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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Good fishing and a better story. That is a hard core fisherman. I think I will add a bottle of disinfectant to my first aid kit in the boat along with bandages and some electrical tape, I will be ready what may come.
  2. You can get them at West Marine. There is another kind of metal called Monel. Better than stainless steel. They are pricey though. I think they are pushing 40 bucks a box of 1000. If you are going to do any interior work on the boat I would buy them. I am probably going to need to do mine next year so this thread has got me thinking.
  3. Hopefully a good ending to this story. Goodd luck on getting her back in primo shape.
  4. As soon as I saw it I thought of Restoration Garage as well. Nice piece of Canadiana.
  5. Thats a write off. Hull will be mangled, hard to fix, the outdrive(s) completely shot, props..... not to mention shock damage to everything else.... probably was stolen by someone who over imbibed.....
  6. Ultimately, they need to take a look at the innards to properly repair the unit. Since you damaged the case, it needs to be disassembled to be repaired. He cannot just weld it fully assembled, all the seals will melt. That is why when a skeg gets repaired they always leave it full of oil. With case damage, the heat is too close to the prop seals etc.... be more careful out there, pretty much all of us have hit a shoal or rock or sunken timber. Welcome to the worrld of boat ownership, repairs and work inevitably get delayed by a lot of different reasons. I felt like a fool for hitting a couple shoals in GBay, the one time I should have known better, the othef was just dumb luck, a channel I travelled through countless times was a bit lower than usual and I made way for another boat pulling a skier, I was off mu normal path by only a few feet and wham, I hit a rock, trashed the prop and skeg and bent the prop shaft a bit. 800 bucks and 3 weeks later, I was back on the water. I was hoping for one week but that turned into 3 because of waiting cor a seal kit that was backordered at the time. S.....t happens.
  7. Lew, I have always been pro cop as well. But when you have guys with badges out their that abuse their power like this it really burns my biscuit. I think even a call to his detachment supervisor should be in order. Calls to them from the resort operators as well because their businesses will be the ones to suffer. Keep kicking things up the chain. There may or may not be a positive result but it has to be dealt with somehow. Even a complaint to the local mpp. Squeaky wheel gegs the grease.
  8. Very nice!!! I think we have a friend on the board who can set you up with a floatplane.....
  9. Reminds me of Roscoe P Coltrane sheriff of Hazard County. People need to tAke the time to fight these types of nonsense tickets. Judges do not look kindly to police officers who issue them. I got a Bull ticket last year just south of Bala. I got pulled over, the officer told me I was speeeding (I was 5k over the limit) and proceeds to give me a ticket for failure to obey sign, looking in my rearview, I did not even see a radar gun on the dash. He didnt know how fast I was going and when he ran my plate and saw I was from out of town, he pulled me over and gave me a vague ticket. I took the time to go to court, the officer was shockeed to see me there, as soon as my name was called, the crown stood and asked to have it dismissed because of a lack of evidence. On my way out I said to the officer ' have a great day Roscoe'. He knew exactly what I meant and his face turned red. Great way to promote tourism.
  10. Sunoco 94 has ethanol. The only gas station premium with no ethanol is shell. Check the vent and gasket for the filler. Fuel companies love ethanol because they add it to inferior fuels to boost the octane. Ethanol has an equivalent octane of about 108 I believe.
  11. Now for a pic of a supertanker up there. Good to see you got yourself de-skunked!!!
  12. Spray bottle of water on ignition wires to find the arc. Helps to see better. Do it in dim light and you should find the culprit right quick if it is one of the spark plug wires. Good luck.
  13. Cliff, you have never hesitated to help people out on the board. We have never mett but I feel like I know you like many people on the board. You wear your heart on your sleeve and because of that like people would do anything for you.
  14. Joey, just take care of it old school. Drink plenty of water while out on the water and eat a banana at some point. Everything you need to avoid the cramps is in there. If it continues, could be something else and see your doc. Now get back out and slime that purty boat you guys have.
  15. Is it a marine rated fuel pump?? Reason being, if you have any sort of a fire ance company can use it as an excuse to not pay up.
  16. I would check iboats.com you may even be able to find a nos part. Some of the vuys there are old techs who can help you find the part. Call around, there are old omc dealers that still have plenty of parts in stock.
  17. Check the pickup in the tank, if it is older, our friend ethanol could have ruined the hose. Look carefully.
  18. Which part of the lake were you guys fishing. I know bigstone, moore and andrew bays quite well.
  19. That is impressive. It is a real world report, 630km round trip. Hmmmmmmm......
  20. Dax, I would try eating LOCAL honey, it may help to desensitize your immune system as it will contain all the things that drive you nuts. Mind you, it will take time and it does not work for everyone BUT if it helps not having to take pills or use steroid sprays it is worth it. Talk to your pharmacist, they shouldbe able to recommend something stronger or even prescription strength which will involve a trip to your dr. Good luck!!
  21. I think with the new pentastar 6, you will be fine for your purposes. 95% of the time you are driving, not towing. The other 5% when you are towing, you should be fine. It has lots of power to pull what you currently have. The hemi, while it sounds awesome and has tons of power is a pig on fuel, anytime you press down on the fun pedal yhe gas gauge moves towards E accordingly. The diesel would be nice but you do not drive enough to make it worthwhile, a commuter driving 30k plus a year would see the difference and benefit from it. Why dont you rent a grand cherokee for a day and try towing with it?? That way you will see for yourself.
  22. Talk to Brian from JBs Fishing Depot. He is very particular about installs.
  23. Don't screw around, go to emerg and have it x rayed and looked at. You do not want any problems later because you did not go in.
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