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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. And I hope they pay for commercials.
  2. Sorry to hear, John. Cancer is certainly a terrible thing for any family to deal with.
  3. In rememberance of the Near North Angling and Swlling Clan! Maybe someone will be there that can give an interesting history lesson on the beginning of the swill. I think I didn't have kids then and also didn't live 90 minutes from Bronte...DANG Most of the Swillers are gone now, off the board anyways. Gerritt will remember, we actually had a web-site and "secret hand shake". I beleive that was how Raf (BoostnAWD) became a member of the OFC. It was a long, long time ago. But I can still remember, the day....the muuuussssiiiicccc died. have a great time everyone.
  4. Hey there Marc, Welcome to our world! Thanks also for helping our world and our country become a better place.
  5. I would look up Pinery/Grand Bend way OR Wasaga Beach area. Both are nice spots, specifically NOT on long weekends. Try Provincial Parks and Conservation Parks. We are looking at putting our little trailer in at Elora Gorge for most of next year. Sites are around $1200 for the season.
  6. I was there when he weighed it. Happened to be passing through on business. It weighed 12 6 on two scales. Beleive 1/2 of what you read and none of what you hear!
  7. Thanks, Doogle...well put! too bad about the extra $200...that sucks.
  8. i may have a 14' fiberglass for sale, with trailer. trailer is worth $300. boat is free. if you want a 20hp johnson, you tell me what that is worth. i think doug may have been in the boat, not sure, but i think so. the motor is a 2000, long shaft... we have a custom aluminum transom on the boat. the motor has about 20 hours on it.
  9. I have a product called "stone coated steel". We have a very large roof and this product was comparable to midlevel 35 year shingles. Where are you located? Maybe I could put the guy in touch with you for a quotation. Stone Coated Steel We liked the look of it as the stones removes that glare that can be associated with steel roofs. The stone also takes out the element of fading.
  10. How big is that bird?
  11. Most two wheel dollies will do the trick. you will want to mount a wooden board on the top as a "transom". Getting it up and down stairs will be easier if you get a dolly with neumatic tires
  12. Now you are moving to Nova Scotia? Mepps, The Rolling Stone! Rolling stones collect no moss!
  13. Looks like a great time!
  14. Report of the year! I like that you guys eat and drink in style, while in the bush!
  15. http://www.sunset.ca/fishingguide.htm Try Graham Bristow. I have not fished with him but have heard good things. He is in that neck of the woods somewhere.
  16. You certainly deserve it, Rob. How is Chris doing?
  17. 55cm is not a very big salmon, I don't think? You guys know more about that than I do. But how much would a 23" salmon weigh?
  18. Awesome, Man!!! What a surprise for most of us!
  19. City to offer carp curbside pick up again this weekend Curbside pick-up costing $18,000 to $20,000: City John Chambers Local News - Wednesday, July 04, 2007 Updated @ 12:11:59 PM KAWARTHA LAKES - On the heels of news the mass killing of carp in area lakes has spread to Cameron Lake, City officials have arranged to have a second weekend of special curbside pick-up Saturday and Sunday, July 7 and 8. Over the July 1 long weekend, crews collected nearly 10 tonnes of dead carp, bringing the total carp collected and disposed of in local landfill sites to between 15 and 17 tonnes. Bill Pickard, manager of solid waste for the City said the decision was made to expand the weekend curbside pick-up after more dead carp began turning up in Cameron Lake. "We're going to be doing Sturgeon and Cameron this weekend," he said. "It appears as if Scugog has run its course, but we're starting to see some incidents of dead carp in Cameron and we suspect it may get worse by the weekend so we're going to add it to our collection area." On Saturday the dead carp will be transported to the landfill in Lindsay, while Sunday's collection will be transported to the Fenelon landfill. So far the City's curbside pick up has cost between $18,000 and $20,000, including anticipated costs for the upcoming weekend. For anyone wishing to take advantage of the curbside carp pick up around Sturgeon or Cameron Lakes this weekend, the fish must be double bagged, and each double bag can weigh no more than 40 lbs. All bags to be picked up must also be at the curb by 7 a.m. both Saturday and Sunday. Pickard didn't rule out future curbside pick up on weekends, noting that staff will continue to monitor the situation on a week to week basis. "We'll make that decision as the issue progresses, so if it stops that'll be the end of it, and we'll make our judgement on how events change week to week."
  20. We used to return cans by the garbage bag full after large getherings. 100 cans per bag (crushed).
  21. Wow...that is putting your money where your mouth is! Good on them!
  22. where is your glastron? I want photos.
  23. this will not end well... Who will be put in the mod que this week?
  24. I believe I likely contributed to the downfall of this thread...for the benefit of everyone we should probably either lock it up or delete it. My apologies.
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