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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. I was into africans years ago. Had a fish room with many tanks mostly for holding and raising fry for "Aquarium Services" here in London. Also bread Bristol Nose Pleco's...They were quite an interesting fish to breed. I ended up selling off all the tanks and equipment eventually...Lots of work to keep a fish room maintained.
  2. I have the outfitted Pelican and it is a good entry kayak ...I'm 5'11" at 240lbs and it keeps me afloat and gets me everywhere I want to go. For the amount of times I go out in a season this kayak does the trick... Cheers !!
  3. Yup,spin cast reels are the way to go with little ones. Pushing a button and releasing is a lot less confusing then using the more manual spinning real...Open bail,hold line with index finger and releasing....Little complex for a younster...After they get the gist of using the spin cast then I think that would be the time to hand them dads(or moms) pole an give it a whirl..
  4. Like river fly fishing, fishing a lake is much the same targeting rocks and other structure where they may be holding up instead of just fan casting an area blindly...The fly line is a bit intrusive and will spook fish if it lands to close to were they are holding up..Fly fishing for Largemouth bass I found was a little easier due to the weed structure I was fishing....Good break up cover for the fly line where as open water the fly line is way more apparent.... Really got to feel out the fish and see how they react to your offerings and go from there. Most importantly is match the hatch..Like fireball suggested use flies that look like what the fish are feeding on and see what happens....If no follows or rises move to another color perhaps or something more of an attractant like my favourite for smallies, a bead head chaurtruse whoolie bugger.....I've caught my fair share of smallies on this go to fly...... Good Luck !!
  5. I kinda look at this like John..Matter of fact first thing I did when I bought my,Floatmaster,Stanton, Islander and all the others over the years was take them apart when I got them home and check them out. I find them fun to tinker with and it seems a lot of guys that center pinn do their own cleaning, oiling and bearing tweaks....Good think to teach yourself cause theres going to be a day at the river where you may just need your newly aquired skills.... Give it a go !!
  6. Being a seasoned hunter well experienced in handling flopping around geese this goose's goose would of absolutely been cooked...Hence the saying "Your Goose is cooked" Wonder what the MNR officer would of done with a self defense plea..Especially with the attack caught on video ???
  7. Took him two tries to guess Yogi Bear...One try to guess Vin Deisel
  8. All I got to say is.....That swan is lucky he picked the right guy to try that with....
  9. Someone beat you to it http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41122
  10. Happy Birthday Joe !! I'll be joinin ya in October
  11. Roy, Don't feel alone..... I think the same guy was at the London fishing show selling those sheets in clear plastic bags...He must of been doing well cause there was a line up at his booth most of the time I was there
  12. While dragging worms for walleye up north one of us would get a bite and the other would say...."Stepping up to the plate"....set the hook and...."Oh, Big swing and a miss"
  13. I got a great spot for you guys...Fanshawe Dam in London On. I think your going to have to add para gliding apparatus to your gear though.... Good Luck !!
  14. This is an older pic but its my PB muskie so far. It measured in at 50 inches
  15. :wallbash:
  16. Ya I had the carpool thread in the hookup section....Ended up heading down there on my own...
  17. I think we have said enough.....
  18. Just to remind everyone that stealing satelite signals is against the law and OFC can not support these activities by allowing discussion to continue....Sorry folks
  19. Adrenalyn is a beautiful thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG0mR5x23Lw
  20. Time does fly especially with the little ones...They grow up to fast !!! I would get her onto the little fish first like blue gills or sunfish at the local pond. She can hold them and feel them riggle and the slimy feeling you get.....Try that with a 5lb carp although we have seen just about everything here on OFC with the kids.... Cheers !!
  21. Just a thought..... Would it be against the law to transport dead minnows from London to Wildwood ?? Is there a stipulation or grey area in the rules that state "live minnows" I ask this because you can still buy a small jar of preserved minnows at the store although they don't catch much or buy frozen smelt or smaller type food fish at the market that are about three or four inches long that would work well for bait...I understand live minnows work the best but if theres nothing else available then adaptation is the next step....
  22. Garry, I only got one thing to say bud......dacron sucks Almost ten years after we haggled over this topic for the first time ever I still use mono(after experimenting) for all my applications,bass,walleye even pike and muskie oh ya,even steelhead ....If I can land a ten pound steelhead on 3 pound mono what does that tell ya ??? I guess its mostly personal preference for me. Don't get me wrong,after arguing with you on numerous occasions I did try to cross over to the dark side spending oodles of cash on dacron to test it out and see if there was any merit to your argument only to end up with a lot of abrasive twine to tie up my tomato plants with and even then the stuff kept on reeking havoc buy cutting into the plants instead of into my guides and flesh. Now common and lets move forward,keep your posts coming.We read them and obviously they satisfy our expectations or you would be getting negative response and eventually ending up with little locks beside your threads which I have never seen or done yet so your doing something right. Your a good man Garry and we have come along way so hold it together bud and carry on.....
  23. How come I always have to stay back to hold down the fort....No rest for the wicked I suppose... Looks like you all had a great time !!! Great pics TJ
  24. Lots of folks here fishin from canoes and kayaks. I for one have a kayak and enjoy fishing out of it..Gets me into spots I wouldn't regularily be able to access with a larger boat. I used to have a canoe but found it a lot easier to go out on my own with the yak... Cheers !
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