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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Thanks for putting up the pics Cliff. I was in disbelief as I scrolled down the thread and saw the first pic and the water levels. Figured it out as I read your part of the report. Nice to see the water levels back up. Sooooo looking forward to the fall. Best enjoy the summer first though.
  2. Great news Simon and very nice of you to offer up the old camera. Good stuff!
  3. Always a good time at Bernie's. I heard the menu leaned a little the piggy side of things. I can eat leftovers but have a few other things on the go this weekend Bernie or I'd be there. Looking forward to the fall trip and don't plan on missing that one. Mind you, I didn't plan on missing this one either but sometimes there are things that are a bit more important then fishing. There are not many of them though! Looking forward to seeing a few more of the pics.
  4. I'm surprised you haven't locked it down the yet Roy. So before you do, Have a great day Lloyd!!
  5. AWESOME idea Dan. Thanks for the suggestion. Since I bought him so much of his gear over the years it's the least he can do for me. Seriously though a very good idea, I think I'll look for the most beat up one.
  6. Thanks again everyone, some very kind words from some truly great people. Just thought I put up a couple more shots that I've come across. I don't think dad could be more comfortable. lol! Ice bungalow on Nippissing. The tough old bird hauling his gear out for some late season perchin' Still trying to figure out who is more ugly in this shot. Yes Dad, I can see you flipping the bird at me. Father's day 2010. OOS Bucket but so glad I took the time to grab a quick shot. One of the few times we actually got out on his birthday. And finally this shot just says it all. A man and his love of Canada's great outdoors. Just noticed that the rod in the foreground has a bit of a bend! Fish on!! lol! Thanks for taking a look at a few of my great memories.
  7. Great to see you got the boat out for a run. It does look a little choppy tough. Should have hit Lake O for some giggles. Nice to see you got out.
  8. Thanks for all the condolences everyone. It's been one hell of a roller coaster ride this week and I'm looking to get off. Today I told my grandfather that his son was gone with my aunt and uncle. As difficult as that was he seemed to take it somewhat well, I'll be keeping a close eye on him as will the staff at his assisted living place. I got that signature a few years ago from Gary V. Little did I know how much that would apply to me in the days gone by. I thank Gary for putting that up. Thanks Norm. My dad spoke of that day and meeting you quite often. Thanks for putting up the pic. Probably should have got you both out fishing. He really enjoyed his time on the water and all the OFNer's he got to meet over the years.
  9. What a week from hell. Do to some recent health problems and the complications do to the pneumonia that settled in this past week, I am deeply saddened with the loss of my Dad. He is the man responsible for getting me into this great pastime called fishing. Over the years we had countless hours on the water whether that be walking a river, fishing in a boat or standing on the hard water. I will miss my Dad, my fishing partner very much. Just thought I'd share a few pics for now and will try to find a few more in the morning. Dad and his sons. Same day with a nice brown I caught. Haliburton Walleye. Simcoe Whitefish Jumbo Perch. A nice Father's Day Kawartha eye. And one of my favourites, the first fish boated in the new ride back in 2002. Also know as the $25,000 perch. The passion we both had for fishing was incredible. The memories will never go away, the stories of our times together will be told for many years to come, the sorrow and sadness of the loss of my fishing partner, my Dad will have a great heaviness on my heart for a very long time. It is very difficult to know that he will not be sitting beside me on the water again. I'm not sure how that first trip will go or even when I will ready to make that voyage. When that time comes, I know that he will be there in spirit on that trip and all others to come. Love you Dad.
  10. Missed the Kawartha opener last weekend (have missed the entire soft water season thus far) because mine was in the shop. However, I won't be missing the Nippissing opener. Hopefully you'll have it back soon.
  11. That sucks Simon. Perhaps something like the string mittens rig for you next camera. Just thread the string through the sleeves and the camera can just hang there when you are not using it. Hmmmmm might get in the way of casting though. Hopefully that's the end of your camera issues cause I'm looking forward to you next report.
  12. Is chartreuse one of them? I see a lot of chartreuse in my tackle box.
  13. Fantastic shots and great report!! If you need someone to lug equipment one day, shoot me PM. I use to take a $40, 000 video camera and stick it in the water, doesn't feel as bad when it's not yours. Never had a problem though.
  14. Great report Wayne, nice to see the team back together for an awesome day on the water!
  15. Happy Birthday Joey!! Have a great day!! Sounds like it is off to a great start. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:
  16. LOL! Joe may regret starting this thread. Priceless Wayne, just priceless.
  17. :rofl2: :rofl2: Great thread Joe! Thanks Wayne!
  18. You wear rubber gloves to do the dishes. (Insert picture of Joe and the pink gloves here Wayne)
  19. Hope this round goes OK and that the next one will be the final chemo she will need on the road to recovery. Your family is in my thoughts and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.
  20. That's better, nice report and pics! That lamprey looks like it was in the slot, I hope it was released.
  21. Maybe looking for a ride in someone's boat if mine isn't ready. Who's got room?
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