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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. good morning fishing on the Murray Canal today

  2. Well it is back again, pre-season starts tonight with 3 games. I have to say congratulations to Stirling-Rawdon for getting the chance to host Hockeyville this year.
  3. I saw this on PTI on TSN, and I was looked into it. Apparently a fisherman by the name of Henry Liebman 39 pound 200 year old rockfish caught 900 feet below the North Pacific. Here is one of many articles about it... http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/200-year-old-fish-caught-off-alaska-coast According to all reports Mr. Liebman, kept it and plans to mount it, he did however sent a sample to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Another article I saw says the Alaska Department of Fish and Game said if the fish was released it probably would have died anyways, I'm guessing because of the pressure change. I just wanted to know what the OFC thought about this, and how many of you have heard this story.
  4. 5 days till fishing six mile lake P.P,

    1. Acountdeleted


      Good luck bud. You've had a good year. Can't wait to see what this lake yields for you.

  5. I was at Toronto Island yesterday and I met a fellow fisherman, and he informed me that the ban has been lifted and there is going to be a tournament there on July 6th. The person name was Dave Clark (sorry if i spelt he last name wrong). This was the website he gave me, he said there is information there http://torontourbanfishing.com,
  6. Anybody know the hours of Angling Specialties in Mississauga?

  7. Picked up my Moken 10 fishing kayak today, can't wait to use it

  8. Wish i saw this earlier, this really interesting. Thanks for posting this.
  9. The Dome looks packed, Let's go Blue Jays
  10. That makes me want to drive up and get out on the ice one last time
  11. Really nice, im looking forward to getting some softwater action in by the weekend, carp is also on my list of fish to catch
  12. I don't have any kids of my own, but I love taking my nephews and nieces out fishing. However right now it seem like only my oldest nephew is really it every time i take him.
  13. wow that guy is nuts, and the thing that gets me is he started with the large hooks then went to the small ones. but yes us leaf fans can take the pain.
  14. way to go, those are some great looking jumbos.
  15. All in favor, I was excited when the leafs first traded for him because I've followed him since he was a duck.
  16. This is a great link, i can see Presqu'ile (Brighton) Bay. which is one of my main spots i fish.
  17. As far as parking there is a large parking lot at Queens Quay west and Young , it is right beside Captain John's harbor boat restaurant. I use this parking lot each time i go to the island.
  18. this is a link to the Western ice conditions for lake http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/marine/iceConditions_e.html?mapID=09&siteID=08507 and for the Eastern part of the lake http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/marine/iceConditions_e.html?mapID=09&siteID=08503
  19. grizzlybri


    great pictures
  20. had a blast fishing at Merland Park in Picton last night and today

  21. wow what a great picture
  22. headed to south river area tomorrow for some ice fishing, anybody know of any good spots

  23. looking forward to getting my hut on sunday

  24. I also have both winter and all season tires. With all the snow we have gotten this winter I'm glad also. on a side note it is actually the provincial law in Quebec that all cars must have snow tires, which was only came in place in I believe was 2010
  25. wish that pike made it into the hut yesterday. that's the last time i go out with out a giff

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