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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. Welcome SoftPlactics! Gee I wonder what your favourite type of lure is?
  2. Jeez I remember you pictures posts from down south in the past. Welcome back!
  3. I once saw a heated discussion between a guide and one of the guests at the fishing resort!
  4. Very cool it is like watching the old show Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom!
  5. We must be in between soft water and hard water fishing seasons for threads like this to start up.
  6. I love it! Nothing like outdoor fun with the family and especially having a dog that is part of it. Your dog brings back great memories of my old Golden who is now 15 and much slower but used to be in the thick of any water activity. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics and explanations.
  7. The plane actually has a deployable parachute but you have to be at a decent elevation in order to deploy it. https://www.iconaircraft.com/a5 Wayne is right they are appealing to a young market with this product. Here is a link where people were recording his flying and sadly the crash. There is also a promo video that his wife and him recorded for Icon. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5062213/Roy-Halladay-fly-Icon-A5-crash.html
  8. Pretend you have early onset alzheimer's. Start forgetting her name when she speaks with you and act like you forget things like why did I come outside. Make sure that your wife is in on it so she can back up the story with a diagnosis from the doctor.
  9. One of the best Canadians for sure. His music touched millions. He is up there with other great Canadians living and dead such as Terry Fox, Fredrick Banting, Wayne Gretzky and Chris Hadfield to name but a few.
  10. The best way to learn the water is to troll it first. You can map out a good boat route my watching where the local cottagers boat as you are slowly moving along.
  11. I see you found your way out to the main boat channel. If you fish the islands and shoals out there in the clear water you will catch tons of Smallies all year long and the bigger ones in September and October.
  12. I'm sorry but if you are not on hard water why wouldn't you just go ashore? How would you feel as a nearby cottager and have that wash up?
  13. Icefishingjim, people usually start their very first post here with an introduction so perhaps you could do so within this tread or with a new thread? As for your question, there are many pike caught in Cooks Bay and also in Lake Couchiching. Rental huts are plentiful.
  14. There was an airshow in Kingston on the weekend and the F-18 was part of it.
  15. I remember fishing and camping near the lodge back in the 1980's and it was certainly remote and not easy to get to by boat. You either had to traverse down the the French River and Bad River and shoot the rapids or take the rough boat ride out the Key River and through the open bay. Fishing the bay was tricky because of all of the shoals and with the open water it was often too rough to fish or if it was cloudy you couldn't see the shoals.
  16. Remember that St. Louis is the state of "Misery", so you can't expect happy people walking around with little white poodles called Fifi!
  17. Funny Akrisoner I said the same thing to by buddy when we spotted them. They were nesting on an island out past the main boat channel.
  18. Glad you had fun bud! I saw a bald eagle nest further up the bay back in July. There were two that had just fledged from the nest.
  19. WElcome aboard Rockhard99. You can read a report I posted about the area a few weeks ago here: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=84809
  20. I would launch at Honey Harbour and head out to the islands around Minnicognashene Island. Troll around them with crankbaits until you find where they are hitting and then drift that area with live bait. If you can find a place where there is a quick drop-off into deep water you will usually find the bigger SM Bass. As soon as the bait goes out of sight they will hit with a long slow pull.
  21. Wow Drew, another adventure of a lifetime, wait until your kids are older and want to tag along. The memories will be even better! The rock formations have a real vertical striation to them like the lake was at one time the centre of the mountain. In central Ontario they are almost always on an angle indicating that the rock formation is out from the centre of the mountain or volcanic activity when they were formed. Thanks for sharing your latest adventure bud!
  22. We did the white water walk last weekend and could smell sewage coming from a concrete tunnel under the boardwalk.
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