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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Got this one at a back yard sale for a toonie .Figure it will help us out in the fall when theres deer to be butchered up as well as filleting fish. One question though..How do you sharpen these things ???
  2. I think we got to keep in mind this will be a dollorama event so basics should apply.. I wouldn't get to hell bent on rules...Keeping it simple is the key to such an event. Even picking a well stocked pond or reservoir where anybody can do well as the next guy would be a good basic idea. Perhaps allowing other simple measures like If you want to fish out of a boat it must be a dingy or something under 12 feet,simple,basic... Just a thought...
  3. Sounds like a fun idea folks. Just got to round up the other mods and have a pow wow....
  4. While your at crappytire go check out the kayaks to see if any of them are on sale....Kayak fishing is a growing sport and a great way to get off shore and away from the crowds.. Cheers !!
  5. Hunting has been in my family for generations. My great uncle was a conservation officer and hunter in Innsbruck Tirol a small town nestled in the Austrian Alps. He was a great influence to me as a hunter and I followed in his footsteps except the conservation officer part....I like to hunt moose,whitetails,turkey and once and awhile grouse.... Cheers !!
  6. WTG Jaddy !!! Now you just got to teach youre old man how to do top water....
  7. Ahrrrrrr,welcome aboard matey.....
  8. He's in good hands and I'm sure he'll do fine..Our prayers are with him... Chris
  9. Sorry to here that bud...Been going through the same thing with my father the past two years. Hang in there man.....
  10. Just got Waldo back from the vet with his temporary splint on.He's not to happy about the splint but was overjoyed to see his family after spending the day at the vet..... Now theres a very concerned looking mommy
  11. Just as I was enjoying the thread on our dogs the other day,you know the one everybody posted their dog pictures on there was a loud yelp from the back yard..Turns out my lab Sam somehow stepped on Waldo while they were playing and fractured his front leg in two places... Waldo has spent the whole day at the vets here in London where they doped him up took xrays, put on a temporary splint and monday will go to Guelph for his surgery due to the surgeon being on holidays here in town....Sam new he had hurt Waldo and spent all last night under the bed and until this afternoon.....Poor fella.... Heres a picture of the dynamic dual in rest mode.....
  12. I beg to differ.....I think it works better on the large ones than the small ones....Usually at boat side our fish are cradled but if no net or your by yourself,you got to do something....Even in the cradle or muskie net all heck can brake loose. Hooks getting caught in the mesh,in your flesh and anywhere else a big thrashing fish can drive them into so care must be taken. I caught the fish in my avitar by myself and it was 50 inches. Tailed it, measured it,removed a large bait out of its mouth all at boat side in the water and then released it ..A good friend was passing by in his boat when he noticed I was battling the fish...He dropped in and took a few pics before she swam away...
  13. Sorry to here about your sister Wayne. Condolences to you and your family. She will be in our prayers tonight..
  14. So putting all the ethics aside and to how long you fight the fish,its totally up to you but like others have said the longer the battle the less chance of reviving a tired muskie....Also most unexperienced muskie fisherman go into a excited state of mind that inadvertantly spells the end of a big fish due to poor handling so stay calm,breath ,breath,breath.... Ok,so you have a muskie at boat side with a smaller walleye bait hooked in his mouth with line everywhere. First thing to do is subdue the fish with a controling hold. Go for the tail..Its the farthest thing from the hooks and once you get a hold of his tail you have taking away his means of propulsion...Other words even if he thrash's he can't take off cause you got him by the tail....Now wait a moment until he calms down...This may take a couple of minutes but remember you got time now and he is in the water still so he's doing fine....Now that hes calm lay him over on the side the hooks are more exposed and get your side cutters and cut away the bait from the hooks. If the bait is swallowed this will be a little more tricky so if you have a experienced fisherman in the boat now is the time to switch and let him take over.... Ok,so the bait is in its mouth..This means your safe from a thrashing muskie emmbedding a treble hook in you cause its in his mouth opposed to outside of his mouth were he can really do some damage. So you got this calm muskie now at boat side. Establish how far in the bait is by taking a glance in his mouth when he gasps and they will in a attempt to ventilate water through his gills. If the hook is nowhere near his gills which is farther back then you now know you can grab him by the gill plate and lift him slightly so he opens his mouth. This is when you reach in with your needle nose/ cutter pliers and pop out or cut the trebles and remove the bait. Remember,muskie will periodically thrash while your doing this hook removal so stay focused and if you feel the fish starting tense and ramp up for a good thrash make sure your in a safe place away from the hooks..Usually keeping a firm grip on the tail is good enough until he settles down again.... So thats the way I've been doing it over the years.... Good Luck !!
  15. Heres our little family I'll start with the senior of our group. His name is Arnie...He has been with us for almost 14 years. Up until a few years ago he was very active and enjoyed fishing with me in the boat...Arnie would give any fish that dared come into the boat a severe tongue lashing and then afterwards a good lick session just to make sure it stayed still These days he is enjoying his retirement and likes nothing more than to deligate and air his complaints to the rest of our little family... This is Sam. Some of you have met him already at Lakair. He was the famous air dog !!! At home he like to play with his new brother Waldo which I will introduce to you as well...Sam Loves the water obviously and seems to have taken well to boating...His trip to the G2G Lakiar this year was full of new things like fishing, slimy fish,dock jumping and sharp fishing hooks,youch they are prickly on my tongue Here he is once again in his glory and newest found pastime,dock jumping !!!! Gonna have to build me a dock beside his pool Here is our latest addition to our furry family. His name is Waldo and he came to us by a rescue....He has turned out well and has become Sams best friend and companion. They rough house all day,eat sleep and do all the other dog stuff together.... Cherrs !!
  16. Nice pics Rob !! I didin't realize Sam was getting that much air coming of the dock......That was his first time dock jumping ever as well as his first time up north and in a boat.....I think he's going to make a great partner....It was sad when we got home after that weekend..He spent two days under the bed pouting... Poor fella:( Not to worry Sam, there will be another day for dock jumping.......
  17. Nice pics TJ.....You guys got it good up there !!!
  18. I think I've read just about enough so on that note time to put this one to sleep.....
  19. Welcome to our board dedaliss.....
  20. Lurkers ???? These people everyone is calling "Lurkers" are our guests and sooner or later will also become our future members....Thats the beauty of our sight and the reason we do so well...OFC has not changed its format since the day we became OFC less the C and the only reason we added the C is because we have grown so large that we have become a virtual "Community" hence the C..... One of our motto's here is "Why fix something that isn't broke" Cheers !!
  21. I use night crawlers for small streams........Sometimes under a float.....
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