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Mark Kulik

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Everything posted by Mark Kulik

  1. Cool Vid! quick little guy!
  2. I will probably be there earlier than I thought Lew-hopefully we can chat. Mark
  3. Hi all -I will be at the St.Croix, Gamma fishing line booth on Fri. eve. and all day Sat. drop by and say hi, its nice to put faces to names. Mark
  4. That is a good post Maureen, I really look forward to attending, with my two boys, and helping out this great cause! I'm also looking forward to meeting more members of OFC ! see you there. Mark
  5. Ive had my sanity questioned a lot in the past Rich-but you are a carp maniac!-good job-better than sitting around!
  6. Hey Barnie, if your'e at the spring fishing show, or Sportsman show drop by the St.Croix /Gamma booth and see me , I'll give you a cool demo of Gamma co-polymer line. Mark
  7. The big smile say's it all! nothing like watching kids having fun and catching fish! WTG!
  8. Hi all , an apology to those who tuned in today to catch our new Season Six, looks like a glitch on the OLN end led to airing an old show instead of show 1 Detroit River EYES, Make sure to catch again next week. Thank-You. Mark Kulik - Team X
  9. Great spoon! works great on just about everything, I do well in the fall on smallmouth with the gold 1/2 oz.
  10. Should be a fun talk, I have never been to Ottawa, I look forward to it!
  11. Hey Dave it was a real pleasure to film and travel with you while filming the show, we will miss you, but I really wish you success in your new venture! I know you will do well, as you are a true proffessional! looking forward to fishing tournaments with you this season. As well as the Basstalk series. Your Freind Mark Kulik
  12. Nice boat Mike, Lund s a quality boat, hope you have lots of fun in i!
  13. Sounds good Brian, hope to see you-make sure to say hi. Mark
  14. Can't go wrong with St.Croix!
  15. Yes Bassman we have a silent auctionfor some cool stuff, which goes to Big Brothers and Sisters and Casting for a Cure which hits close for me as my Mom is losing her battle with cancer, and thank-you for the show Kudo's, we really appreciate it! we have a great season comming up in a couple of weeks, and I think that you will like it.
  16. I would love to if I had the authority, Bassman-might make for a good contest-will speak to Dave, I spoke at 2 last year-the year before I Paid to attend the Hamilton one, I learnt lots! I went on to have an awesome season including winning the CFT team of the year-coincidence, maybe, but I know that knowledge is power, the more you can posses the greater your success!
  17. I believe I can answer this one Bassman, when we talk at shows with general admission, a lot of the people are beginning or recreational anglers, getting too in-depth can be overwelming, I think I can speak for all the basstalk speakers -we basically put our heart into Every talk, however, the Basstalk series just gets more detailed, and with the aid of power point we can use personal illistrations to aid our audience, not to mention the open forum at the end , all questions go! I personally take every seminar seriously, I feel if people are willing to listen, then I have the responsibility to put as much into it as I can! to tell you the truth, I intently listen to other speakers as I always try to learn as much as I can! Hope to see you there. Mark Kulik
  18. Kids having a good time! legal or not they could be doing worse! cool vid.
  19. Its a good name Brian, although I only like when my competitors Mis Fish! LOL
  20. Hey Bernie, its a good topic, I personally like to know whom I'm talking to, I like to use my real name-always have. I guess it's a choice-I getting to know a few of the guys for who they are like Brian aka Misfish , I don't have a problem with it just my prefferance. Mark
  21. What a crappie way to go!!
  22. I saw them at BPS Goober.I have a small lindy one -works well.
  23. Wow! that brings back memories , we loved Costa Rica, nice Wahoo, you'll remember that trip for a while!
  24. Congratulations Mike ! hope your little one bring yo lots of joy!
  25. Nice Minnow! see you on the water!
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