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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. These dates are fine as are any dates in November. The sooner I know which ones, the easier to book off the days needed.
  2. I think that the other dates were better.....what were they again??
  3. SWEET!! I may need to plan a road trip for next year or just move.
  4. eTackle and dating service. You certainly are quite the businessman Phil. Great pic Manitoubass2.
  5. I'm having the same problem Geoff. Maybe his phone line is crossed with the thermostat..... When were you looking to do this Cliff ( the recliner sofa)?
  6. I think the problem is that the unit is upside down. Look at the label. Flop it around and you will be fine. I don't have a clue but thought I'd bump it up for you.
  7. All about balance and some give and take. Looks like a great family week Mike, thanks for the report.
  8. Check out the link that Cliff posted. You can use that $%@* in everything.
  9. Sorry for your loss Bigbuck. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
  10. Not judging at all. Seems like it has been a problem in the past and that is all I meant by my statement. I'm sure, as you said Wayne, it could have been anyone of us in our younger years. Some of us were lucky, I have a fishing buddy who was not. Been in a wheel chair for 30+ years now. A terrible tragedy for everyone when something like this happens.
  11. Hopefully it's the wake-up call he seems to need.
  12. You should be more careful Dan, ever see the show 1000 Ways to Die? Girl had a fish caught in her throat and died. Better keep those lips closed and no tongue.
  13. Congrats Skinny!! Nice to hear the great news.
  14. Just chalk it up to a day you will laugh about down the road. One thing to think about would be a switch for the motor/battery or just disconnect it while storing it. Better luck next time and thanks for the report.
  15. Sweet report. I need to hit the piers more often....
  16. I also like the guys that sit in the channel with the lights off and rigging up their gear while others are trying to head out. Lots of logs floating around out there, might have been nice to have had radar for that. An expensive option for the 1 or 2 times a year I go out there but if the idiots are around.....
  17. A great Kawartha fish. I'm sure that your "audience" does appreciate everything that you do. Sometimes, I'm guessing, because there is so much appreciating going on, it just burns one out and you need to recuperate. Great report and congrats on the smallie.
  18. Just a short report on our adventure on Lake Ontario and thanks again for all the pm's and replies last week. We got out on the water at 6 and followed the train of boats leaving the harbour. We made our way out to the starting depth and were trolling as the sun peeked over the horizon, just a beautiful start to the day. It wasn't long and the fog closed in on us but we kept our senses tuned, watched the GPS and fired off the air horn with a short blast to let others know of our where abouts and continued our troll. We thought we were hearing things as we could of swore that a boat was running wide open, couldn't be as you could barely see in front of you. However we were not hearing things. As the sound got louder a cruiser appeared out of the fog and was running towards us. Luckily it was slightly off to our starboard side and missed the planer board by about 15ft. Good thing the got his boating license, at least I'm assuming he has it. It seemed to take forever for the fog to lift and for that first fish to come. We had no luck in the "shallows" and made our way out to the blue zone. Once there the action picked up. Nothing big boated but we got 3 bows and a shaker coho, one screamer was one for about 2 seconds, a couple others lost and lots of bumps. A fun day on the water and you couldn't beat the weather. Luckily no one was hurt and we were off the water at 5pm. A long day on the water with a slow bite for us but couldn't think of a better place to send the day. Will try to get out there again and give it another shot hopefully in the next couple of weeks. Didn't take any pics on the water but here's a shot of the one 1 kept for dinner. Gotta love a BBQ trout.
  19. Awesome report!! A trip full of lifetime memories for you both, thanks for posting.
  20. Heard this last night and thought I'd share it. A small town general store was robbed in north Ontario. The owner was telling the police that the cash and frozen meat were stolen along with a bushel basket of peaches. The police noticed that there was a trail of peaches leaving the store and going down the road. They followed the trail of peaches which lead them to the house of the burglars a few doors down. The bushel basket had a hole in the bottom dropping peaches as they walked away. Now if all crimes were that easy to solve.
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