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  1. This comment is not directed at anybody in particular and is directed to myself as much as anybody. I respectfully suggest that none of us confuse what is technically legal with what is right. Let's not set such a low bar. i.e. what we have a right to do vs. what is the right thing to do.
    2 points
  2. Well, none of the above mentioned will get us out of this sooner than later. Suggesting that humans use "common sense", something that is obviously in short supply these days is yet another way to extend these stay at home orders. Not listening to people who are trained, educated and experienced because of a presumed right to do as we please, is simply ignorant. No one on this board can say with impunity that they are not an asymptomatic carrier. We have a retirement home just down the road from our house. There are 100 residents in the home. As of yesterday, half of the residence have tested positive, ten have died and 30 staff are infected. The disease did not walk in the front by it's self. Most of the folks in the home are war vets who IMHO deserve better than to die from what others perceive to be "common sense". Unless you are an expert in communicable diseases, you don't get to suggest what "common sense is; your just fooling yourselves and potentially folks who are vulnerable. Ignoring the problem has got us to where we are now. I get the feeling that many here haven't had this plague hit them personally. I bet that when it does, some of these attitudes will flip pretty quick. HH
    2 points
  3. You have the right to say many things but no right to expect your words to have no consequences.
    2 points
  4. Brian your computer is mal-functioning, doing misquotes and all that. πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  5. Exactly Joe! Just learned last night that my neighbour has it, unknowingly since early in the new year until he was required to get tested for contract work and now his Wife and two Daughters are both positive and probably many others that he's associated with as an Electrician and her a Teacher.
    1 point
  6. X2...............we call them little balls from hell......... X3 I call sprouts cabbage turds! Now if my wife saw that dish, she'd be sitting right next to you; acting like Oliver Twist "Please Sir I Want Some More" LOL Dan.
    1 point
  7. Not to sure what to do, got this buddy that calls me Hugh. See this fella's not to smart, just a regular old country fart. I told him listen here Stu, let me tell me something to you. You never date a women who's cross eyed, cause she might be seeing someone on the side.
    1 point
  8. Years ago I used to fish rainbows through the ice on GBay. Simple setup...roe bags and tiny split shot in 6' of water. Lying on the ice with a dark blanket over my head and watching the roe bag in gin clear water. Your heart about stops when a big bow cruises in for a snack. SO much fun!!
    1 point
  9. You guys and your pictures, I never think to take photos............supper a couple nights ago was pan-fried venison loin medallions, done nice and rare, about four minutes in the pan. Today's lunch was cold sliced venison loin on a sandwich with mayo and lettuce. Very toothsome. But somebody ATE the evidence...πŸ™„ No pics. Doug
    1 point
  10. Great example of a common sense approach to living with the Covid situation. There seems to be three different approaches to dealing with Covid. 1. Incorporating good common sense as above. 2. Over reaction and fear. If a person wants to live this way and go into total lockdown that is certainly their right but preaching doom to others accomplishes nothing. 3. Ignoring the problem. I have to try hard to stay out of this category myself. This crowd would be the spreaders. On our Canada trips this year, we have followed protocol and done what was asked. We were never a risk to anyone other than sheer luck of the draw. After that ramble my thought process is that if you use common sense and common courtesy you can still have a life. COVID speckled trout Bama gulf style
    1 point
  11. Lolll dan Was a slow slow day as it seemed it was for anyone that fished this weekend. Every social media report I saw from this weekend was a skunk or small. I got lucky and caught a good keeper crappie that I took home for a snack and gave my dad his first feed of crappie...he is officially a changed man and agrees that crappie is the best freshwater fish he’s ever eaten!
    1 point
  12. OK, so here's a Plan B if you are travelling on the 400. there is a market just off the 400 at Bayfield that sells whole fish, incl walleye. Prob trout too. Your wife will never know!!πŸ˜€
    1 point
  13. and this is why you do things right... This weekend a good friend of mine and I agreed to go out to do some ice fishing. As described in my previous post, we did absolutely everything right. He drove himself, we both brought all of our own gear, we set up our huts distanced far enough apart that we could chat but not be anywhere near eachother. He brought his own auger and gear, i brought mine, he had his own bait and I had my own. We kept 10+ feet when we chatted. at the end of the day we actually left at seperate times and went on our way home. He calls me this morning, hes going in to get a covid test because his foreman that he was directly working with on Wednesday has come down with a bad case of covid. That my friends is the difference between catching it and not. If we had "cheated" our safety measures...shared an auger, drove together, landed a fish together id be very worried right now. Stay safe guys, be dilligent!
    1 point
  14. I added iPilot to my Powerdrive this spring thus losing my foot pedal. Worked great, the ipilot is a game changer with spotlock, following tracks, contours if you have Humminbird electronics. The only thing I didn't like about losing my pedal was the ability to stop the motor while fighting a fish without taking a hand off the reel. Hook a fish and it starts coming right at you, sometimes with the boat momentum and the fishes run towards you, there is a lot of slack in your line no matter how fast you can reel. With the foot pedal it was easy, bump with your toe and done, with the remote, take one hand off the reel, hit spotlock or the prop button, put hand back on the reel, fish gone! Thats my only negative about foot pedal vs remote. You do gain extra floor space on the casting deck without the pedal which on a 1650 would be nice (it is on my 1700) All that said I used the the 55# Powerdrive ipilot all season and sold it this fall and bought myself a 80# Terrova, the extra thrust will do my boat well and will gain a more advanced pedal as well as remote.
    1 point
  15. http://www.tornadosresorts.com/
    1 point
  16. Oh, cheers! Nice classic views from Yosemite above. Here are a couple views from partway up El Cap, taken last fall when we were there. Because of the covid and the smoke from the Creek Fire, for a couple weeks my partner and I were the ONLY climbers on all of El Cap, if you can believe it! 1) The almost-view of El Cap from the Meadows in a moderately UN-smoky day! 2) New prototype portaledge we were trying out. It is cantilevered, turned 90 degrees from the usual setup. 3) Big wall margaritas two thousand feet off the deck. Note salted rim, eh?
    1 point
  17. I made another big pot of Seafood Chowder yesterday afternoon. I omitted the Cream this time, it included, Scallops, Shrimp, Calamari, Crab and Mussels. Super Delish!
    1 point
  18. I haven't found any flocks of migrating chickens yet, lol
    1 point
  19. Looks like you are staying close to shore 😊
    0 points
  20. My Dr's are certain I had it back at the end of January. By the beginning of February I was sicker than I have ever been. It got worse from there. By the first week of March (the same time the first reported death of COVID in Canada happened) I had to go to emergency for the second time. I couldn't breathe and felt like I was dying. The emerg Dr thought I was having congestive heart failure. Lots of x-rays, tests later that was proven not the case. They didn't know what was going on. While there my BP spiked at 200/140 and my oxygen levels dropped to 80% at one point. After most of the day in there I stabilized and they sent me home. Still couldn't breathe. My Sr sent me to heart and lung specialists had to fly to Edmonton for some of my heart tests. After all the tests they still found nothing. This virus does some weird things and they are only now starting to figure them out. I had severe chest pains and pain radiating down my left arm and across my collar bone for months, I couldn't breathe for months, my blood chemistry was completely screwed up. I had issues with my stomach, liver, heart and lungs. My heart/chest pain finally subsided at the end of June. 5 1/2 months after I first got sick. The stomach issues are still there, the blood issues worked themselves out with the help of a pile of prescriptions. I was so weak I could barely function for months. I'm now at 10 months since I first got sick and am still not 100%. I don't know when or if I will ever be. I've had a headache for months, can't remember things and and can't concentrate. But I hear some people say it's just the flu. It turns out I'm in a group of people that have had COVID symptoms for more than 90 days (2.2% of people that have had COVID). As of today I'm on day 311 😷 I would bet $$$$$ that this thing has shortened my life. By how much I don't know. OH, my arthritis is 2 to 3 times worse now as well. I can barely walk, my back has me doubled over most days. Cortisone shots in my spine have been helping but they only do a small section at a time. Each time I go I have to fly to Edmonton to get them done and then when I get back to Yellowknife I have to self isolate for 14 days because of the virus. As of December 20th I will have had to self isolate 48 days since the end of June. But it's OK, it's only the flu.
    0 points
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