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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Looks great but I'm sure it tastes better. Thanks for the tutorial.
  2. Didn't know this Garry, thanks for the heads up.
  3. Haven't bought a Humminbird product in years. Was very disappointed that the transducers on the units I had been using would only last a couple of years Then to replace the transducer was almost the same price as a new unit. Bought Eagle units and they have been fine for the last 7 years or so. Almost bought a Humminbird GPS a couple of years ago but went with a Lowrance. After reading your post, I'm glad I did as I've no issue with mine. Having said that I know others have had issues with Lowrance. Your problem seems to be something they are well aware of. However, if you are not running a VHF radio, you would not be aware of any static issues. They are most likely thinking, we'll fix the ones that come back and in our next product we'll fix the issue...or maybe not. All about the bottom line. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. You're welcome Mike! It's not just me though, Lincoln, Ken and John as well. Thanks again for all of your help. Enjoy!
  5. I was thinking the same thing. Some good food for a big toothy critter. Great news on the boat Terry and the underwater footage is always great. Thanks for the report. Now put the boat away and get packing!!
  6. As kids, my Dad took my brother and I to a pier for some perch fishing. Well the perch were few and far between but the bass were jumping on are lines all day long and keeping us entertained. We were asking Dad if we could keep some for dinner and he told us no as they were not in season and had to be released. When we got home, he got out the regs (trying to instill some wisdom I guess) and read to us that bass season had opened that very day. We always have read the regs since then. First 10 pound + eye caught with Headhunter. First musky over 20 pounds. Biggest bass - just shy of 6 pounds Biggest pike at 43.5 inches. Arctic Grayling fishing in the NWT. So many to have just one but will end with this one. Last Sunday we were going through Dad's stuff. When it came time to decided what to do with his tackle, both my brother and I figured we had enough and picked out something small. The rest of his tackle which included a bunch of rods and reels, rod stand, several tackle trays and tackle bag, bags of plastics, ice fishing gear including a manual auger (used maybe once or twice as we always used my gas auger when we went out), and sleigh as well as a portable fish finder - we gave it all to Dad's step grandson. He was hoping for a couple of things and he could not believe his ears. Just like a kid on Christmas morning going through all the stuff, stripping old line of the reels and grinning ear to ear the whole time. A sight that I will never forget and one that Dad would have loved to have seen, something tells me he did.
  7. Not sure but that certainly works when drilling in some materials. I'd be temped to just try with the larger bit, go slow and see what happens. If it seems to be having a problem with the clay then maybe use the smaller bit first. I've never heard of changing bits, just getting a bigger and more powerful machine for the job if necessary.
  8. Time with a good friend is always great, time with a good friend on the water - even better. The catching is always a bonus but you did pretty well considering the conditions. Great report.
  9. Great report, very cool to hear about the sturgeon in that area and a nice picture too.
  10. Looks like a good "man date" . Great to catch up with an old friend and find out that something old and gone can be as good as new again. (your passion for fly fishing) So what are you buying first?? Love the colours on the brute in the last pic.
  11. My first musky was about the same size about 20+ years ago, you never forget the first......
  12. Yep, merely a flesh wound. Not saying it doesn't suck to get one though.
  13. Haven't had a lot of fishing time this year for bass but the trips I've made have been tough. Been getting numbers but not any size except for the trip with Cliff when numbers and size eluded us. I blame Cliff.
  14. Go get them Ron! Just let us know when and how we can help. We have 7,438 members here and if everyone pitched in $10 or $20 dollars we could put a dent in your costs. It is your future of fishing everyone!
  15. Great report and really nice fish. Always great when a game plan comes together.
  16. I was thinking Santa since Mike was so far north and that he does shave his beard off for the summer months. AWESOME report Mike!! Welcome back!!
  17. We've know each other for years....oh the other Will. He's a good guy too, lots of laughs and his mom makes a great noodle dish. Great to see the kids out and having a good time as well as the adults. Looks like a fun day for all.
  18. Great report Cliff. I didn't know that you could catch a bass... Nice smallie!
  19. Looks like you guys did well! Too bad about the sun/heat stroke - one of our guys had it as well. Great report!! Finally got the pics from the last guy in our group, only 35 gigs of picture, video and audio files to go through. Report to come....
  20. That is hilarious!! I wonder what they were even thinking to try to put that in place. Politics at it's finest??
  21. Love the T-shirt!!! A true sign of Jen's spirit through this and a very happy Mom and daughter. I'm sure Dad's grinning large while taking this shot.
  22. Totally AWESOME!!! That number will grow a bit more as I had forgot to mail my cheque until late Friday. Should have it today or tomorrow though. Thank you Fish-A-Thon Team 2011!!!! Ryan, you've certainly started a great thing here. $20, 000 next year??
  23. Great pics!! Nice when work & fishing can cohabit-ate.
  24. You would think that they would come up with some kind of "tagging" for your boat to show that you had been checked on a given day. Just a brightly coloured piece of paper, it could be held up before they even got close to ID you had been checked on a given day. This would allow more time to check others who haven't been. Rotate through a selection of colours to avoid "cheaters". Yes there would be some costs involved but you'd have some happy boaters.
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