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Mark Kulik

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Everything posted by Mark Kulik

  1. True Couture has no submissions , but neither does Lesnar, both are wrestlers, G&P if Randy can use his conditioning and experience and get it into the 3rd + rounds he can pull it off -remember power is only good if youre not gassed, ask George Foreman! 1st 2 rounds I pick Lesnar -if it goes beyond Couture ground n pound.TKO 4th.
  2. I'm in again Maureen-I'll be sure to get some goodies for the auction. Mark
  3. WTG Shawn-nice eyes!
  4. Glad you enjoyed the day Gerrit it was great having you out with us ! Anytime you can catch big smallies and enjoy a few good laughs ! talk soon. Mark
  5. Good report Roger and Paul, this was my first O in a tournament of any kind, but it can happen, the Lake turned recently and the bass just havnt gotten used to it, hence the tough bite, the important thing is not to get down over a poor event-it's only 1 day, as a matter of fact I can't wait for next year already! the way I look at it I got to fish , compete , and be a part of a cool event, this was my 2nd time fishing the fall event, and it's turned out to be a really well-run event! my partner Joe and I won our last event together on Simcoe in July, so we fish well together, when I realized our spot was not going to pan out we made long runs to other spots that were usually very reliable, I knew it was a bad mistake when I ran into Dave Chong and a couple of other good anglers who were not getting them, after battling huge waves across Simcoe we returned to find that the fish did have a small time frame that they bit, 2 freinds of mne caught 21 lbs for 4 fish, on slammers but did not get a bite in the last 4 hrs , all in all I had a fun time and hold your head up guys -it WAS a tough one!
  6. Sad for sure!, I never get tired of listening to Teenage head, a few years ago, my wife and I were staying in a cottage in Fenelon Falls, we decided to visit the local bar, I noticed the guy's walking in front of us were wearing teanage head jackets, sure enought it was Frankie and the boys, we talked a bit then they did their show-it was great in a tiny little room! we loved it!
  7. Hope you get well soon Shawn, I'll make sure to pick a calm day on Simcoe.
  8. Glad to help Ernie, thats the way to do it, get info and put it to the test! I'll lend you one of my blue legends , you;ll love it! The Avid is also a good rod.
  9. Thank-you Maureen thats the whole idea! something we take a lot of pride in.
  10. WTG Ernie! nice bucket!
  11. Some nice fish Steve-nice talking with you and Kelly on Fri. talk soon Mark
  12. Well we had so much fun last tues. on Couchiching Karl Kalonka and myself went back on Thurs. to film for the 2009 season of EATV on WFN Karl took advantage of an early topwater bite and caught several nice smallies, later in the morning the wind died, and the fishing got tough! the water was like a sheet of glass, long casts dropshotting slammers was the ticket as we boated over 25 fish with the biggest over 4 lbs, I can hardly wait to see the footage -you could see them fight underwater 30 feet away!
  13. Thank Ultra, unfortunatly the tail is one of the triggering features, thats one of thr reasons I've come up with the fat version, good triggering but more panfish resistance, on some bodies of water like Erie ,Simcoe it doesn't seem to be as many panfish, on the kawarthas , however the fat slammer will help .
  14. just to answer the weight question-you could use a bell weight or split shot, the clip on is good because itr has a built in swivel which helps line twist also you can re-position the hook to weight distance without re-tyinging, if you get snagged you lose only the weight.
  15. Small steps Danbo, people still don't believe he can use a spinning reel!LOL
  16. Good job Rich, nice to see your girl likes to fish too.
  17. Went out on Couch yesterday with Karl Kalonka, well my fishing has been limited this year due to surgery on my right arm, but I've learnt to cast with my left, when Karl asked me to go fishing for the day, I jumped at the chance! we drop-shoted slammers in 3-8 fow and had a blast boated well over 20 smallies 2 largemouth and a nice pike, with a beatiful sunny day as a bonus!, I think Karl is picking the technique a bit too well!LOL here's the hawg of the day a solid Couch 6er. picture from Exteme angler Media
  18. Hi Cudz, this is just my personal preference, but I've done great on Simcoe and Couch as well as other clear bodies of water with smoke, yesterday we used straight smoke 202 and smoke shiner 204, which is two-tone they both worked , smoke /copper , smoke red etc.. one thing I noticed yesterday is the fish hit the 2-tone real hard, usually they just pick it up but yesterday a couple tried to jerk the rod out of my hand! in the fall I've had good success on Gr.pumpkin as well as watermelon shades.
  19. Hi Bill, the fat slammer has been working well, I made it to give more bulk, and bigger baitfish in the fall, they have been producing well, Simcoe bait have the regular slammers, I can them som Fat slammers if you like, yesterdat we caught our fish on Couch on regular slammers, the fat ones are also better when a lot of small panfish are present, they don't get the tail bit as much. Hope they work well for you bucktail, Fishing world , JB's and Gagnons also carry them. feel free to pm me if you need tips or info, always happy to help.
  20. Hi Cudz simcoe bait and tackle on innisfil street in barrie carries strike zone baits if there's a color they don't have or you require bulk order let them know i can have them there within a day or two i have a lot of friends that have been out fishing their partners that have being using other techniques by as much as thirty to one at times, while drop shotting is considered an advanced technique it really shouldn't be because its quite simple to use check out the article i wrote in luresandtours.com fact of the matter is my kids and beginning anglers i take out catch a lot of big fish drop shotting give it a try and i know it will work for you.
  21. Hi Ernie thanks for the kudos, glad they are working well for you, Karl and I just got back from a day drop-shotting with slammers also we caught over 20 smallies with a 6lber karl caught on a ledge in 3 fow , I'll post a pic when he sends it to me, I noticed the walleye too, a lot of anglers are starting to find that walleye love a drop-shot rig too, we'll have to give them a good workout with Shaun in Oct. talk soon Mark PS streamer guy-I wont post pics of my collection you'll think i'm nuts! LOL
  22. I normally spend a bit of time on Simcoe, the 2 times I got out were awesome , on July 20 we caught 15 fish on a real wet nasty day our 5 best won the CSFL tournament with 24.88 lbs including a six pounder, last week I took my freind Murray Smith and Rosa Sharpe from Lures and Tours.com to get some fish pictures again we caught about 15-20 smallies and a big bowfin(man they pull) , with Murrays PB 6.4 lbs on an X-tool scale, I belive with the irregular weather patterns the fish are still there but not as active, typically productive baits like spinnerbaits and jerkbaits have not been as effective, in the tournament I saw several teams whiz by using jerkbaits and leaving, we only got bit dropshotting Slammers, last week , Senkos seem to work well, so I belive finding fish and slowing down has been the key.
  23. Nice fish Steve-I was out there also on tues, what a nice day! my freind Murray caught his PB 6.4 lber! talk about happy, great when you can run the lake all day, we hit ours shallow, how about you and Cal?
  24. Congrats Brian, she is definetly cute, my wife freaks when we see a baby girl cause we were hoping for one, let the spoiling begin-I'll give u a call.
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