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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. Lol I had to scroll back up and look at the picture again. As everyone else is saying, great report, Looking forward to the warmer weather and soft water
  2. He did predict Crosby would score, but he said it would be the golden goal.
  3. Good morning OFC its the Gold medal game, My prediction is the Marty St.Louis scores the golden goal. It would be great to see because he wasn't even suppose to be there.
  4. It was great to finally get to put names ot faces

    1. grizzlybri


      one of the best parts was watching the end bronze medal game on the ice

    2. misfish


      I got all my batteries charged. Cell,drill,finder. Good to go Sunday at 6am. Nice to meet Bear.

  5. wow great pictures Joey and Misfish
  6. Does anyone know if the parking fee was wavied for the Tyler event tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fisherpete


      It's been a few years since I fished there, but I think it was $10. Hopefully it has been waived by the township.

    3. grizzlybri
    4. misfish


      Pay by the hour or 10 max.

  7. well i know i cant post the word that i said when i saw the picture, but wow what a tank.
  8. I was drilling threw 2 feet of ice last weekend
  9. I thought I was giving you a ride.
  10. hey Brian I have a 8" Nordic, i know its no finbor. but you are more then welcome to give it a try if you want
  11. I'm for a late perch year on the hard water. I'm going ot be making the most out of the long weekend this year and the weather is suppose to be nice also
  12. Besides hockey, i would have to say some other top 3 favorites would have to be and in no particular order Skeleton, Boardercross and now after watching it this past weekend slopestyle
  13. I buy the Viking brand at marks work warehouse and they offer ones were you can hide the hood into the collar
  14. Nope Mississauga is not part of Toronto, thank goodness. They are Peel Region
  15. I was going to say that you saw me, but yes it from everything i saw this year it is allot smaller this year. since they changed from the convention center it has seemed to be getting smaller each year
  16. a hole in the heart most commonly is a heart Murmur, I was told i had a small murmur as a child, which when explained to me later when i was able to understand was just that, of it being a hole in the heart. I guess it has closed since because i have never been told about it since. Regardless he recovers with no other issues, one of my favorite player to watch . Go Leafs Go, I guess after tonight we will all be cheering for the same team after tonight for the next few weeks
  17. Hey Chris K empty your Inbox

  18. great pictures and the fish aren't bad looking fish either
  19. I've seen a few saw-whets in the past, but none this year so far
  20. I'm not sure but here is TSN's report on it http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=443088, Most people are going to say St Louis, I think it will be him myself and i think he has earned the right to be there. But I'm not sure if he is the right fit.
  21. Hey Misfish, would you call this snow now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. grizzlybri


      Well i was asking because of your comments the other day lol.


      I will enjoy it because I'll be going there to fish

    3. misfish


      Yer still 3 months behind DB. LOL

    4. grizzlybri


      well i would hate to see what the bad drivers would be like if we had that kind of snow down here in the city, if they are already like this in this amount of snow

  22. well there is something else I'm going to be looking for at the sportsman show, when i go this week
  23. It would make for a good Michelin Man for halloween costume
  24. I'm not sure how i feel about these, the idea is neat but I'm not sure if i can see myself using one
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