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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Lew, there was a bit of cracking but not a whole lot, the bulge in one of them was the deciding factor. They have been replaced. For their age they looked pretty good. If I was only using the trailer to drop the boat in and pull it out of ohr lake, they would have been fine, we launch off our beach. BUT, I am hoping to get some fishing in this year in a couple of new lakes, one of which has a lot of musky and little fishing pressure and would love to wet a line with a certain OFC member known for his great smile....just sayin'....
  2. Willow does not burn very well. It does not put out much heat unfortunately. Ash, oak and maple are the best. Whenever you can scrounge some of those, then we are talking.
  3. According to my tire guys who have never steered me wrong, most tires out there nowadays are pretty good to excellent, Chinese off brands are nothing to fear. They have more Michelins come back with problems than the off brands and they sell more off brands. As for trailer tires, Goodyear, Carlisle, Hercules, Kumho all make good rubber. Do not drive too fast, keep them properly inflated and shade them from the sun whenever you can and they will last years.
  4. Lew, the bunks are not rotted at all, I have poked at them with a screw driver.the tires have a bit of dry rot but are not too bad. If my trailer has more than 10,000kms on it, I would be surprised. But I have to check the bolts securing the bunks. They are quite rusty but seem to be fine as it is surface rust that has not gone very deep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day working on it but I want the capability to take the boat for a road trip at a moments notice. The bearings do not even get warm after an hour on the highway and there is no play so I am not messing with them too much. We should put together a checklist for trailer maintenance. There are lots of how to articles out there on doing the brakes, bearings, lighting, etc...
  5. After splashing my boat a couple weeks ago, I figured it was time to tackle some maintenance on my boat trailer, lights checked out, one of the 14 year old Goodyear Marathons developed a bulge so new tires topped the list. Off they went. A couple squirts of marine grease into the bearing buddies, the brakes need adjusting, so I checked the fluid, full but a bit dirty so new fluid it will be along with bleeding and adjusting the drums and lubing the actuator. A new winch from Princess Auto was also put on. On a side note, I picked up new Carlisles $200 +tax installed for the pair from my tire guys here in Oakville. P215/75st/14. Smoking deal. Everywhere else they were at least $260+ installation. If anyone needs rubber, let me know. The bunks are getting old but still have a season or two left in them. Have I missed anything?? The bearings have no play either.
  6. What about shiny fishing things?? Nicr ring!! When is Paul's hall pass??
  7. Just fired mine up on the weekend to make sure it still works. Other than mantles, it has been trouble free for 25 years. Sooo much better than the propane ones now.
  8. Wow. I hope she can grind through this Wayne. These bloody drugs wreak havoc. Hoping and praying for her recovery.
  9. Nothing you can do but have them pulled off and the bead seating surface ground until it is nice and clean and then have bead sealer applied all the way around, if the leaks are bad, my tire guy recommends tub/tile silicone on the seat and then mount the tire. Messy but effective.
  10. 250 down the pipe is just fine. A good second shot and a decent short game and you can easily be a bogie golfer or better. Now I want to get the dust off my clubs....
  11. Mine is buried in the snow up at the cottage. I have to do a bit of work to get her running the way I want this year. I ran out of time last fall. 10 mins to do the cap and rotor along with the fuel filter and I will be good to go.
  12. Akrisoner, north halton is a nice track, played there a few years ago. Miss swatting at the stupid little white ball. Mortgage than kids got in the way of my game and I would not have it any other way. My clubs have been collecting dust for 3 years now. I am hoping to get out this summer.
  13. Expensive??? Who cares!!! The joy that they bring to the family is PRICELESS. I see how happy my folks are with the kids around. One thing though, instead of expensive gifts and whatnot, a trip to Timmies for a hot chocolate and a timbit and going to the park. That makes the kids happier than anything. Not to mention going fishing and playing with a bucket'o panfish. Spend TIME with them, forget about money. A little kid is just as happy playing with a cardboard box than an expensive toy. Enjoy them Bruce. Bruce
  14. For safety reasons, run two batteries through the isolator switch. Run one all the time and if it goes flat, you have the second to get home with.
  15. Looks fantastic Bernie!! It should be run, not just displayed. Not thrashed mind you, but run.
  16. Convoys in the First and Second World Wars travelled between 6-8 knots. No wonder the U Boats had their way with them. The lake is full of freighters now. I counted 5 today out of Jordan.
  17. Just add to the gas to help keep the cylinder heads and valves clean. Do it for a tank or two now at the beginning of the season and do again at end of season so next year you are good to go with no work to do on your boat.
  18. They probably will notbdo a promo on the 1500 diesel because they sell very well and dealers are having a hard time keeping them on the lot. Looks like RAM is onto something. GM and FORD are asleep at the switch on this.
  19. The little cottage resort/trailer park in Honey Harbour where we had our trailer recently sold. The old owners had been there for almost 10 years and had had enough. It was getting run down and was not taken care of as well as it should have been. I have spoken to a few people who are in that business, if you are looking for a pay cheque, do not bother. What the place makes has to go out in wages and upkeep/improvements which are constant. The pay out is at the end when you sell. The improvements and increase in the price of the real estate is where you make your money.
  20. That is some seriously good fuel economy there. That us a vehicle worth consideration for thise who drive a lot.
  21. Lew, my condolences to you on the loss of your friend and also to his family. His battle is over and he can rest now.
  22. Nice!! I did not get a chance to wash any musky lures last year. Hopefully this year is different.
  23. Take it back into the shop that did the rack and ket loose with both barrels. A couple days is ridiculous. They will work with you on this. As for the truck, a temporary fix us just that, temporary. You have to love cars and trucks, when they work we love them, when they do not...... a smart man once said, life is a ...ch. It is, it kicks you in the nads. What you do after that kick defines you as a person. Get up, puke, dust yourself off and move on. Just keep moving and try to keep a smile on your face, it is easier than having a perma scowl.
  24. If I am not up north, I will try to swing by. The Odyssey is always a pretty good show.
  25. Towing capacity works off of a simple formula, 150 lb driver, half a tank of gas, anything over that both inside and on the trailer gets taken off the capacity. Also, just because it could does not mean that you should.
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