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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. Same, I just booked the Massasauga for July yesterday!
  2. Is it your first boat? If so, enjoy fishing out on the lake. The best thing about a boat that size is that you can throw it on the roof of a car and go anywhere. A 12 footer started my buddies and I off on an annual trip to the French that eventually migrated down to the Moon Basin.
  3. Personally, I don't think that you should be asking a question like this even if it is an "informal poll".
  4. What a great report Solo! Wading for Walleye, how awesome is that?!!
  5. The oil companies are pretty cute now. The price only drops in the evening now, so if you want cheaper gas, you can't even get it on the way home from work any more.
  6. I turned from freezing rain to snow here in Newmarket about half an hour ago. The garbage truck just went by picking up Christmas trees. He must be happy, because if the freezing rain kept up, all of the trees would freeze to the ground.
  7. I'm really lucky that the company gave me a laptop back in the summer, so on a day light today, I am plugged in and working from my family room, watching all of the neighbours go by in their vehicles to work! What a crappy day to have to drive anywhere. Be careful out there everyone.
  8. How about the "Whitefish of Dover" or the "Dove Inn"?
  9. From work to home for the weekend of course! Off to Snow Valley tomorrow to watch the kids take a waterskiing, I mean snow skiing lesson. I might join them if it is not raining.
  10. DSN, Pinnacle's website does nto show their products, but Hobby Hobby's does. You can shop on one and call the other for pricing.
  11. dsn, I purchased it from Pinnacle Hobby in Markham. They had much better pricing then Hobby Hobby out in Mississauga where I work.
  12. Definitely a Merc prop. I have the same motor from 2000 and the blades are much more rounded.
  13. Hey Mike, did you get the hottub hooked up yet?
  14. For years I've thought about flying remote control helicopters and this past week I finally bought one. I've been following do-it-yourself flying instructions for a week now, and am still on the ground! Boy are these things tough to fly. I bought a stunt version, so it is more difficult to learn, but will be more satisfying in the long run. I figure that it will take at least a year to get fairly proficient at flying a helicopter. Check out the videos below! Here is a picture of the heli: Here is an OFC style video of a heli in flight: Here is a great stunt video showing what these machines can do: Helicopter Stunts
  15. Thanks for all of the advice guys! I knew going into the purchase that the CP Pro was quite difficult to learn and am willing to put in the hours to master it because I want to be able to do advanced flying with it in the future. If I can't master it on my own, I plan on joining the local club and getting some help.
  16. I just purchased a CP Pro helicopter yesterday as a new hobby. The learning curve is quite steep, so I thought that it would be a great off-season hobby. One of the local RC clubs meets at a school right near my house, so once I get proficient at flying, I might join their club in order to enjoy a bigger venue. Anyone else fly heli's or planes? I'd like to hear some comments from others. Thanks
  17. I have two suggestions for you. One is to put in neutral and then into gear and back to neutral again in order to control your docking speed. The other thing that you can do is trim up the motor in order to slow things down.
  18. Great shots guys! Here are few of mine. My dog swam by when I was crouched down in the water to take this scenery shot. Here is my fishing buddy at the end of her rope in our backyard watching her favourite pals. You should see her reaction in the boat when she sees a fish on the line!
  19. The guy that you saw get busted talked about it on Andy's site. Here is the link:Musky Striker
  20. Troutslayer, is there an outboard on the back of that sauna? Sturgman, you stole my dog!
  21. Dejavous of a couple of years ago
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