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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. Good for you Lew, i know where you are coming from. If you are doing little or no fishing any more and lost interest then why keep the boat and the equipment? We all change our hobbies over our lifetime and sometimes there is just too much work involved for what you get out of something. My buddy and I stopped camping and fishing 3 years ago because he no longer wanted to camp. Now we don't even get out fishing and I rarely see him. I simply go fishing with others instead. I do miss camping on Georgian Bay at remote campsites though. I am not ready to give up the boat, I enjoy boating too much even if I don't fish as often. I took up guitar about 6 years ago and put it aside after one year. Now I am staring lessons again. I starting flying RC planes 5 years ago and love it. I recently built a 65" WWII P-51 Mustang from a box of balsa and loved the whole building experience. I took me 275 hours from start to finish. Life happens and as we age, our priorities change.
  2. Very cool report, I love the smiles on the kids faces and that they are holding fish at such a young age! The Jays hat and Canada hat are nice to see guessing you relocated to Pennsylvania?
  3. I hear the thieves are from Kinmount and are one step ahead of the police!
  4. Great report Nick. It looks like you were in Port Rawson Bay where the cruisers were all anchored. Did you travel down the Moon River?
  5. You've got some great fish there.
  6. Very nice photos once again Joey, you have a real eye for photography!
  7. Another fantastic report Bunk. Nice to take the time to give everyone a good read. I feel like I am there when I read your reports!
  8. Funny I gave Paul a good review on this post back in 2013 and recently tried to contact him. I got the voicemail the first time with his wife's voice and got no call back. I called 2 days later and spoke directly with her and he still did not call me back. I ended up taking my boat elsewhere for a repair. Anyone had any recent dealings with Paul or with Top Gun Marine?
  9. To quote from the movie Summer Vacation, "Hotdogs are made from lips and cuties." Dan Aykroyd
  10. Amazing shots. I loved the intense bear!
  11. Did you notice the rabbits foot on his swim trunks?
  12. Holy cow 11 guys on the houseboat, that will be overloaded. I am surprised that they will rent it to that many, you will need to get it pumped out after two days! No crap
  13. Another thing to consider is getting back to the starting point at the end of your trip.
  14. Hey Cliff, If you end up going with an agent stay away from Saskia .... in Bobcaygeon. Not a good experience when we helped my Mom sell her house through this agent.
  15. If Muzzo was really remorseful would he say this? He later told a psychiatrist he was stunned by these results, because he remembered having only three or four drinks on the plane and did not feel drunk."
  16. Personally I think your foot looks swell!!!
  17. Back to Muzzo, you can't say good for him to take his lumps when it took five months to happen. The guy let his high priced lawyer do everything to get Muzzo off first. Pleading guilty was the last resort to get a lighter sentence.
  18. The guy got off of a private jet after his stag weekend and gets behind the wheel. With his money why wouldn't be hire a limo or a cab? That is the part that baffles me.
  19. Did anyone else find it funny how this guy with a thick accent identifies himself as Officer Eric Foster! BwaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought the same thing!
  20. His high priced lawyer will get him a short sentence of 1 or 2 years. The monthly court appearances kept getting postponed because the lawyers were looking for any holes in how the Police and Forensic staff handled everything. When nothing was found to get him off they then started the back room negotiations. If the judge gives him anything less than 5 years then shame on our court system. This is all just speculation on my part, so don't take it as gospel.
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