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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. At about 9:45 I was ready to plan the parade route...then they lost, again!
  2. Certainly one of the stranger stories I have heard. Glad all worked out for you, Rick. Good thing you didn't get the spike belt on the other side of the bridge.
  3. how did you get back in here?
  4. Horwood Lake Lodge,Foleyet Ontario.
  5. Or you could tell us what you really think?
  6. Does Greg win EVERYTHING??? hahahaha Congrats.
  7. OR while all you guys are out at BOQ you could have one of them "Nude Peaceful Protests"...that would just be funny!!!
  8. Recognition comes to those that perform. I would not propose that anyone "become the law", simply educate and create awareness.
  9. Well put father of 3... Teach your children that this is not acceptable!!!
  10. To whom it may concern, You can be part of the problem OR part of the solution. Otherwise you are a bystander. I do not know what the solution to this problem is, I do know that we have a better group of people on this forum than those in Sutton OR those in Westport. Our societal mix within this forum allows us to speak to ALL GROUPS, we are not limited by colour, social standing, redneck, blue neck or otherwise. This is a very dynamic population that can do right!!! We have seen it in the past, ask Maureen's friend Tyler, Chuck (Big Chev), Sick Kids Hospital, the family in Sturgeon Falls that lost their home due to fire, ALL of these people have been helped by our community. Now a larger group needs help, do we turn away or stand up? If language is indeed a barrier, find a way to cross it. If poaching due to negiligence is the problem, be part of the team that will educate first and ask questions later. Determine what the challenges are (they are not roadblocks, simply unfamiliar streets) and meet them head on!!! Violence is certainly not the answer here... Maybe the OFC could start a "Task Force" that could easily be identified by uniform (T-Shirt or Vest or bright yellow jacket). A group of folks that would take the responsibility of being part of the solution. Good deeds get noticed. Being visible gets noticed. Wouldn't it be great if the next article in the Star or Sun is about a group of men and woman being identified as good samaritans in areas throughout Ontario? Individuals and groups can lead this charge, write to the newspapers, write to your MP, be noticed in public. YOU WILL SUCCEED Board Owners, you want to advertise in different ways? The best form of advertising is public awareness, be noticed and talk to people about what you are doing, get put into the paper for doing right by society. Maybe I am naive; however, I do believe that old ideologies can be changed. People will learn to accept what is right and within the law; intolerance must be changed. I know in business I can succeed through leading by example and educating the folks I work with to be better at what they do. I work hand in hand with many people who "have done it before" or "know that won't work", with some education on "WHY" I can often reform a very staunch position on a subject. IT CAN BE DONE. Managing ethics in a public situation is a fine line but through education and repetition it can succeed. Take it as you will.
  11. It is to good to be true pretend you never heard of it and change your e-mail address...
  12. That is impressive. If you could find a way to do it for less than $15,000 per boat you could likely find buyers. 18' with motor and all accessories for $24,000??? is that in the right range?
  13. does it drive you to the fishing hole?
  14. Compre?
  15. empty already
  16. I am partial to the Sony Cybershot with the Carl Zeiss lens. Batteries last forever, pics are easy to take and FAST. I just picked up one for my wife at 2001 for $279, tax in. It would still need a bigger memory card but for now it will suit our purpose. Another nice thing is the battery charges in about 30 minutes. It also has video.
  17. I took that into account when posting...hahhaha
  18. Sorry Goran...
  19. Ouch...you need to keep your head up. Although your prof may have lost funding you need to look to some of your other contacts. Assuming that you have visited many talks and hopefully presented some of your findings in industry related events you may have to look no further than another school. My wife and sister both followed the academic route. I know from their experience that more important than the piece of paper your degree is on will be the contacts you have made along the way. I will hope for you that you have really poured your soul into this and that you could find another professor with a similar area of focus to transfer your time to. OR Get really good at something else, really quickly. My wife became a really good Mom. Nobody judges her for her decision. If you CHOOSE to leave, make it your choice and become the best at what you will do. Life is far to short for moaning and bellyaching. Get up, lift up your chin and be the best!!!
  20. If you plan to "mount" a fish with that many teeth, make sure you got a thick rubber. You don't want those kind of stitches. Take is easy guys, it's fishing.
  21. Heaven forbid a dead pic of the beloved Shoal Carp... The only thing I thought was rude is that the fish was sticking his tongue out. Worry not, Nelly. You did the right thing, just don't make a habit of it
  22. welcome back!!!
  23. That day was the beginning of a new generation. In our history we have never been able to look at ONE DAY that set the pace for what the next generation will have to look for. That was it! Keep safe, everyone. Remember those that we lost.
  24. Johnny, if you understood from my post that you were insinuating racist comments, I apoligize. I have seen this thread about 50 times and each time it results in name calling and wives tales about smashing fishing rods and throwing buckets (sometimes full of fish) into the lake. It is generally not the original poster that starts this; however, it always ends the same way.
  25. Peter, Always, a better solution exists. Possibly the OFC forum could "round up the troops" in an effort to educate rather than intimidate these folks?
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