who says you can't teach and old "dawg" new tricks....
  25. I just couldn't believe the darn knife couldn't be sharpened so I googled around and found this... http://www.ehow.com/how_4925980_sharpen-el...ving-knife.html The way I figured it was if you can hand sharpen a chainsaw then sharpening these electric carving knives should be a breeze..
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