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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. Yup I can confirm that, Presqu'ile Bay (Brighton) has open water all the way across the bay
  2. Saw this in the local Belleville news, I remember reading a story of a missing boater last October well this is not the best news but here is the article. "Police have confirmed a body found Wednesday on West Lake is that of missing boater Gordon “Sandy” Rutherford of Wellington. The body was found by another boater and police arrived at the scene at 4:37 p.m., Prince Edward OPP reported. Rutherford, 54, disappeared while fishing on the lake in October. Police said his death was not deemed suspcisious. “The Rutherford family would like to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all emergency personnel and volunteers who assisted in the search,” police stated in a news release." The above was copied from the following article http://www.intelligencer.ca/2014/04/18/police-confirm-boaters-death
  3. Going to my first raptors game tomorrow and its a playoff game to boot

  4. The mayor of Belleville has declared a state of emergency because of rising water levels on the banks of the Moira River. http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/flood-response-belleville-mayor-declares-state-of-emergency-1.1771421#ixzz2yiJoUolf
  5. I'm in the same boat, I have been looking at a few different models as I'm planning on getting a new "car" this year, and the jeep is one of the ones i've been looking at so this is giving me allot of good information.
  6. I find it interesting that the two new teams to the east are all but a lock for the playoffs. I'll stick with my prediction from the start of the season and the is a Bruins vs Ducks final.
  7. Was this another April fools joke? considering the topic started on the 1st? kind of like the Trans Canada Pipe line deal with Ontario Parks? I haven't looked into it but that was just my thought, however I'm going to go look now.
  8. Well not much else to say other then Go Jays Go
  9. here is a report for Qunite and Area http://www.brightontoday.ca/default.asp?pid=957915&wireid=04799_WaterSafetyStatementQC2_064419
  10. I would expect this from Dion but come on
  11. 1-0 Well as long as the Leafs don't get a 4-1 lead
  12. i can see them doing a bit better, I'm going to guess 80. but i agree with Gerritt its hard to watch, but i wouldn't watch paint dry, but i have watched water boil
  13. great shots as always Joey, but im not sure whats better the Pictures or the title
  14. I'm glad i saw this after all the other comments made. I wanted to check and see if this was a real article or not so I went onto the Ontario Parks site itself and well no news on this. Plus if it was true I'm sure it would be all over the news. After all one line gives it away. "The lines are planned to be first installed in Algonquin Park on trial basis " Another thing that gives it away is that, when you try to navigate the site/blog it takes you back to the story
  15. All depends on who is behind the bench next year. Will a new coach want a new captain
  16. I almost had tickets for this game tonight. I agree give about getting a new captain, I say give the "C" to Lupul
  17. I have a group of them that are always around my cottage, Hopefully i can get some nice pictures this year
  18. Did you watch the video? The reported said it Flew and Rolled 200-300 feet before coming to a rest. Regardless how long it was in the air, as the saying go you can't fix stupid, anybody going that fast at this time of year on the ice, and with the way the weather has been lately. Well now its something the driver has to live with.
  19. Finally it is the first day of spring. Now the only questino is what kind of spring are we going to get this year

  20. I did the same research last year comparing kayaks to one of those pontoon things. I ended up getting a sit-n top Yak, last year and loved every minute i used it last year. I think every maker has a angler model
  21. Please winter can you stop, i know spring isn't offically for another 9 days but I'm done with you

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Pretty much how I feel

    2. lookinforwalleye


      Ah the winter that keeps on giving!!!

    3. irishfield


      Think I'll head North to close Lakers, then a week of whities. Should be able to drive to my dock.. until Mid APRIL !


  22. What have I been telling you Jeremy about Lupul for years now. Also anyone else nervous when the leafs had the Power play tonight
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