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Mark Kulik

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Everything posted by Mark Kulik

  1. Just do what I did and move to Innisfil! LOL , the fee is crazy for non, residence, at the free one in L.Simcoe Marine, watch where you park because, you will get a ticket. Mark
  2. Hi Evan, try the St.Croix in the 7' Med, Heavy, casts a spinnerbait a long way and has great sensitivety. Mark
  3. With a name like Johnny Bass, I'd hate to have you miss this Sat. opener, apparently it is now the 3rd week of June! good luck this weekend. Mark
  4. on Sincoe , Mizmo tubes in the new 31/2" or 4" work great, smoke colors work best for me, but color can be a prsonal matter, watermelons and green pumpkin also work well.
  5. Doesn't surprise me at all Bob, after our trip earlier in the year on the Detroit , I was really impressed, can't wait to get out again and hammer them Bob!
  6. I am also a fan of the Tungsten weights, like Charles and JP. said they give you a good feel of the bottom, slip through cover and weed better, and also increase hook-ups because of the smaller profile, when a bass hits it inhales the bait sinker and all, when setting often the weight, exits the fishes closed mouth so less resistance is better, Tru-Tungsten have a great line of products, and the Ikey heads are great for weedles grubs and worms.
  7. Congrats Kyla, that print will look great in the rec. room. Mark
  8. Well MRPIKE hit the nail on the head! everyone stay home for a week, spend time with the family and send a clear message! see how the corporate bullies like that! the only way to hurt oil companies is in the wallet!!, I hear people saying buy a small car, I have one for commuting, but I work very hard, why should I give-up the sport I've enjoyed my entire life? sur I could sell my boat, but then who gets the last laugh. the trouble is trying to get everyone united! the other option is to boycott one big company like Petro-can , then hurt them one at a time. My 2 cents
  9. Hi Guys , the palomar is about the best i've used so far, and yes it works great on the Eyes! I haven't tried it on the whities, but it works great on lakers also, the key is to keep the hook horizontal, by threading the tag end back through the top of the hook eyelet, helps with this, good luck. Mark
  10. I agree with Charles, guys who cheat in tournaments should be treated like any other thief, I think of the hard work and dedication it takes to succeed in competitive fishing, anyone who cheats is slapping every honest angler in the face!
  11. Hi John, I was sposored last year by Hooters in Barrie, when the manager I was dealing with left, I didn't pursue it , but I think I will this year, and yes I like the look of the logo too, LOL
  12. Hi John Bob is supposed to email me a couple of pics of our bigger fish, hopefully I get them soon. Mark
  13. Just returned from Windor Ont. Fishing the Detroit River with Mr. Walleye Bob Devine from Chartertalk guiding and fellow Team X member , all I can say is WOW!!! what a fishery, Bob put Karl Kalonka and I onto some real good ones my biggest was over 8 lbs. with a real good average size, I caught more in a day and a half than I had all last season, we filmed the outing for an 2008 Extreme Angler episode, it's gonna make some great viewing, anyone looking to catch walleyes and improve there skills should definetly give Bob a call! can't wait for the next trip west!
  14. I have used Gamma exclusively last season, and have nothing but good things to say about it, you generally get what you pay for.
  15. Well I wasn't going to post but here it goes, first off my engine is 200hp. why would calling me an idiot make someone feel good I don't know-I find jetski's really annoying , but guess what it's their right to run around on them! I have fished for everything in Ont. I've flyfished, steelheaded-pretty much for every specie, currently I fish competitevly, its my choice, but I certainly respect someone who chooses not to, I have 2 boys 5 and 7who love to fish with me , if they follow in my footsteps I'll support them if not thats great too, I participate in Daves Big Brothers /Sisters event and I really enjoy the look on the little guy's faces when they catch a fish, I grew up in rough area , and had a couple of freinds who died drug-related deaths, I chose to go the river instead, so any way to get new anglers young and old into fishing -competitevly or just for fun is a good thing!
  16. Well Charles -I've made some really good predictions like Liddell/ Couture 2 however I've also been totally wrong on Henderson /Silva 2 , so you just never know, Hughes usually comes back well after a loss, so I think he will prevail, It will be interesting to see how Ace comes back after a devasting loss, I believe he'll win, as for Couture /Silvia its hard to say but ,I'm the same age as Randy, while I feel good , I know I'm not as fast and strong as I was at 28 I think Silvia will overpower him, cant wait for Cro-cop vrs. Silvia!
  17. Was I ever wrong on that one! WTG Dan the Man! Silva is one tough nut to crack! I didn't get to see the fights but heard they were awesome!
  18. Thank-You guys, it's great to see more and more Boat/vehicle wraps! this is certainly a good sign as companies are reconognizing the advertising potential! I am very proud to represent all of my sponsors especially my newest, Interstate! and yes Maureen if you see me on Simcoe or G.Bay flag me down and I'll take you for a spin! P.S. another awesome job by Todd Curry, second to none when it comes to vehicle/boat wraps!
  19. If the thieves had driven a car to the marina would they ban cars driving on that public road?I grew up near the Humber as a youngster I was told , quite rudely at the same marina to leave, knowing I was not on their property I decided to stay and fish, no police were called, I can't see how they can keep you off water, being an angler can be very frustrating, thats why I don't fish a lot of steelhead.
  20. That was good -that Silva is an animal! to be honest Henderson can learn to strike but it still won't put him in Silvas league, it may help but in the end barring a submission I predict the Axe Murderer will win!
  21. True Rogan can get annoying, but he does know whats going on in there, and shows genuine enthusiasm, somtimes I catch another MMA show and the play by play puts you to sleep like rear naked choke, so with the popularity and success of UFC I don't think they will change much. however like Charles mentioned I could see them buying Pride, and basically owning MMA worldwide(add sinnister laugh here). I'm looking forward to seeing Cro-cop win the title and adding some needed talent to the heavyweight ranks.
  22. I watched the fights last night and thought it was entertaining but not the best card I've seen for sure! Sirfish -people have been fighting for years! the ring/octagon is where violence belongs, these guys are highly trained atheletes , and know the risks before they step in , look at the concusions and injury rate in hockey or race cars! this is not just guys throwing punches and kicks , it is very much a strategic game in there, boxing is far more dangerous, taking 500 head shots in a 12 rounder is what causes the damage, plus the refs step in quick, long live MMA !
  23. I had a 20+ carp on last dec. on Cooks -thing is I didnt want to get it through the hole!
  24. Kenny have a look at St.Croix ,Ive used then for the entire 06 season and have been very happy with them, sensetive and strong-you get what you pay for! Mark
  25. Hi guys -new to the site, just want to say -last year I attended the Hamilton talk and really enjoyed it , those I talked to afterwards found it really informative as well , for the price of a couple of cases of beer, this is money well spent , and it's a great day with fellow Canadian anglers also! hope to see you guys there. Mark
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