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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Trailers are made to be towed. Check out all the fasteners, lights, make sure the bearings are adjusted correctly and are greased, the tires are in good shape, the trailer brakes work if applicable, you have a spare tire, jack and correct tire wrench and a spare set of bearings and you are good to go. It will take you 2-3 hours to get it ready. When you stop for gas, check the hubs, if they are HOT to the touch, there is a problem, warm is ok but not so hot that you cannot hold your finger to them. If that happens, you will need to pull off the wheel and inspect for damage then repack the bearings with grease and reinstall correctly. Youtube is your friend with this.
  2. Horrendous lack of cold for those up north operating businesses that require cold and snow. Spoke to a buddy who sells Bombardier products up north and he said it was a lousy winter for sales. Mitch, I cannot imagine hiw it is for you where you need the winter business. Hopefulky we have a nice summer and with the crappy loonie, lots of Americans will come up for cheap to them vacations.
  3. I wouldw look at a 7ft medium heavy fast action rod for the pike. Coupled with 30lb braided line (palomer knot-easy to learn and tie). Fibreglass rods would have that soft c action. Problem with that is your hookset, it has to be REALLY long to dig the hooks in. A fast action rod is pretty much a solid flick of the wrists. A 3000 size reel and a good leader and you can tackle anything in that lake. Enjoy!!!
  4. Sorry to hear about your loss Beans. Our fur babies really become a part of us. Take care.
  5. It is a nice little getaway to break up the January blues. It's not cheap but what does it cost to go out these days?? Nothing is cheap. $120 k for a bass boat?? That's the Rolls Royce of BBs. I used to go with the kids but they lost interest so I don't bother. I like my 19ft fish n ski and it is more than enough for what I need it for so I do not want to go salivate over the new boats and big cruisers.
  6. I was going to mention Kakbeka Falls but I was beat to it. Lake Superior PP is gorgeous. Rushing River PP up Kenora way is also very pretty and there are plenty of spots for walleye up that way. Dogtooth Lake has some BIG walters and gators in it.
  7. Himalayan pink sea salt is the in thing these days. It is the ourest sea salt with a unique chemical makeup. It is supposed to be the healthiest salt to consume. The Nitrates in meat preservatives (pink curing salt) are known carcinogens. That is why you sometimes see Sodium Erythorbate on some packaged goods as it neutralizes the carcinogen in nitrates. Even the so called Naturally cured stuff you see in grocery stores has naturally occurring nitrates in them, they are nitrates just the same. If you do not need to use the stuff, better not to. Either freeze what you make or eat it quicker which won't be hard to do. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm......BACON!!!
  8. There are some terrific 'skis there!! Pretty good year!! Gotta love those incidental catches!!
  9. Ouch is right!!! Ice it and keep it elevated when you can to keep inflammation and swelling down. Hopefully it is not too badly damaged and you will be walking around soon enough.
  10. Overloading and incorrect tire pressure did more damage than any manufacturing done in China. Stick to the well known manufacturers and you should be fine.
  11. That is not great news. But, that said, some of the best in the country are there at PMH. Do not give up hope. Ask for any options they have be it conventional or experimental. Good luck and kudos to whomever dropped off some food to you.
  12. A true 'detox' diet involves eating lean protein, leafy greens and VERY low carbohydrates. What this does is help to ease your dependance on processed sugar which is highly addictive. Your liver takes a beating helping to process a lot of sugar as does your pancreas. Needless to say, if you can do this for 3 weeks, you will lose weight and feel much better. This diet/detox (which is really just a diet) is one that a good friend of mine who is one of the grandaddies of naturopathic medicine, gave to me when I was battling cancer. So, no fruit, no grains, no onions, carrots, potatoes, red peppers, brussel sprouts... these are high in sugars. Lots of kale, spinach, lettuce, chard and the like. Lemon is very good, it helps the liver and kidneys (coming from one of the top nephrologists in T.O.). No processed meats and very little salt. This diet is the one put out by Dr Poon as well. He's the guy that called Bernstein a quack.
  13. Palomar knot for fluoro. It has never failed me. Trilene for mono and back to back uni for joinng lines. Those and the overhand are the only knots I know.
  14. Mount your scope, a bit of loctite on the screws. Bore sight it, fire a group of 3, see where they impact, adjust the scope to get them where you want then fire another group of 3. Make sure you rest the forend on the stock, not the barrel. If they are all over the place it could be one of four things, you, the gun, the scope or the ammunition. Sometimes even high end scopes are junk out of the box. Find a bullet that your rifle likes that will do what you need it to and PRACTICE. Be very comfortable with your weapon. Then go hunting and remember to share the wealth....
  15. Sorry to hear guys. My condolences.
  16. That there is a beaty fish bud!!! What a way to end the day!!!
  17. Cuteness!!! Clicker training is great. If you have the time to do it, a well trained dog is a wonderful companion. Enjoy your pup!!
  18. It is a nice relatively new atv. I would get it plastic welded. For under a hundred bucks, it won't look like it had a bubba repair job. If it was an old beater, some epoxy and be done.
  19. Oil of Oregano. The most potent anti virak anti fungal that is natural. A couple drops a couple times a day. It'll take some time bit it does work.
  20. Congrats on the new job! Getting in to work is not bad seeing as you leave early enough. The issue will be getting home. Try Steeles across to Meadowvale or even further across. Otherwise, the 407 will become your best friend to get home.
  21. I'd have to re learn the water now. It's been 3 years since I've been out on the Bay. Hopefully next year I'll be able to wash a lure or two on GBay.
  22. Figures, my time on GBay was with low water levels. And yes, so much for the hole in the bottom of the lake. There are some places in the back bays that will now have the swamp out front replaced by waterfront. Property values restored.
  23. NICE ski!!!! No, you do not need 100lb braid to bring one in BUT you put the fish under a lot of stress to bring it in with lighter tackle. Much bigger chance of killing a trophy.
  24. Truck tire aside, it sure sounds like another incredible trip. As hard as it can be, guys like that deserve a kick in the teeth. He was looking for a fight and wanted you to be his huckleberry. You showed you were the better man. He'll end up pissing off the wrong person and will get his teeth handed to him in a little baggie.
  25. Have fun!!! Would love to fish down there for skis!!!
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