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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. It is our laws that are preventing these pukes from getting the treatment that many feel they truly deserve. Clearly you don't know how things work in Iran and China, people just "go away" and are never seen or heard from again. I'm sure many of the people who you claim have been deprived of their civil liberties will be looking for their second 15minutes of fame in front of the cameras in the coming days. And just because joe loser has a camera that doesn't make him a camera man, and if it is an accredited cameraman they are still required to follow police instructions. Sleep safe tonight knowing you live in a country that will protect you and allows you to have your opinion.
  2. Disney land or never land??? Sorry I missed this year.
  3. Interesting article about NHL teams draft records. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/professor-critical-of-draft-strategy/article1615961/
  4. As someone with no allegiance to a specific team it is very entertaining to watch the world cup. Supreme athletic ability Great spectacle Drama Questionable calls and grown men flopping on the ground like 7 year old girls who have been slapped. A true fan of a team I'm sure would be driven mad, but for me, it is simply great entertainment.
  5. Can't confirm it, officials will be there in the morning. Sure looks like it from the photos and videos. News reports say many other areas as well. May not hear from any in the area for a bit. Hope all is well. Hardly a drop of rain here in Barrie.
  6. I never felt a thing here in Barrie, although other people did. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/earthquake-shakes-central-canada/article1614941/
  7. So a Spiel UL rod will stand up to a muskie, but Irishfield's Spiel muskie rod can't stand up to a low bridge??? Glad your knot to your backing held, I'm always concerned mine won't.
  8. Sorry for the late posting: http://www.teachakidtofish.com/
  9. Beautiful!!! I guess this was posted while I was on my mini fishing trip... in a 14ft tinny.
  10. I'm of two minds on this type of thing (Maybe more, if you believe the rumours ) I'm happy that someone who was abusing our resource was caught, punished and maybe publicly embarrassed. I am ticked that there are people who are still doing this type of thing and doubly so someone who apparently holds himself up as a guide. I wonder what the circumstances were?
  11. I know what is worse. It is easy to jump to conclusions sometimes.
  12. Both bodies found: http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2630406
  13. Agreed, just have the heart paddles ready.
  14. Gulp and Gulp alive are my first choices when I'm using soft plastics, and I haven't bothered with live bait for years.
  15. The proper authorities will be dually notified.
  16. I have a Curado 300 and a Calcutta TE. The curado 300 will stand up to a muskie very well. It is a saltwater reel and I would argue that there are many smaller saltwater fish that fight much harder than muskie. The one issue is that the curado may not stand up to a lot of long days of casting and retrieving the big hard "pulling" muskie baits. If you are using it on a flipin' stick and using smaller baits than it is more than adequate.
  17. All that fresh squid is making me hungry. insert an eating emoticon here:______ Amazing colours on those other fish.
  18. http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2621513 Algae may bloom again Posted By PJ WILSON, THE NUGGET Posted 8:00am June 14 It is hard to pin down just what caused a blue-green algae bloom in Callander Bay last summer. But Liza Vandermeer won't be surprised if it returns this year. Vandermeer, issue and project co-ordinator with the Ministry of the Environment for the Northern Region, says several factors sparked the problem. It's a shallow body of water. It's sheltered. There's little outflow," Vandermeer said, hours after almost 100 people turned out to a recent public presentation in Callander on the issue. Every year, we're seeing more incidents," Vandermeer said. But at the same time, she points out that blue-green algae has been with us almost forever," which begs the question: Are there more blooms, or are people just more aware of them? It could be public awareness. There is more media coverage, so more people know about it." While it is impossible to make an accurate prediction about what might happen this summer, the elements are lining up in favour of another bloom. There has been low precipitation this year and high temperatures," she points out. Blue-green algae are microscopic plants that, despite their name, can range in colour from olive-green to red. Although not necessarily dangerous, they can contain toxins harmful to humans or animals. The blooms, such as the one that formed in Callander Bay last summer, tend to form late in the summer or in the early fall, after the water bodies warm up. That, combined with lower water levels and higher atmospheric temperatures increases the possibility of another bloom," Vandermeer said. She pointed out that, like any natural phenomena, it is usually two steps ahead of any human measures" to deal with it. The bay was posted with signs from the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit on Aug. 13 last year. The signs stayed up until the fall. When he first saw it, Kevin Buck, supervisor for the MoE's northern region, said he thought someone had spilled paint in the water. Dan Walters, of the department of geography at Nipissing University, said Callander Bay is not the only waterway in the area with a problem. Cache Bay is also susceptible to blooms of blue-green algae. There's no quick fix," Vandermeer said. She urges anyone who sees something unusual on the water to contact the ministry so testing can be done. [email protected]
  19. http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2622441 Ideas flow during dry times — PHOTOS Lake Nipissing ater levels 63 cm below lake’s long-term average Posted By DAVE DALE The Nugget Posted 7:00pm June 14th Lake Nipissing's low water level is causing a stir as some people see the bigger beaches as an opportunity while others look to the skies for a solution. Paul Mitchell, president of Amphibious Boats Canada came to North Bay Monday to promote the Sealegs, a powerboat with retractable legs to transport itself from the trailer to water. Mitchell drove it up on Marathon Beach for a demonstration and it didn't take long before passersby were walking up to take a closer look. Len and Bev Clarke stopped to ask Mitchell more about the patented technology, with wheels powered by a separate engine that rise out of the way so there's no drag. At $80,000, however, Mitchell admitted it's not something everybody can afford. Marc Arcand, of the Starlight Marina in Sturgeon Falls, called The Nugget last week about the possibility of seeding clouds to induce more rainfall. Arcand said he'd like to form a committee to raise the $42,000 a Texas company charges to salt the skies. It's going to take a lot of seeds, though. Lake Nipissing is 63 centimetres below its long-term average and the French River has a mere trickle compared to most years. According to data posted to the Public Works Canada website Monday, the flow at Dry Pine Bay is 138 cubic metres per second below the long term average. Shoreline on Lake Nipissing has expanded by more than 100 metres in some areas and the city has blocked several public access points off Premier Road. "The problem was we were getting a number of people thinking it was Daytona Beach," said Jerry Knox, the city's director of community services, adding the people who were racing on the sand were crossing private land. "Some people own water lots," Knox said, referring to lot allowances which usually extend into the lake for about 20 metres from the regular property lines. He said the public access points are not intended for motorized vehicles to be used recreationally on beaches. As for access to launch boats, he said there are alternatives. "The last time I checked, you could still use Champlain Park," Knox said, adding that the North Bay Marina and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority launch at Chippewa Creek are additional options. Phil Hall, a Ministry of Natural Resources lands and water specialist at the North Bay district office, is fielding calls from people questioning why so much water was let out of Lake Nipissing through the dams on the French River. Hall is the MNR representative for a group of stakeholders and dam operators who decide how to manage water levels to protect against flooding. He said Public Works Canada, which manages the dams on the French River, would have had to know for certain back in December how much snow and rain was going to hit or not hit the watershed. If the group took a chance and kept too much water in the basin, he said everyone would be facing a different problem. "You're really putting yourself in a flood-prone position, a liability position." Hall said he spoke to a local yacht club recently about the situation. "They're rightfully not happy," he said, noting some have invested large sums of money on boats left high and dry this year. "But they've accepted it grudgingly . . . there's nothing anybody can do about it at this stage." Most of Northwestern Ontario is facing the same problem, he said, although it's more apparent on water bodies such as Lake Nipissing because of the shallow, sloping shoreline. It's not as noticeable on deep lakes with steeper banks, Hall said. With files from Gord Young
  20. I haven't used dental floss for fishing, but I have used fireline. If you use it right, fire line is works fine. Newer versions of all the super lines are better than the previous generations. As depth increases, the colour red "disappears" and the line shows black instead. Is that better??? No matter the colour of my braided line if I am worried about the line being visible I use a leader. A swivel for joining a leader works but can be a pain if you're not careful (real it up to your tiptop guide and crack the guide). Two uni knots work very well. Many of the braids will have a guide inside the box for joining lines.
  21. Earthquack?? Is that like aflack?
  22. Great stuff, as we have all come to expect. LOVE the boat!
  23. You have every right to be proud Wayne. and you don't clean-up half bad. I wonder what the the next 20 odd years will bring for us and Ryan.
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