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Mark Kulik

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Everything posted by Mark Kulik

  1. Thats the problem with pictures-you just never know where they end up!LOL I guess I couldn't convince you guys that they were in style at the time? My wife saw it and now she believes I used to weigh 150 lbs! It's funny what you remember Mike-I couldn'y tell you what I had for lunch yesterday-yet I remember fish from 20+yrs ago!
  2. I have heard good things about it Lundboy, with my sense of direction on the road, it really makes sense to have one, Lawren from Lorance has told me good things about it, I will pick mine upsoon. Mark
  3. Holy smokes! that was a while ago! Hi Paul yes I remember you, the spoon was an Andy Reeker spoon with every known color of prizm tape on it! The bows were crushing it! I'll be at the spring show and the To sporman show at the St.Croix booth, make sure you come out and say Hi-looking forward to talking again. Mark
  4. Thank-You Greg-it was nice to meet you also, great to see those with higher edjucations enjoy fishing, and glad you like our show, we are gearing up for our new season , filled with great multi-specie action ! lets grab a lunch one day. Mark
  5. I have spent quite a bit of time in Venice, Stoty and have only fished the salt-like Mike said , the north Jetty is always a great draw , Iv'e caught some nice snook, reds, mackeral bluefish, pompano-MMMMMMmmm !! drum, sheephead and even small sharks, good luck-let us know how you do.
  6. Thats cool, he'll have some real good training there, I fought there a few times, years ago, Victor Vargovski is the kick-boxing trainer there, he was training GSP until after the Serra fight, lots of tough dudes out that way!
  7. Yes he is, funny thing-to look at him you wouldn't think he"s that tough, but man can that guy hit! his body punches would shake you right down to the shoes! Very Knowledgeable about the fight game too, have to make some time to visit him soon,we had a lot of fun times at the fights and the gym, hope your brother makes it the the UFC Steve.
  8. I think it will be a really focused GSP for sure, Jeff Joslyn has a 3 fight deal with the UFC, showed a good acount of himself against Koschek I know he had injury issues, he is trained by my freind and former coach Vito Brancaccio of All Canadian Martial Arts in Mississauga, Vito is an awesome trainer and martial artist , Jeff will be well trained , looking forward to it!
  9. This is very sad, tough way to start 08 for the families, my condolences to them! I hope we can something from these terrible trajedies, and learn from them! not just snowmobiling but also running a boat without a lifejacket on or no seatbelts in a car etc... I guess we do the same things over and over, and never think that it could turn out bad!
  10. Good job Rich! Mark
  11. Nice, -my fav. specie through the ice!
  12. Thats what makes MMA so cool-you just never know! Have a great New Year Guys! Mark
  13. Absolutely Charles , Machida, is the real deal, great technique!, Ive seen And. Siva fight at 170 in earlier Vale udo fights, he was a wrecking machine-the dude can throw bombs! it would be a great match-up if he wanted to get to 170-these guys can do it if they want. have a great new Year!
  14. I'm really looking for the rematch of GPS and Serra, if George comes in like the last couple of times, I can;t really see him losing soon, also remember-he's only in his 20's! still learning, I was also dissapointed in Machido-Sudo. Charles, sometimes a guy has an off night, remember in a team sport you can simply flaot and blend in in MMa it's only you!
  15. That was a good card Terry, GSP looked pretty much unbeatable!, and who doesn't like a good exchange like the Liddell-Silva fight!
  16. Nice brown Kemp, Iv'e caught dropbacks the following April, they are the best! hit and fight harder than spawners , float reel is a blast, best tool for drifting .
  17. True GB, if i never used color, I wouldn't know what I'm missing, Its just so much easier on the eyes!, I even have my Lowrance ice fishing machine in color, great viewing in a dark clam!
  18. Again it depends on what you are doing Glen, if your a begginner or not really fishing structure, or just simply fish every second weekend, it may not be for you, but you would be surprised how much more you see with a high quality unit!
  19. Couldn't of said it better, Gerrit, Lowrance all the way! the colour is much easier to see regardless of light conditions, the color also helps you interpret the soundings more accuratly, like Roy said the power is the reason for the price diff, sometimes the resolution-pixel count also is considered in price, as for Gps, is it necassary, ?Depends what you want out of it-I wouldn't want to get out without GPS, I have the 2 Lowrance 520 on my rig, as far as fishfinding is concerned -Lowrance is the best -period-and Ive used others! Also service is here in Mississauga. Mark
  20. Although I didn't lnow Casey really well, he was always happy and smilling , we were always happy when he and Leona finnished high, he will be missed, there is an bass tourney in his honour opening weekend on Simcoe-the Creber Cup!, great to see Leona still fishing competitevely, awesome to see more women in the sport.
  21. WTG Terry, at least you got out-I will wait till next week to take my little guy's out.
  22. And here we make fun of woman shopping! LOL
  23. Unfortunatley Bob, Casey passed away a couple of years ago-I didn't know him really well , but always had a big smile and very freindly, there is a bass tournament in his name on Lake Simcoe-the Creber Cup.
  24. Sorry Doug, its so hard to describe-if you still can't figuire it out come see me at thye Gamma line and St.Croix booth at the fishing shows, and I'll show you there, if you figuire it out great, come by and say hi anyhow. cheers. MARK
  25. It's tough to describe like fishindevil said-I tried looking up the threading diagram , but for some reason I can't get on the page, after the pad place both lines one at a time into the slot between the lever and ths small plastic ball.
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