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Mark Kulik

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Everything posted by Mark Kulik

  1. Barometric pressure definetly makes a difference in fishing, so does wind, cold fronts etc... that being said, I go out regardless, working through a tough day on the water and making he adjustments to have success makes you a better angler than the guy who looks out in the morning doesn't like the weather and goes back to bed, also I fish tournaments , they are on regardless of condtions so you have to be able to adapt.
  2. That was really good Gerrit!
  3. [ Triton Tr-20 with a 200 Evinrude HO. favourite specie -bass, but love to fish Walleye, Musky, Crappie ,Pike , trout, almost anything really.
  4. Nice mix of species! even put in a Nippissing drum!
  5. Sorry to hear that Shawn-hope you get your car and stuff back!
  6. See you there real soon-can't wait! Mark
  7. I was going to say the same thing as LBH quite often a company like Bass Pro will get Acme to make its own line of lures often cheaper $ , so it's good for the consumer, although when something is less pricey we tend to think it;s not as good, I used to be a packaging mechanic at Christie Bakery in To. My line was the premium cracker line, every now and then we would run a private label like Sobey's brand of cracker, which would be cheaper than ours, yet I would have people tell me they aren't as good tasting?? so that is probably the reason.
  8. Hi Steve I remember talking with you after the fight, your brother did great, once he gets some striking under his belt he will be more rounded, the boys at Tri-Star in Montreal know the striking game! with wrestling skills on his side which is 3/4's of MMA he'll do great! looking forward to seeing him fight! A lot of people are really surprised to see fighters actually freindly to each other, it stems from the martial arts background where respect is taught from day one. later Steve. Mark
  9. Know what -I hate watching curling on tv! -don't like watching golf either-could someone give me the address to TSN so that they can take it off the air? also I don't like Survivor or American idol, man I'm going to wright them too, I'm so bored with my life that I'm sure they will take it off the air because I don't like it, you know I don't like Football either, can't even watch TV on the weekend because of it!so if you have the NFL 's address I will contact them too! Well thats about it, had fun here met some really nice people. but lately not really impressed.
  10. Can't wait for your buddy to melt RichLOL I'm getting a little stir-crazy!
  11. I got a chance to watch it last week and I have to agree it is very well done! however Lew I'm pretty sure I heard rock in the background which I think adds excitement to the fight of a large gamefish(my opinion) as for it not being an infomercial-I couldn't agree more! as a viewer of fishing shows nothing turns me off quiker than a host rambling on about a hot sponsor bait at a lodge clearly stacked with fish, again my opinion.
  12. I'll be at the St.Croix booth from thurs. to Sun. drop by and say hi. Mark
  13. Nice Pics Steve! -your missing all the nice@#$%^%##@@ snow! I really enjoyed Costa Rica, talk soon. Mark
  14. My thoughts will be with Chris, I wish the best to him and a recovery, it's a terrible disease, my mom lost her battle on Sunday night.
  15. You can get a load test at a garage, .
  16. How old is your battery Bill? also if you run the motor at high it will suck-up power pretty quick, a lot of the higher end motors have built in electronic energy saving system which prolong the use, make sure your terminals aren't corroded and tight, and always charge the battery as quick as possible after the fishing day, a disharged battery deteriorates quicker that a charged one-also make sure you us a deep cycle battery -they are built for this purpose, I use 3 large Interstates in my Triton, and power has never been an issue. hope this helps. Mark
  17. Hey Jerry 2 guy's beat me to it , but http://www.castadventures.ca/ with Paul Castellano is a good choice, nice guy and solid angling skills. Mark
  18. That was good Mike-soft plastics are the best!
  19. There are several advantages to flouro-leaders, when fishing clear water, flouro is near invisible!, about the same refractive qualities as water, second flouro-is much more abrasion resistant than braid, I usually go with a longer Gamma flouro-lead, say 10-20 ft. Gamma has a slight strech which is more forgiving in hooksets! also with a longer lead I don't have to tie uni-uni knots in rough water with a braid mainline you get the benefit of better casting and good feel due to low stretch! I wouldn't fish clear water without flouro! -hope this helps. Mark
  20. Nice Eye Greg!
  21. Great Job Maureen, My boy's and I had a great time! it was nice to meet some of the people from this site, and we will definetly be there next year! Cheers. Mark
  22. I have come to the conclusion that P3TA are naive misinformed people, last fall Dave Chong and I caught 2 smallies one had a real unique body type and a bit of growth on one fin, we took pics of these 2 then released them at 8:00 PM. at 10:00 AM. the next morning Dave Kennedy and BobDevine hooked a double header in front of the dock, well -they were the same 2 we caught and released just over 12 hours ago! I have many instances of catching the same fish several days later as well, so I know C&R works!
  23. Thats hilarious! The world is full of wrongs like child abuse etc... and these prople are worried about a few fish? How about; Wish I had a brain.com for a name!
  24. Al's the Man! I learnt more from Inn-Fish as a young angler than anywhere! He's a multi-specie master and it was great to meet him.
  25. I'ts good to set goals for yourself, I do every year-this year I want to use crankbaits and become more proficient with them, and generally fish with my two boys as often as I can.
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