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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. If this wasn't a family site I would have some great comments to this Manitoubass! I can say that I have saved a number of trees in my life!
  2. Darn does this mean I can't order turtle soup in the restaurant any more and tell the waiter to "make it snappy"?
  3. Beans, It is worth the drive to go to Buckeye, they are very good and an honest group. I believe that Grant runs the service department. When my Father passed away and my Mother moved to Newmarket where I am, I still take my boat to Buckeye for service.
  4. Wayne is 100% right on this one. There are may foolish people out there buzzing drones around airports and over crowds with no regard for safety. I fly RC planes and once watched a club member flying an FPV plane over a police station 9km away from our field. Funny enough the guy was on the club board of directors and nobody on the BoD care less about it. Very sad when the people that should most know better don't even care. That is why I don't belong to that club any longer. Hey Sterling, I think the registry would have to be for the "long" drones!
  5. My neighbour pays $125/month at the storage place at Harry Walker and Davis. I have a place out at Kennedy Rd where I store indoors for the winter. They do have outdoor in the summer time but you have to arrange to get your boat a day or two in advance.
  6. There are two golden doodles in my neighborhood and neither of them are very intelligent. It could of course be the breeding. As for purebred's, my golden is 14 1/2 years old and still in good health. We keep her trim at 62 pounds and never feed her human food. As for Cancer, all of the dogs that I know of that contracted it all ate human food on a regular basis. Not a scientific study, just an observation on my part. Good luck with your research.
  7. Welcome blue, where to do plan to fish your first season with the new boat?
  8. Very interesting, I always wondered if it was a resort. As it turns out the original owner survived the Titanic. One ceiling picture shows the ship and the centre piece on the dining room table is a model of the ship. Thanks for sharing this!
  9. Thanks for replying to my 2 questions Manitoubass2, I honestly did not know and was curious.
  10. A- The insurance company will Pay out very based on the age and mileage. A perfectly good vehicle is worth very little at that age. B- The scumbags that did this should have their hands cut off. Mark a thief for what he or she is. Why is there are separate police on First Nations Land? What happens to a criminal that gets caught and convicted on First Nations Land? Do they go through a separate incarceration system? I am not trying to stir anything up, just curious about the process because I do not know.
  11. Hey Mike, maybe some silver will flow out of the tree and you will be rich!
  12. Sorry to hear that the plant is closing. Any idea why Wayne?
  13. Hey Bernie, you must be from Midland wearing a Pillsbury shirt! I think all of th employees wear them LOL
  14. I have a 2012 Santa Fe Sport AWD with the 3.5L V6 engine. It is rated to tow 3,,500 pounds and I tow a 17' Legend with a 75 with no issues at all.
  15. Like the others I am at a loss for words as I read this Paul. She had such a great outlook on life and I especially enjoyed her eye for photography. That in itself is a real talent!
  16. A food video for sure. It looks like the driver lost control when crossing the wake from another boat.
  17. You know, i was just reading the latest thread to get locked and also looked back through the last 6 pages to see other locked threads. Sometimes the lockdown revolves around politics which of course get's people worked up. Sometimes it is someone hijacking a topic which is not fair to the original poster. Things seem to really go south when people start getting personal. I don't get it. Questions for those here that are repeat offenders: Do you know that person you are attacking personally? If so, take it off line we don't all need to see the back and forth. If you don't know them, how would you feel if you met that person at a boat launch or better yet at a resort? You would feel like a real tool, especially when you find out that the person is very decent. Are you sitting in front of the keyboard drinking alcohol and taking unprescribed drugs and just going on a rant? If the answer is yes you should refrain from any replies and "read only". Do you put yourself in their shoes before you type something? For example, there are members here who are married to, living with, or friends with First Nations Folks. Attacking these people with general comments is not fair and puts people on the defensive. How would you feel in that situation? It does not matter what someones background is, we all deserve the same level of respect. In my own life, when I get upset or angry with someone, I always sit back and think about what I am going to say. I never reply or call right away, I will make notes to discuss over the phone or save an email as a draft until the next day and review what I intended to say. Some of you should try taking this advice and calm down. It is no wonder why so many great contributors to OFC have either left the site or post very little. I have never been a big poster, more of a daily reader and I find it really off putting to see what goes on here sometimes. This is a great site. Just show others respect and courtesy and remember your audience. Sometimes there are women, children and visible minorities reading this board. Regards, Warren Goodman
  18. What a cool hobby Lew and a cool thing to do for nature! My late Father, used to love feeding the birds and particularly the Chickadees because they were so friendly and would always take food from your hand. Well that tradition carried on with me although I don't try to hand feed them.
  19. Jezz I was expecting to read about somebody ice fishing in southern Ontario this month
  20. To answer the question: to get to the "sp--m bank".
  21. Any idea what they are worth Canuck? On a side note, my parents used to own the log cabin cottage at the end of the 14th concession, where abouts are you located?
  22. Well it has been 30 years since the meltdown of reactor #4 at Chernobyl and life seems to be getting back to normal. Have a look at the clip below from an episode of River Monsters. The fish appear to be healthy but would you keep one and eat it? I know that the bottom feeders like Catfish will have the highest levels of contamination but still the question remains, would you eat a Walleye from here? http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/river-monsters/videos/fishing-for-mutated-monsters-in-contaminated-chernobyl-waters/
  23. Wow what a fantastic milestone Lew, congratulations! Married in your service uniform to boot, a proud moment for sure
  24. Very nice Lew. Were you allowed to go aboard the Blue Nose in Halifax or is it only open when in Lunenburg?
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