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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. That's the one you spend your life trying to catch. That thing is beyond Supertanker class.
  2. Good stuff!!!! Persistence pays dividends!! GBay has been pretty tight with the big 'skis this year. I have a couple friends who were out daily for the past few weeks and were skunked. They usually get some nice supertankers every year (last years fatty was a 54 out of HH).
  3. My next big acquisition is going to be a bush lot somewhere in the western part of Muskoka. Cutting firewood is fun and great exercise.
  4. That's a very nice Big Buck!!! Haha. Close to 200lbs?? There is quite a bit of meat there. Don't sweat it Bill, you'll get a nice one. Keep putting the time in.
  5. That usually means the catalytic convertor is toast. You are burning oil and that is murder on the cat. Mechanics have a saying...'catalytics dont die, they get murdered'. Something caused it to die, you need to figure it out before replacing it.
  6. 3M marine products by far. Starbrite hull cleaner to clean the scum line and you are good to go. VIM to clean the vinyl.
  7. Definitely Dianas!! They are a distributor to many stores and restaurants. The parent company is one of the biggest in Canada. The owners are old friends of mine. You cannot go wrong there.
  8. Mine will wait till after Halloween. Fresh oil and seafoam are on the list. Have to cut the grass here at the cottage and am not looking forward to it. Its cold, damp and windy. Once that is done, the boat needs to go for one last blast then it is getting hauled back out and getting winterized and serviced. So, there goes today....
  9. I would not use fluro as a main line. As a leader, definitely. I use it for pike and musky. The San Diego Jam Knot is a very very good knot to use. Not easy but good. I tried fluro main line a few years ago and absolutely hated it. Braid and mono for this kid.
  10. That sucks for Ralphie. Getting old is not what it is all cracked up to be. I remember going to our property that was farmland out near Port Hope and having picnics and bbqs while the adults tended to an obscenely large garden and then when we built the house there having dirt bomb fights with my brother, fishing in the Ganny which was up the road, swimming in it. Playing with my first dog..... riding my dirt bike all over...the memories are countless and precious.
  11. Nice 'ski!! Just goes to show that whatever direction the wind blows, there are always fish to be caught. Persistence pays off.
  12. This true Lew!!! -45 is just plain crazy!! Put the wind chill in and then what is it??
  13. Congrats!! Another future fishing partner!!
  14. Its considered 'junk down here because we have an abundance of hardwood. If all you have is spruce, guess what you will be burning?
  15. I just dusted off my crystal ball.....I see water, a boat, a big fishing rod with an even bigger musky at the end of the line.....have fun guys. I would have given my eye teeth to get a crack at that end.
  16. I burn a face cord or two in our open fireplace each winter. Sure takes the chill out and is nice to look at and listen to. The stove up at the lake gets a workout at this time of year as well.
  17. I throw Cowgirl double 10s with my TE on a 7ft MH St Croix Premier musky rod and have no trouble hauling it in. Absolute best reel I own. I don't even have a power handle on mine. I bought an Abu 7000i to chuck to big blades and rarely use it.
  18. Have at 'em!! Does the dealer sell tires??? They can take care of this. They are just passing the buck. Give the manager a whole whack of grief. Ruin his day.
  19. Jack, lug wrench, board, electrical bits and pieces (tape, connectors, wire), spare bulbs, and a spare tire. My bearings are in good shape and are well maintained. Too tight, no grease, leaky seals, overloaded, etc... are the main problems. Do a yearly check (more often if you trailer often). Lights get checked EVERY single time. The boat is a different story. I keep a dry box filled with cotter pins, tools, fuses, basic first aid kit, etc... a spare prop, prop wrench and piece of wood to wedge the prop for removal (after boating on GBay for years, I can do a Bo and Luke Duke prop change..3-4 minutes). And.... make sure I have at least 1/3rd more fuel than I need for a trip. I ran into people sooo many times that ran out of fuel, to the point I would let them row back in. Breakdowns, running aground, baffing shoals, I would help out. But running out of gas, that is stupidity, plain and simple. I did ONCE, and padelled my boat in, mind you it was only a hundred yards when I first got my boat and wanted to see how far it could run on 'E' (not far, when it indicated empty, it is).
  20. Trailer tires do not get balanced routinely. They are not designed to travel at very high speeds. Guys that go 120kph+ pulling a trailer are insane. Keep it under 110. I see guys on the 400 passing me like I am standing still while I am doing 110 and they are pulling a boat, many with the little dinky tires. A few weeks ago we saw one bonehead pulling his tinny with one tire missing, just the rim, I pulled up to him and told him, his reply, ' thanks' and he kept going. Gotta wonder sometimes what goes through people's heads.
  21. I think they should create a registry for the criminals that own firearms. I am quite sure that they will happily register their legally obtained firearms.
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