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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Lew, take the power washer to it to clean it up nice. Do not paint exterior concrete, you will be farting around with it every 2-3 years. And since you are saving at least a hundred bucks or so, I think you need a couple new lures and you need to take the missus out for a nice lunch.
  2. Beauty Rig!!! Suzukis are nice motors. F in laws buddy has one on his Lund and he loves it. Sips fuel when the funstick isn't pushed all the way forward. Now, you need a lot of slime on it!!!
  3. Go 17p. The LOWER the number, the quicker the hole shot, the higher the wot rpms BUT slightly lower top end. Try a 4 blade 17p aluminum, it will jump onto plane and handle nicely too. For fine tuning, a good prop shop can change the pitch up or down 1 inch, so your 17 can become either a 16 or an 18. Def leave the stainless at home when fishing unfamiliar water or a body that has many rocks and shoals.
  4. That is what sucks about our fuel these days. I put a double dose of blue stabil in my boat at the end of the year and starting in august, I put it in all the gas that goes in. That way, there is plenty in the system. Canadian tire always puts marine Stabil on special in the spring so stock up.
  5. Larson has some pretty nice looking fishing boats now. Get out there and look at several options. What are the primary uses?? If you are fishing out of the boat a lot, look at something that is more fishing oriented, if you are going to ski with it most of the time then look at more of A ski boat. Is the cottage on an island?? Then you need something that has some utility capability. Have fun boat shopping.
  6. That sucks!! I'm sorry to hear about your pal. It is really difficult but you did the right thing.
  7. There's a lot of good memories there with your pal. Sorry for your loss.
  8. Lew, sorry to hear about your little pal. Dogs become Such a big part of our lives and being a lot of joy and happiness. You enjoyed him for almost 18 years, that is a good long run for a dog. As I'm typing this, my shep Roxanna just came to say good morning. I feel your pain and it will heal. Then you can get yourself anogher little pal to keep you company. Take care.
  9. Happy Belated Birthday Jen!!! Keep on truckin girl!!!
  10. Cliff, for that kind of money, involve your insurance company. At worst, it goes as a claim against your policy and most ins cos give you a freebie these days. 1800 is ridiculous. A couple of hundred bucks is not too bad, it's a lesson learned, that kind of money is pure horse s....t. more than likely, they either did not have insurance or probably no drivers licence. Having spent a morning in a northern court a few months ago to fight a Bull ticket (the officer buckled and failed to provide evidence, score one for the little guy against sheriff Roscoe P Coltrane). 3/4s of the cases involved people with suspended or no licences. I think they are trying to hustle an older gentleman here.
  11. The offices being closed are having their services relocated to nearby Service Canada offices. The vets shuttled to the meeting were used by the UNION that will be affected by the office closures. Both sides of the story have not been told. There is no service cut, only relocation. Fantino is not one to put up with screaming yelling and finger pointing which is exactly what happened. I would rather have pols like him then spineless slime like ol Dalton. I read an article this morning on it. Either the star, globe or sun. I don't remember which. Fantino did not handle it great but he won't allow himself to get bullied either which is what was happening. Our government has a long history of mistreating and mishandling veteran's affairs that transcends political parties. It is sad that our vets are being used by a special interest group that doesn't want to lose income from the closing of unnecessary offices that duplicate service. I'm tired of the corruption of our system by politicians out to make a score and special interest groups that want to milk it to death.
  12. Enjoy!!! I guess we have another snowbird.
  13. Wayne, I wish I had a copy of that issue. I saw it as a kid waaay back when.
  14. The cost for fuel is brutal these days. 25 years ago, electric heat was the way to go, 10 years ago, oil was very cheap (40 cents/ltr, now 1.10), propane a few years ago and even that has skyrocketed. This is why we decided to close the cottage for the winter. It has electric baseboards and a woodstove, it is ok when you are burning wood but when the baseboards are going, the meter spins outrageously fast. Our neighbours laid in 3 bushcords of firewood in the fall to help defray the cost of oil in their furnace, they are almost 3/4 the way through their firewood already. stay warm folks and hopefully we all have a few bucks stashed under our old playboy mags like Lew to help pay for the added cost of fuel during this 1970's type winter.
  15. Actually, the applewood I am getting is about 3 years old. He has some oak in there too so yippee!!! Free firewood is always good.
  16. My NG bill will probably be about 150 this month. Since I replaced my windows a few yers ago, I noticed a big drop in my gas bill. Hydro is a different story. Stay warm folks. This is a real winter. We have had it easy for a long time. I hope all of you heating with wood have enough. My last few dry logs went into the fireplace tonight. I have almost a full cord of mixed hardwood from the ice storm that is nice and wet and has to wait till next winter. I'm going by a buddies place tomorrow to pick up some dry applewood. Never burned that before. It is supposed to be pretty good.
  17. It will warm up soon enough for you. We have another Canadian deep freeze coming. Enjoy!!!
  18. Cliff, bring a map and a fully charged credit card and have fun with your lady. Have fun, you have worked enough in your life, it is time to enjoy. Catch something big and tasty!!!
  19. Carb kit!!! If you do not want to run regular gas, run Shell premium, it is the only left without ethanol for now. If it is 2 stroke, run Stihl 2stroke engine oil in it. It has stabilizer added so you do not have to mess around at the end of the season, you are always running with it in the machine which also helps to keep it clean.
  20. I hope and pray that this is the last round of chemo for Jen. Good luck to her!!
  21. 2things to check, one is the gap on the spark plug, and the second is to pull the carb on it and clean the inside of it thoroughly with carb cleaner and then blow out the orifices with compressed air and put new gaskets and diaphragms in it. Google the manufacturer of the carb, you should be able to find a rebuild kit for it. I did for a 42 year old Pioneer chainsaw this past weekend. Parts are out there, you just have to dig a bit to find them.
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