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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. I've seen a video similar to this one before, only that the pike went after a duck http://youtu.be/wuZJcAvOriA
  2. I will give you that the Leafs have been playing great so far this year and yes Burkie did build a good team , so I'm hopeful that they will make the palyoffs this year but because of years of disapointment my hopes aren't that high.
  3. I'm a leafs Fan and i have to agree, come on fellow leaf fans you need to let it go, it has been 20 years since the "blowen" call. Look at how many coaching changes, and managment changes and even owners the leafs have gone threw since then. I don't blame any of the 3 hall of famers involed, Fraser has even admited to blowing the call. Us Leaf fans should not complain about the kessel trade, or any other one in between, the fact fo the mater is thats hockey, fans as we just need to realize that there are 29 other teams besides the leafs and us, need to stop making excusses for a team that we will continue to spend crazy amount of money just for disapointment.
  4. Can't wait to get out on the Ice Tomorrow on Brighton (Presqu'ile) Bay

    1. Acountdeleted


      Good luck bud. Hope you slay em.

  5. if they had went out and got signatures on a petition as to why they feel this way, where does it say that we could do not do the same. I mean look at how many valid points have been made here as to why fishing should be allowed. If our thoughts on why fishing should be allowed were to be brought to the attention on the MNR, City of Toronto and those involved prophase our community could help prevent such a ban.
  6. I'm brand new to the site but i am always in Brighton becuase my parents ahve a house there. I should actually be done there next weekend i'm looking at getting out on the ice.
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