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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. They have a 30 minute video on the TSN website site now of highlight of it, I found it funny
  2. nice report, I think seeing all of this Ice fishing talking has turned my itch for it into a rash lol
  3. Great video Limey, well done and your tree looks great.
  4. great topic first off, and all great stories. Mine is when I was fairly young maybe 7 or 8, so 20+ years ago. On Christmas morning as every kid does I could not sleep and wanted to peek and see what Santa brought. So My brother and I decided to go down stairs and peek. We walked every quietly to peek and all of a sudden we heard a loud booming voice, " WHO IS THERE?" My brother and I turned around and ran back up stairs to my room. At the time we both thought it was Santa himself in the family room. Later on we found out it was my dad who back then he was having back problems so he was sleeping in his favorite lazy-boy chair and we woke him up. Little to say that I never tried peeking after that christmas
  5. I own three ugly sticks myself, one is a spinning combo, I use a Ugly stick ice rod combo and the other was just the rod that I put a Abu reel onto. But I have nothing bad to say about ugly stick
  6. I realize it says floatation suits on the link I posted. I also realize the difference, I was just reading the description on some of the floatation suits and for the Mustang floatation suit it says "it works or foul or cold weather and use closed-cell foam to offer floatation and hypothermia protection in the event of water immersion"
  7. well I'm all ready for the ICE

    1. Christopheraaron


      Same here, except for the ice!

    2. Acountdeleted


      But is the ice ready for YOU?

  8. See this makes me happy that I pulled my ice gear out yesterday
  9. I know that Sail has them and also Al Flaherty's outdoor store 2066 Dufferin you can see them on www.alflaherty.com they are under the miscellaneous section under PFDs
  10. I think the Rattlin' red bird would work, If always had good luck with those colour lures.
  11. Welcome Back
  12. Bears are my favorite animal and I can say I would do the same thing if I didn't think it had a chance. But a rock, that is the only thing that gets me
  13. I'm an Xbox guy myself, I would make a point for both systems, with respect to the Playstation line of consoles. But first to answer your question about the Xbox account, because xbox if a Microsoft product all you need is a Microsoft account. For the 360 I have to renew my online account every year other then that the account is simple to set up. Xbox 360 Already have a vast variety of games Bugs are rarely mentioned anymore You don't need kentex to use the system Xbox One Newer games will eventually only come out for Xbox One The system come with the kentex because the System updates itself daily, and when updating itself it also turns the kentex (camera) on It's the first model of the console, so I'm sure there will be tones of bugs. once again its a Microsoft product I would personally suggest getting the new Xbox One, or as CH312 said the PS4, so those are the systems you should be comparing.
  14. Here is a link to TSN cover of the story www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=437549 In there coverage of it. It says CBC will continue to host Hockey Night in Canada. There story does not mention the time frame
  15. Well this helps on choosing my next ice rod
  16. got to agree that is pretty cool. Not sure if I'd get one but I love the idea behind it
  17. I saw shown a picture this past summer of a angler who caught a 54" on the Murray Canal at the mouth of Presqu'ile Bay. So I'm sure there are some beasts there also. But still 55" beast is awesome, I can't even catch a small musky lol.
  18. I have a cottage in Brighton and there is a store/outfitter there called Presuile Bay Outfitters and he is the same way. It is always fair prices and more often then not I find that his price are cheaper then the big box stores. He is also try's to help out and get in speciality items
  19. you can tell tis a fake story by reading some of the other stories on the right of the page
  20. I'm planning on going to the one in Mississauga on the 5th
  21. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=71957 there is a person selling a flasher, here on the site.
  22. making my own fishing rod holder

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      For what species?Shore fishing?

  23. TSN is reporting that also here is a link on the story http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=433171 I say 5-3 for the leafs tonight
  24. I took forestry in school and as long as the wood is dry you will be fine, Green wood of ash trees contains moisture and green poplar contains moisture are the ones to watch out for. I know that is the rule of thumb my family use at our cottage for our wood stove
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