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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Doug, I got to learn how to do that.....Ive made just about everything else but home made bread...This may have just givin me the inspiration I needed....
  2. From what I here down the grape vine she will be registering with OFC shortly and we will be able to comunicate with her through the board to help with the event...
  3. The 20th it is....
  4. I'll be there with bells on
  5. No way....it can't be...its........Canadave !!! Nice to see you back you old fart....
  6. Rich, Is this close ?? They make one called the squirly tail http://www.eaglesportscenter.com/products/mania/jake.htm
  7. That is impressive..
  8. Glad you decided to become part of our family Jigs....Oh,and ya theres a stray dawg that keeps on snoopin around here so keep an eye out for him....Toss him a treat once and awile and you'll be fine... Welcome to our home away from home !!!
  9. Wow, ten big ones.....
  10. I'm afraid if your buddy doesn't start standing some ground soon parameters will be set in stone and his days spent enjoying himself with his friends will be numbered..literally numbered....This kind of behavior tends to turn a happy loving relationship into something toxic and undesirable..Not a nice way to spend the rest of your life. As William Wallace said once.."Where would we be without freedom"
  11. Good Choice !!! Like suggested earlier... Has or is anyone going to approach Innisifil township and suggest a compromise on the parking ??? All proceedings going to Tyler ????
  12. I've always been interested in the Skamania Steelhead strain myself...... http://www.flyguysoutfitting.com/skamie.html
  13. bump
  14. Would they work attached side by side ??? End to end may create quite a week spot in the middle especially with the ends cut off of them. If they are side by each you could build a hinged platform type box with bunjie cords on a second level up top for more storage ??? Just a thought.....
  15. Had to share this with ya so you get a good idea what its going to look like from the other end and so's you can perfect your mean daddy face to the T Cheers !!!
  16. Man we is tight....
  17. My wife seems to think I should be doing a little more around the house every week..... Thanks for the kind words Dave
  18. I wouldn't worry about that pike . He'll probably made it believe it or not. They are pretty tenacious little buggers. We have caught them in Nippissing with half their mandibles and snout ripped off unbelievably enough and some with gills and eye balls missing and they still recover to chase lures around and get hooked up again. Live and learn.....
  19. Yup,better get that double barrel out of the closet and dust her off......... Congradulations !!!
  20. I think for all the benefits we are getting out of Inisfill I don't mind paying the extra parking fee. If your heading up with a couple buddies it gets even cheaper so everybody jump into a car with another OFC'er and ride in,problem solved.... Perhaps since this is a OFC event we could get a couple members with ATV's/Sleds and shuttle some members onto the ice Just a thought......
  21. Just got back in from Canadian Tire in East London. They have the sleds !!! $69.00 for the large model and $23.00 on sale for the smaller.The smaller one is on sale 40%off....The smaller one also looks like it would sufficiently haul enough gear for one person or at least my gear......
  22. John, Just bring some beer when you come over....
  23. What,and you never bought me anything
  24. Carole, Hope all is well We will always be here for you if you decide to come back.... Happy New Years
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