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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Not what we wanted to hear, but it happens, in the sky and on the road, my condolences to the family.
  2. I can vouch for Sauble Beach with a passion. Took my kids there all of the time. The beach is amazing, Sauble Falls Provincial Park is nearby. I used to rent the golden eagle motel on the main strip (4 families with kids) the motel was at the back. lots of play area BBQ. . . Fire pit . . . Really lots to do for the kids go carts batting cages and to boot fishing on the Sauble River. Now that they have kids they want to go back!
  3. There is nothing funny about this thread. I live in an area where cellphones seem to be right to use while driving. FNA, knows where I live! These people have no concern with my safety or their own. I can pull up to a stop light or highway exit mentioned before and most of the peopleI observe around me are either texting or on the phone. I had one Idiot follow men in his BIG RAM truck from Creditstone road to Langstaff and Islington on the phone and every time we came to a light he stopped closer and closer until the only thing I could see was the Ram logo. If business is so important get and office! Want to chat PULL OVER. I have a phone, emergency only use. NEVER use it while I drive and instructed my grown children the same, especially with their kids in the car. I love the people with a small phone cupped in their palm as to hide it, I guess the lips move on their own . . . FNA if the law is not right why don't they fix it? It's a waste of taxpayers' money to have these people going through the process and just wasting time and more money ( they do get paid ) Sorry for the rant, but laws are laws and should be obayed.
  4. Our best thoughts coming your way Dave. I went through it with my mom last year. Healthy all her life no problems at all. She started feeling a bit of pain and we got her to a hospital and she never came out! Your dad will be fine as long they keep a close eye on him. A
  5. Cliff, if you are ever down Bowmanville way check out CT there, on hwy 2. A site to see. My daughter's husband runs it, brand spanking new. Last year I needed lures for a fishing story, so I went to BPS after about 1/2 hour of looking, too much selection for me, so I bought what I thought was good for the story, nice colour etc spinner cranks etc. I take them back and the "designer" who has never seen a fish at the end of a rod tells me they are the "WRONG" colour . :wallbash: They photographed it and redid them in fotoshop :wallbash:
  6. Shame on you Lew, a fireman eating out of a can! I chat York Region's finest and when they shop they seem to avoid canned goods! the best I've had with them; one asked what peanut butter should I buy - me, the one with the peanut on top - they broke up. ( my advertising training) Venison in the Yard sound good.
  7. Where we you fishing? I have to find a place close to Cookstown next year! Timing is of the essence in getting them! Misfish seem to be top dog here!
  8. I went to Port Hope with two friends (not to fish) to see a very good friend/teacher from my typesetting days. He was so happy to see us. We brought homemade goodies to snak on had a bottle of red and just hung out. It's great to know that I've had these friends and more than 40+ years. Don't worry Cliff, she shouldn't do crafts with the TV on!
  9. Cliff, if it's bathtub spout yes the seat can be replaced.I have changed one. There is a tool at CT that will take it out and put it back in. The thing looks like a pyramid on one end and when you insert it you will find the right size to turn it. I have one but my camera is out of commission right now. Hope this helps.
  10. Cliff, nobody here has caught on yet, but every time you mention retirement, you mean changing a tire. They are lucky to have you.
  11. just in time for the weekend. :angry: :angry:
  12. I saw my good bud Dave Fernie 'step' into a deep hole on the Bighead in November! All I heard was "save my rod" as they filled up, he got out and after a good fire we dried him out. A nude dude in November is classic. John Kerr was not there, if he was he'd probably would have said, let the dummy go!
  13. Ouch! I don't know which way to bend
  14. yes he can make a spinner (#3 silver Mepps , Black furry . . .) talk as he is the "the spinner man" they are both gems to behold. Spoke to Dave today. can't wait to see him and hopefully John is around. Oh the memories . . . A
  15. Solo an me know but I'm not telling, so there. :clapping:
  16. Maybe he will restore the "old bread" truck him and Dave had and I used to fix, good old days in the 70s. :clapping:
  17. Yes he will Solo I've never met James but he does write for us occasionally.
  18. I'm putting up the Christmas lights up in a basket too!
  19. Working with tourism stuff couples is the way to go.I put their ads in our magazine. Taboo and Deerhurst The new one on the block is JW Marriott on lake Russeau Congrats
  20. Cliff you forgot all of those fish you feed!
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