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  1. Well I’m no expert but I did stay at a holiday inn and it was -18 degrees out I had a mask on and breathing I could see may breathe leaving the mask and going a 6 inches out I took the mask off and it was more like two feet or more my steamy breathe made it away from me So I know it stopped a lot from spreading out and away from me oh and their beds were comfortable
    4 points
  2. People are legit crack heads.
    4 points
  3. I HATE those SOBs. NOTHING would make me go back to Bell. And their offshore "customer service" people who cannot speak or understand English. Don't get me started...............
    2 points
  4. Yup,seen him starting, but did not stay long enough to get a chance to sample at the end .LOL
    1 point
  5. Once you do smash burgers, most folks are hooked. That slight crust, some Vidalia onion, fresh mater, Ivanhoe cheese and toast the bun on the flat top. Add an ice cold wheat beverage and you are good to go.
    1 point
  6. Will pick my days Doug for it. I have set up in winds. First put in anchor,then attach bungee cord to anchor then to hub. Proceed with set up. This would not be my first or second hub. 1st was a 2 man,2nd, a 4 man . Ya it can be a bit of a P3TA, but like I said, pick my days. I even anchor my flip the same way.
    1 point
  7. Just like the flip over huts we use the ice shavings from drilling holes to hold down the skirts. and I screw down one corner before i start setting it up
    1 point
  8. Pressure canning is done outside on the propane burner.
    1 point
  9. A friend of mine worked for Bell for approx. 25+ years. He took an early retirement, not because he was done with work; but couldn't stand Bell's new polices. Which were more or less; screw customer service; they get what we give them. What happened to those ugly green vans with the yellow wheels and cub caps. The techs ("The bell man") driving them and their courteous smile and work ethic; that would keep them there until a problem was fixed? Come on all of us older guys; you/we must remember those UGLY green Doge/Fargo vans.? LOL Dan.
    1 point
  10. A close friend of mine did this a few months ago. She bought the house over the Internet (yikes!) and had to get permission from NB to transit through in less than a day, could NOT stay in NB overnight. I don't recall what the rules were for traversing Quebec, if there were any. When she got to her new home in NS, she and her pets had to quarantine for 2 weeks. No going out for groceries, etc etc but she was able to have them delivered. She likes it down there a LOT. Most "down homers" are good people, like folks everywhere. I'm sure with the covid Bull that newcomers/strangers are eyed with some suspicion, but if a person makes an effort to get to know folks I am guessing that will fade. No different from small town Ontario, if you are the new person in town. You might want to do a bunch of research if you have not done so already..............like talk to the local chamber of commerce, the town/region/township clerk, etc, IOW the people that really know the area you are considering. Good luck!
    1 point
  11. It's really important to do your own research, and understand what is permitted under the law, what is against the law and can get you a ticket, and what we are being "asked" to do. We are being asked to stay at home. That much is crystal clear. There is, after all, a stay-at-home order. That being said, we are indeed allowed to go out for exercise, and ice fishing is a named and legit form of exercise. We are being asked not to travel, but there are absolutely no travel restrictions in Ontario that legally require you to stay in your own area. Accordingly, although we are being asked not to travel, it is not against the law to travel to go ice fishing. I went up north ice climbing last weekend, no problem. Furthermore I observed scores of ice huts on Lake Nippissing. As linked above, the cops do not have the legal right to stop you and ask you if you are being compliant with the stay-at-home order. As I have written above, I spoke to cops who told me they are ok with folks driving up north to go ice fishing. I can't see a better form of social isolation than ice fishing. Wear your mask around others, observe social distancing - I'm surprised they allow groups of 5, however. Maybe we should be more careful than that. Good on them for saying household members only within a single ice hut. That makes sense. It is strange, however, that you aren't allowed to spend the night in your ice hut, when you are allowed to stay in a motel. I stayed in a motel on Friday and Saturday night, for instance. No problems. That being said, I rather doubt the following will take place: Setting: an ice hut in the middle of a lake, after dark {knock knock} OPP: "How's it goin', eh?" Fisherman in hut: "Oh, beauty...." OPP: "Like, you're not allowed to stay in your hut overnight, eh?" Fisherman in hut: "Oh, geez..... Sorry, eh? Hey, would you, like, like a beer?" OPP: "Like, I'm on duty. Got any donuts...?" Etc. Another interesting exercise is to google such things as "OPP $880 fine Ontario covid" and see what you get. The woman who dropped her kids of at their grandparents, a few idiots having house parties, and ..... {crickets}
    1 point
  12. FRAT Warning! We had Bell hooked up when we moved into our new place. They ran a 'temp' line from my neighbours place to ours, across 2 yards and driveways. That temp line is still there, 4.5 years later. I've called numerous times, stopped the service guys in the street, etc.. No use. We had (what I thought at the time) was a good deal on their Fibe25 package with an extra $15/month for unlimited use. Fast forward to our current state of affairs with 2 kids remote learning, and 2 of us working remote. The Fibe 25 wasn't cutting it. Looking at their site, I saw the Fibe50 for a $1 / month more then my base package, inclusive of unlimited usage.. so god know how long I was donating them $14/month needlessly for 1/2 the bandwidth. I had them upgrade me to the 50 package, which would require a tech to come out. They didn't want to hear that there's 4 of us that need the connection during the day and can't afford downtime. Regardless, tech shows up mid day and I race out and let him know "Hey, my wife's teaching online, and I'm going to be presenting online, both kids are online. I realize you're going to need to interrupt the service at some point, please just give me a quick heads up so we can accommodate our meetings. As expected Tech killed the connection without warning (I literally watched him on camera) then hopped in his stupid van and high-tailed it. That started the circus and endless loop of support call -> transfer -> disconnect -> repeat. I was told that there would be a tech out the next day to fix it. The initial tech ended up showing back up a couple hours later. I "politely" let him know how much of a scum move what he did was. He spent the next 4 hours farting around, before giving up, saying someone will be back at some point the next day to finish. No Tv, No Internet. Next day Tech 2 shows up. I went down the laundry list of things, including the 'temp line' which I was assured "hasn't been there for 4.5 years". There is a chance that years of drug and alcohol abuse has rewired my brain, but I dont think it's that severe. Regardless, Tech 2 can't figure out what the hell Tech 1 did. I just told him to revert everything back to the state it was in prior to Tech 1 showing up. He said he did. Left. Internet works for a hot minute. Tv works for less then that. Restart the process: support call -> transfer -> disconnect -> repeat; I'm told it will be 48hr until they can get someone back out. I'm starting to go numb with rage. They wouldn't escalate me to a manager. I started the onboarding process with Rogers at that point. Ya I know they essentially operate under the same model. I don't care. Surprisingly, the following day (a Saturday) Tech 3 shows up first thing in the morning. I explain the entire situation again. Emphasize that I no longer want anything new added, just the problem remediated, my service restored to the previous state. I want it done by 1pm because I've been waiting for a couple decades to see the Bills win a post season game. As expected Tech 3 can't figure it out, due to ancient infrastructure, but he's put in a work order to run a proper line to the house. Painted up the yard etc. Alas he left without reverting / fixing me. I had to stream the game. I was not happy about it. I was in a code red meltdown. Numerous calls from their customer service folks followed, looking for feedback on the work done. Each and every one of them got my constructive feedback. Rogers showed up on Monday, he was here for 5 mins. We got setup and have bandwidth that is orders of magnitude better then what we were getting from Bell, for a less than 1/2 the price. I know, I'll have an episode with Rogers at some point, but to be fair, they took care of me very well when I was porting between mobility providers in the fall. That is also a lengthy, ridiculous Bell episode.
    1 point
  13. Please explain to me then, why surgeons wear masks when performing procedures. I'm pretty sure it's not for the looks. Is it not to stop their aerosols from contaminating their patient? Does it not make sense that wearing a mask will inhibit the release of aerosols? Does it get everything, well obviously not. I won't go into the "brainwashing" as it will likely end with this thread getting locked. HH
    1 point
  14. J's hut rental from Lefroy there made a video and it was posted on Facebook, that he has seen quite a few people walk out with no float suit or safety gear, it's still really sketchy around there. 1-2 inches in random spots. I won't go out on less then 3 ish. This year I think there's a lot of Newbies that are taking a risk because there isn't much else to do. Hopefully no more tragedies this season.
    1 point
  15. Getting ready to spend.LOL One thing I found was do not get caught up on the high end stuff. I buy 3-4 bobbins for like 5-7 bucks. The one I really like the best,I can not find anymore. There are many DIY tips on you tube. One thing for sure, have one set of scissors dedicated to snipping close to your ties. Thread and trimming only . Use cheap dollar store ones for cutting feathers and wires and what not. In the last year, I think I have come along way from when I started . I even came across a box of stuff I made a couple of years ago . I looked at them and said ,these things are brutal. LOL I did not mention that those stones are run under a float by these guys. Just like a roe bag . Have fun tying PK. B
    1 point
  16. Would rather go to Alaska for that. Only reason I have been coming back is for family reasons. Now that pop's gone there's no reason to come back. Well one more trip to pack up the storage locker and haul it back home.
    1 point
  17. I've always really enjoyed Nova Scotia and have spent a lot of time there. I was stationed in Halifax for 3 years in the 60's when I was in the Navy and my wife and I have travelled back several times for vacations along with New Brunswick & PEI You mentioned Truro and I immediately remembered this guy. We were staying in the Truro Hampton Inn hotel right on the highway and I spotted him and his dog hiking down the road. He was wearing a skirt and pushing a baby carriage full of everything except a baby. No idea what he was doing but I think of him every time I hear the name Truro LOL
    1 point
  18. It's a bit more problematic getting there by car but St.John's, NFLD, is a place I'd be putting on a long list. Big city/small city vibes and people are friendly as heck. I'd imagine sledding would be incredible there.
    1 point
  19. Older Storm lures didn't have the stepped bill like that, it looks more like a Norman Deep Little N ?
    1 point
  20. Tough fish for those stocked bows LOL !!so needed a confidence boost closer to home. Headed out for some eyes and connected with some beauty’s Rippin rattle spoons and minnow heads . Aggressive jigging .... Mark a fish ..... slow it right down . Kept a smaller one for the pan .The Big girls went back down the hole . Let’s hope the ice starts tightening up with some cold temps , spud bars really getting a workout !
    1 point
  21. Just saw a clip on social media of someone out in 120fow with two inches of ice.
    0 points
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