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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. The other side of the proverbial coin? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/editorials/the-hst-is-no-cause-for-alarm/article1598372/ The HST is no cause for alarm From Thursday's Globe and Mail Published on Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2010 9:00PM EDT Last updated on Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2010 9:14PM EDT Anti-HST hysertics ought to look at some new hard data coming out of Ontario. It shows how small the impact will be on Ontario’s middle-class households, and a deeper look at the study provides a lesson for those British Columbians thinking of joining the anti-tax crusade. Using data from the Ministry of Finance’s tax records, counting 5.3-million households, and spending habits from Statistics Canada (based on 26,000 households), the Ontario government study is as reliable a test run of the likely effects of implementing the HST as we’re going to see. In the first year, buoyed by one-time tax incentives, almost all households will enjoy a net cash benefit, in the hundreds of dollars. By the third year, households making up to $60,000 will still be better off, while households making more than that will pay a modest price (from $45 to $295 for households making $60,000 to $150,000). Over the long term, it is practically a wash. If anything, it presents a worst-case scenario for what taxpayers can expect. The projections do not factor in the economic growth that would inevitably be brought on by implementing the HST and making other tax changes (such as cuts to corporate, capital and income taxes). It also assumes that businesses would pass on only a very modest proportion of savings from falling prices for their goods on to consumers – only 20 per cent in the first year, and 90 per cent in the third year, rates below those made in other projections, including by the Bank of Canada. It’s important to dig into this level of detail because of too much of the opposition around the HST is driven by fear, not fact. The HST’s costs are explicit while the benefits are largely hidden. Many services that were once only saw federal tax (the GST, at 5 per cent) will soon be taxed at the provincial rate as well, adding up to 13 per cent in sales taxes. These are inescapable realities, and some sectors will be hurt. The opponents fail to mention the other side of the equation, though. Items that are currently taxed multiple times, as they go from raw material to finished good, will fall in cost through a system of tax credits. 70 per cent of these savings will go to government, exporters and towards reduced home construction costs, creating indirect benefits for consumers. The net pocketbook impact is modest – around the price of a family trip to the movies – using the most conservative assumptions, and the economic upshot is tremendous – businesses will be more competitive and face less paperwork. That makes the opposition to the tax on grounds of personal finances without merit. British Columbians should tune out fear-mongering and embrace this chance for greater prosperity.
  2. Here are some photos from my brother's camera. Most/ all are fish that were already posted but there are a few different angles.
  3. I've got my eye on one of these... and it will BBQ and smoke. http://www.biggreenegg.ca/canada/
  4. I picked up some with the intention of trying them for walleye, maybe next year.
  5. This may help with some of your questions. http://www.factsoffishing.com/fishing-tips/rigging-zone/ Then click on the drop-shot article.
  6. My uncle will still use one sometimes, 30 plus years ago it was all we used. Shiners early in the year and worms in mid june. That was the extent of our repertoire and if we didn't catch fish it was someone else's fault. Now a crawler harness is the go-to option if I'm searching for fish on flats. Trout "opener" and this trip in early June is about the extent of regular trips right now. We try to do some fall steelhead and maybe trip or two on the ice. Ha, Ha. Guiding is hard work, and I love fishing for myself too much to try to make a living at it.
  7. "There appears to be some moisture in your engine sir." Anybody else suspect that the jetski rider was going to decapitate himself instead of what happened?
  8. Stinkin' thieves!!! Don't mess with momma.
  9. We were in the same areas we usually fish and ya the water is 2 and a half feet shallower than most years. The areas we fish there is a fast transition from one depth to another (shoals and points) so it did not appear to make a difference to the fish if there was 12ft of water over their heads or 10ft. The structure was the key.
  10. My uncle's place is about half way between Calander bay and hunter's bay, and we didn't go far to find the fish. My brother caught that pike, 3 walleye and a smallie on that thing. We usually don't troll either because my uncle's boat is not suitable, but this year with the low water we had to use my cousin's 14ft aluminum. The one day we fished one spot in the morning jigging and drifting like the other boats. We got a few nice ones. When the other boats left for lunch we decided to troll the spot a bit. We caught 10 fish between 20 and 25 inches in two hours. We went back the next day and picked off 3 more casting. They are shhhhhh! See above. The pike cracked the top of the lure though.
  11. Bass pro has had a test centre at their store. I know it's not close, but if he was heading up for a trip it could be an option. That is if you meant London Ontario.
  12. Nice, we have another southern gentleman to regal us with shirtless fish photos. Great stuff.
  13. :wallbash: Man! I missed out on Solo's trip last year by just a hair, and now every time someone else posts from there I'm going to want to beat my brains out.
  14. My brother and I were up to our uncle's place from Monday night until Thursday afternoon. We hit our usual areas and found some new spots on spots this time. Only ended up with 8 fish under the slot. Here are most of the rest: My brother has a bunch on his camera as well. If I get 'em, I'll post a few more. Most of those fish were caught in the middle of the day trolling and casting crank baits (that was a golden 3 hours). All were released including the 2 or 3 that were just out the other side of the slot.
  15. kingfisher calls: http://identify.whatbird.com/obj/61/_/Belted_Kingfisher.aspx
  16. Belted kingfishers also make an interesting/unusual noise.
  17. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/198219.pdf The summary says: It is illegal to- Use artificial lights to attract fish except: – to fish for smelt, or to fish for lake whitefish or lake herring with a dip net – if the light is part of a lure attached to a line used in angling. In other words: it is legal if the light is part of a lure attached to your line. I'm sure others will interpret it differently.
  18. Didn't Churchill say something like: Democracy is the worst way to govern a country... except for all the other options.
  19. Was just there from Monday night to Thursday night. South Shore. There were mayflies on the wing, but the peek is not here yet. As someone who grew-up in North Bay and had a family cottage on the south shore at the same time. The hatch was/is much heaver in the city. I always assumed that the large sandy shore that runs most of the length of the city, prevailing winds and the higher concentration of lights had a lot to do with the prevalence of mayflies on in the city. BTW there was no evidence that the mayflies had any negative impact on my trip... Photos to come.
  20. I've had an email from her in my in-box, but I was not opening it because I didn't recognize the name. At least something kept me from deleting it. Glad you posted something about it Wayne.
  21. I was at home (in Barrie) with the chicken pox that day. My strongest memory is the green sky before the thunder storm. The tornado itself was on the other side of the city from where we lived, didn't even know about it until the power came back on later that night.
  22. Heading up tomorrow afternoon for 3 days of fishing with my brother. Hope to have some new fish photos when I get back. Here are a few from past years that I could find on the computer, many/most have been posted here before. 2009 2008 And one from about 30 years ago from the area (I'm the bigger one in this photo):
  23. Nice Ben, lots of writin' too. Good on ya!
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