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Mark Kulik

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Everything posted by Mark Kulik

  1. Nice-you know I bet that lake wasn't even very big, some huge bass live in these little lakes we commonly pass on the roads!
  2. Nice fish Scott! makes me feel good ! glad to help, it makes me feel usefull LOL, I have always enjoyed pics and stoties of fishing adventures , I get my flex-cast this wed, so I hope to be able to get the kids out, maybe you can give me a hand BRIAN, and give me a call Peter, if I can't be fishing I at least like to talk fishing!-good job again Scott -now go out and get a six!
  3. Nice to be at least able tofish the river-not the same average size , but when fun fishing I could catch those all day!
  4. Nice pics, I used to fish the grand before I got a boat, those river fish are strong!
  5. Wow -talk about info! good job, the harness is an awesome tool-I like to use the electric motor with a bottom bouncer - works everywhere ! was o Erie a while ago with Bob Devine and I was amazed at the size of open-water walleye we caught on them!
  6. WTG Bill-your right towater is a blast! nice C&R for the future. I like a fish dinner too, but I could never kill a bass, easy enough to get some perch, or a couple of 2 lb. eyes!
  7. What are you fishing for? if its bass, bring the jerkbaits locate them off of the many breaks and bars you'll see along the shoreline once you locate a school of smallies work them with tubes and drop-shot, ,also in the morning look for open water schools busting baitfish a pop-r or jerkbait will do the job.
  8. WE all have dad days, dude I just wanted you to chill and enjoy the sport! have a great season. Mark
  9. I just found the exact same post on another site eh Jimmynorth? how many other forums is it on? need attention? celbreties get it by shoplifting ang getting arrested, with the internet guys have never had so much useful info right at their fingertips! learning how to be a better angler is more about getting on the water, and understanding the habits of the creature you are pursuing, expecting people to give you waypoints and other details that we work so hard to find is ludicrous! I happen to enjoy pics and stories from the anglers on this and other sites , I sure don't expect every little detail! I once showed everything I knew on drop-shot smallies in a 1/2 hr show spots that took me big$$ and time away from my family to find, spilt my guts on a techique I could keep secret and win more$$$ -what do I get a guy compaining on this board cause we didn't give waypoints! So Jigger, Jimmynorth instead of sitting on your computer , your answere may be as simple as simply going fishing!
  10. Thats the type BRIAN-AND yes tying a knot at the very end will save you some weights-forgot to mention that, good seeing again also we should get out for a beer one of these days -couldn't talk very long had the wife and kids in the car, always happy to help with any info -got a lot of time now so at least I can talk fishing, we'll get you out for the fall when the arm is healed up-talk soon Mark
  11. Rich beat me to it-they are sharp but not knife-like like a pike or musky, I land a suprisingly good number of pike drop-shotting too, I think they dont get a chance to really swallow it due to the fact that the hook is on the line itself, when you set , the hook pretty much targets the lip, I prefer the clip-on type of cylindrical weights to the round type, I find that they get hung up less,also with the clip you can repositin the length of lead without re-tying. hope this helps.
  12. thanks roger , i got his pm they have been working well for a lot of anglers including myself, i recently caught my pb 24.88 lbs and won 1st in the csfl simcoe event, all fish were caught drop-shoting, this rig can be casted , give the bait slight twiches on a slack line -don't jig the weihgt-it also works well in deep vertical presentations or structure like weed clumps or pilings, don't use too much weight -only as much as is required for bottom contact, as for hooks octopus in size 2 or owner downshot hooks in 2/0 -i like to start with 18-24 inch lead from hook to weight i prefer nose hooking but when i fish weeds or cover i will texas rig them- i have done very well fishing largemouth with this technique-walleyes also love it, hope this helps mark you can contact me through pm if you would like more info, also if you get WFN catch show 5 of Extreme Angler TV i pretty much got through everything, catch a couple of nice simcoe smallies also. mark www.strikezonetournamentbaits.com
  13. Well sugery went well-so Iheard, typing as a lefty-glad that 7000 is woking well Peter I caught a lot of chinook during my rigging days, on it-glad ts in good hands, Rich my injury happenned at work, although I have had 2 cortizone shots in my right elbow as a result of fishig, Ithink stellheading contributed to that, I have heard of more injuies since braid was introduced , very little give and stretch, . i am glad i wok out i believe this will help my recovery-i will be practicing casting with my left arm,and am planning on fishing theBPS L SIMcoe open, thanks for the support, i am looking at it as a chance to spend more time with my little boys, later Mark
  14. Thanks guys I really appreciate it, it's nice to get the W unfortunatly my season is cut short due to surgery in my right arm, so looks like I'll be on the sidelines, hopefully I can rehab in time to get out for some fall smallies on Simcoe-up to it Brian?
  15. Nice guy has the best advice-trust me it can be a tough learning curve on your own-with a club its inexpensive and you can go as a non-boater-check out the Canadian Bass anglers federation or Downtown Bass anglers out of Oshawa-great bunch of guys more than willing to teach-pm me if you need more info-Mark
  16. Glad you had a great day fishing Ryan, and thanks for the kudo's on my baits, Pauls a solid angler and good guy, I'm looking forward to getting out with him this year.
  17. This guy is obviously not very well informed about fish management-, there is nothing wrong with a nice meal of bluegill or crappie-they are prolific spawners and quite plentiful-especially on Rice- I personally don't keep bass or most walleye, but I enjoy a meal once in a while of panfish, next time , just ignore him! keep fishing and have fun!
  18. As a tournament angler, cheating is a slap to my face as well as every other angler who puts his time and hard earned money on the line! Good for Andy for dealing with this the way it should be dealt with-the law- fraud is fraud! Impress his wife? give me a brake! shouldve stuffed the weight in his pants!
  19. I'm pretty sure the event is out of Orillia, I would get there before 6:30 if I were you, it takes time to get your boat #s, and do the boat check-this is where you get your livewell and kill-switch checked, there will be well over 100 boats so this takes a bit of time-good luck-see you there. Mark
  20. I have lots of nice memories of my mom, today was a tough one as she passed away a couple of months ago after a long fight with cancer, moms give up a lot of their own personal lives to raise us, we should never take that for granted-today I had to visit here grave, she was 72 -wish I had more time with her!
  21. Glad you enjoyed the day guy's -Bob's the man when it comes to walleye!
  22. The sculpin almost identical and there are lots in Simcoe, but unfortunaley test netting have confirmed their presence, so it very well could have been a goby-he did the right thing to yurn it in, the goby have a 1-piece-fused pectoral fin where the sculpin are 2 separate ones.
  23. Nice! see you out there!
  24. Thanks Paul, lets go -I'll supply the baits! I think I have a couple kicking around!LOL
  25. Nice pics Paul!-must feel great after the long winter, I have to get out there this year!
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