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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Yumpin Yemeni! That was good
  2. I have nice parcel in Aliston if they want to expand their potato operation. Just Potatoes.
  3. The creek on my farm in Cookstown is worth more than the land it runs through! They are in there by the hundreds, never touched except for a muskrat that feeds on them! They are probably chub, never bother them . . .
  4. Hang on to your wood boss.
  5. [quote name='irishfield' date='14 November 2012 - 05:52 PM' timestamp='1352933561' Doesn't your employer know why you're calling in sick! The "employer is taking the pictures"
  6. I have lots of white buckets, just made wine!
  7. Great news. Just take it easy.
  8. GBW, the OLD dude is still on in reruns on OMNI 1 and CityTV!
  9. My condolences.
  10. I'll ask this weekend.
  11. Good news Wayne, that long road is getting shorter by the day, our thoughts are with you and the family.
  12. memeories of a dear friend floating down the Bighead in November, yelling, save my rod! Waders filled with water is not the best thing at this time of year.
  13. My condolences to you and your family. Vary bad day on the roads for pedestrians yesterday, 10 were hit in the GTA
  14. Lew they don't need an excuse! :wallbash:
  15. Merc, quit sending screwdrivers and send candy instead.
  16. maybe all of those fish are trying to get a t you too, You just haven't reloads it yet! Too funny.
  17. [quote name='Grimace' date='30 October 2012 - 09:31 PM' timestamp='1351647092' Big bears don't seem to have a problem with you but all sorts of little critters are trying to do you in. BillM carries a gun to solve the bear problems!
  18. Weather network/weather eye. In use pincast, you can program any city and it will give you hourly forecast within a few km. I tried at home and it worked great, it said rain and sure enough it wa raining! Short and long term forecast.
  19. looks like until Dec 31. I used to fish it way up from town many years ago in late fall, may still be that way. Check it may be open all year Hwy 26 to the lake. Check carefully things change.
  20. WE have spoken! All is good.
  21. OOPS! I like Solopaddler better!
  22. I need a couple of your reports. I'll explain.
  23. My deepest condolences Paul. I know the feelling.
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