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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Great shots Cliff! Impressed with the moving car one, composition is pretty darn good all things considered. If you were not moving so fast you wouldn't have caused the ripple on the water and could have had a great reflection.
  2. fishnsled


    So true Joey. I could not tell you the last time I came to the city for anything other then work. Great shots and I do not think they look like c-h-i-t.
  3. :rofl2: OUR DEAL?? Next time you can at least edit down your own pics. After doing up the report and looking back at the trip I can hardly wait to go back myself. I mean - terrible place - don't go....when are we booking for Linc? Linc's own creation and it works pretty well. Thanks again for the replies everyone.
  4. I haven't caught one on the Great Lakes yet but the fight is awesome. Congrats to your daughter.
  5. Make it 2 seats, we can split the gas Cliff. Great report and an AWESOME fish!!! Congrats!!
  6. You may have point here Terry. Let's plan an invasion on Simon's house. We could hide in the bushes and wait till he comes out to go fishing, follow him to the lake and then jump him after puts the boat in the water waving fake badges and taking possession of all of his fishing equipment and boat. Use it for a few hours and then give it back. Much cheaper then a fly in and all equipment and bait is supplied! Very nice report Simon!
  7. Agree. Battery needs to be on a charger for a few hours to charge it right up.
  8. Thanks for the replies everyone - it was just awesome! Ahhh - memory lane eh Dan? Isn't it great or is it a bit foggy? There was a for sale sign on it Dan if you were so inclined to rekindle some of those memories. I just got lucky - I just don't have the time I'd like to put into the video right now. Basically just copied all the pics to the timeline and trimmed them to fit in the song. Don't just add this to the bucket list - move it close to the top! Smart . There is a shower at Eddie's camp, I think we all used it at least once..... The 40" pike eluded Ken and myself. We both had 38.5" as our best and it was Ken's PB. Linc and John both got a 42.5" (a PB for each of them)each and a couple others that were around the 41" mark. Would love to have you along Cliff - we were talking about 2013 but I can always have my arm twisted for a trip next year if you are up for it. You will have an AWESOME time!! Yep, probably lost my 40+" fish when it bit though him fluorocarbon fishing line leaders. ( not made with the fluorocarbon leader material) I am in the process of stock piling swimbaits for the next trip. Yep, long over do but I choose fishing many times over doing up this report. Have had to make up for some lost time earlier in the year. Broken truck kept me at home this weekend so the report got done.
  9. Agree, you've probably got a couple thousand dollars tied up in those trays. That really sucks.
  10. An incredible day on the water!! WOW!
  11. X 2 I'll keep looking for a beard wig but so far no luck.
  12. Good an ya Kelvin. Great to hear it was a success.
  13. Nice to see you are still putting the smack down on the WGSF. Great report Rich, your reports always put a smile on my face.
  14. When are you starting the tournament trail Cliff?? Some really nice fish there!!
  15. NICE FISH!! I just might have to plan a trip up the this fall, it's been a while. Congrats!
  16. Great day on the water!! Congrats on the hog Paul!
  17. For the last couple of days we switched up the teams as Ken was suffering from some heat stroke and John just wanted a couple of days to sleep in - with young ones at home I don't blame him. Lincoln and I were up at 4:30 and on the water shortly afterwards. Sunrise over Eddie's camp. We also had our resident caribou come by for a few pics. Certain it had to have seen us but it wasn't until it smelled us that it went back into the bush. We saw one bear that morning as well but didn't get a very good shot. Eddie and the crew had seen one near camp the previous day that they figured went 500 pounds! Our much smaller bear. Dropped Lincoln on shore to go chase the bear but he only came back with a pic of the paw print. (He didn't really chase the bear, it was long gone by the time we beached the boat.) Ken and John did make it out and John got his PB walleye at 29.5". Beauty fish!! And of course we had to squeeze in a shore lunch. Lincoln and I ended up on the water for 16 hours that day before coming back to camp. Happy with the day but exhausted - still played cards till midnight though. A later start to the next day for Lincoln and I but still on the water by 6am. A few fish boated and the sun came out and hit us like a ton of bricks. We threw out the anchor and had a short nap. Lincoln's snoring woke me up and I noticed he was holding onto his rod (fishing rod) with a line in the water. So of course not being one to miss an opportunity, grabbed the line and tugged like hell. Never seen anyone jump up like that before. We pulled up anchor and were making our way out of the bay when a fish jumped. Linc is determined to get it and tossing in a line. We were thinking that they were whitefish jumping but were not sure. ( I did see a sturgeon jump the one morning right in front the the boat. ) Linc is suddenly setting the hook and brings in this. We dropped the anchor again and proceeded to slam walleye like crazy. Midday sun and in 4-6ft of water we must have caught and release over 50 fish in a couple of hours. Ken and John did well on the spot as well later in the day. Lincoln and I went back to the pike fishing. Linc's biggest of the trip. Exhausted after another sun up to sundown day. We certainly enjoyed the bacon wrapped walleye John had prepared that evening. Just a fantastic trip. Way too many pics to include them all but I think you get the idea, a must visit place - add it to your bucket list. I've slapped together a video to get some more pics in but it still doesn't put a dent into the shots we (Lincoln) took. I've got to go through the video clips still and will see what is there when I have some time. Thanks for reading! <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allownetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid105.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fm240%2FFishnsled%2FEddies%2520North%2520Adventure%25202011%2FAweekatEddiesNorth2011.mp4" height="361" width="600">
  18. Well what does one say that hasn't all ready been said about Eddie North's Attawapiskat Adventures ? Just a truly magical place. Beautiful county, wildlife and lots of fish, BIG ones too. Our trip started off bright and early with an uneventfully trip to Nakina, well Ken and I almost hit a bear but no harm done. Eddie had suggested (as did Solopaddler) that we stay at the https://lowertwinlakes.com/Home.html for our stay over before our flight the next day. Clean cabin, comfortable beds, a view of the lake while having the evening beverage, nothing fancy but I'd go back again. Thanks John and Karin. The next morning we were up early and off to check in. We knew that it would be a bit of a later departure but like kids on Christmas morning, who is going to keep you in bed till later. We got weighed in and then off for some breakfast and grabbed some bait. By the time we got back to the airbase we were being loading and soon were on our way. That Otter has to be one of the more comfortable planes. Ken and I decided we'd have a hard time going back to a Beaver or smaller. Plenty of room to stretch out and snooze. The flight was smooth as could be and soon we were landing in our piece of paradise for a week. It didn't take to long before the bags were unpack and the fishing gear was rigged and ready to go. We ventured out for a few hours, grabbed some dinner and then back out for an evening fish. Nothing too big to brag about but some good fish were caught. Ken and I did well with the fishing the first couple of days but didn't take many/any pics of the fish. All decent fish but nothing we felt picture worthy - getting picky in my old age I guess. Lincoln on the other hand came up with 3 or 4 cameras and was snapping and videoing everything.....hence the 35 gigs of files to go through. Later that day smoke rolled in from a forest fire that was in the area. First time I've experience that . A couple shots from the evening fish. Eagles nest. Storm came in but was short lived. Being completely exhausted (I was running on about 5 hours of sleep over 2 days) we opted for a bit of a sleep in the next morning and started with a big breakfast. Then we hit the water hard for the rest of the week. You know they say a picture is worth a thousand words so let the picture do the talking. John with our catch on the way to the fish cleaning house. Evening topwater action. A very pleasant surprise, Caribou!! Chilly mornings. We did eat very well. John was a master at the skillet. continued.....
  19. Absolutely, in this case, wear a uniform. I'd say the same for everyone here as well but there are some gray areas in the regs that might lead to a ticket. I wonder for example - 6 guys on a fly in trip, one guy cleaning the fish that every had caught (let's say there's 7 fish). The others are fishing, drinking whatever and away from the fish. Is the guy cleaning the fish over his limit if the CO's ambush him? If you have cleaned the fish and didn't leave any skin on them and they are in the fridge they'll give the guy who cleaned them a ticket.
  20. I wonder why they felt the need to ambush you guys? Seems a bit much but I'm sure they have times when that element of surprise is not enough. Nice to see them doing their job. Good for you too Mr Clean.
  21. Looks and sounds like a nice ride but by the time your rig it up with a properly, you'll still be looking at close to 60K with taxes up here I'd say.
  22. Best spot in the lot I'd say. No one is parking beside you and scratching up your doors.
  23. Always nice to try something different. Thanks for the report.
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