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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2020 in all areas

  1. Well you made me do this John,and I have to say,#22,s are not easy,and I know I am no a pro, but I do believe in,no insect is the same.LOL . Eyes were going cross after 25 of them. Added colored tails as hot spots. Will find out in the spring,if I can tie them to my line .LOL On to smaller #,s once I get uncrossed. LOL The last couple of days creations,,,,,,,,,,,, Working on the deer/elk hair fly's and submerges .Need to get the proportion parts down on the hair. I think a big hungry brown will hit them still .
    3 points
  2. Veery nice job, I don't have the patients to tye one fly much less a batch of them. Art
    1 point
  3. The closer you are to the west gate of algonquin, the cheaper it gets both for properties and taxes. There are not many places for sale in the area, covid has really changed the market up here. Places that have been on the market for years are going for more the listed price. If you find something you like, jump on it.
    1 point
  4. Muskrat lake is a different animal---it's Cobden Busy lake---lots of bass tourneys---suffers every year from a heavy blue green algae good fishing---just busy---lots of Ottawa traffic Guess this is where the interweb is a good thing for info 😏
    1 point
  5. My Mom was born in Killaloe nearly 100 years ago and all her family stayed there until the last one passed away a few years back. Beautiful area where I've spent a lot of time over the years. nlpaintballer above mentioned Wilno which is right between Barry's Bay and Killaloe and if you like Polish food some of the best you'll find anywhere is the Wilno Tavern. Couple times a year my wife and I drive 100 miles to to eat there and have never been disappointed.
    1 point
  6. Where in the area are you looking? Depending on township, you are looking at radically different prices and taxes. I moved to Wilno 5 years ago from king city, and I love it here. No problem with atv's on the road, and tons of nearby fishing for everything but muskie. You have to drive an hour to get muskie.......such a hardship lol. The town is very quiet. Average age of madawaska valley is over 65 I believe. 3 gas stations which are always competing with each other as well as golden lake reserve. All amenities in town including a dispensary lol. Cheap smokes and dispensaries on the reserve also. Lots of crown land to enjoy. Lots of wildlife. NO TRAFFIC......other than deer crossing the road, or moose. The bugs can be bad depending on where you are and what the weather has been like.
    1 point
  7. Sad to say it isn't allowed since no formal testing/trialing can be done on it for covid unless Big Pharma sees profit in it. The company that makes it provides it free (maybe at cost) to any country for use as a parasitic disease treatment and it won the Nobel medicine award in 2015 and is listed by the WHO on its list of essential medications. BUT no mention of it on MSM or by our Ontario government. I am reading reports of India starting to use it due to the impossibility of social distancing and closures (which they found more deadly than the virus re starvation and such). India is calling it a good treatment and also for prevention. Here is what is going on in the US which IMHO is same as here in Canada/Ontario where political knee bends to Big Pharma. Here is a renowned Dr. who represents a group of medical experts with over 2,000 published works. His group is being ignored both by MSM, Big Pharma, and politicians and the gov't agencies who are supposed to be screening medications for the benefit of their employers... the people. Sad IMHO and what is being held back is all for the dollar and possibly for genocide. Sociopaths. Oh and I am a social scientist with education and this is what I now must conclude. If anyone here or a loved one catches covid and can't get Ivermectin of HCQ with zinc you should realize that these medications are being denied you and your loved ones. Watch the vid and hear what he says about who is dying the most around him in ICU. Also realize that $billions$ are being 'saved' by the death of pensioners on Medicare, social security and so forth. I see a few hidden agendas going on and these at the expense of our elderly, sickly and retired. I have 'politely' asked various levels of gov't to please find a way to get Ivermectin trialed to hopefully get this possible 'cure' allowed but NO response.
    1 point
  8. Ok I know I sound off the wall; but the automotive industry has been hammered with all kinds of restrictions towards emissions. Oh my God a gas cap has been leaking 2.1 PPM (Parts Per Million) turn the check engine light on; you need to get that fixed! Then some special arts person thinks, it'll look cool to burn down a whole car for his shot on a movie? Which we all know that 75% of vehicles today are assembled with plastic. There's no harmful fumes coming off that; beside the smoke will "dissipate" and not cause an environment issue. Again sorry for the rant; but? Dan.
    1 point
  9. Read it. The mnr are NOT restricting any types of fishing because of covid. Now the municipalities could block access to the lakes but they don’t regulate huts, so if you can access the lake you can fish
    1 point
  10. Did you read that on the net, or did you get it right from the horses mouth ?
    1 point
  11. Yes Bunk every well said!!! Thank you Gordy for your wording of the above statement. Yes health care workers are defiantly up there as frontline workers; but there are many more professions out there that have to deal with the public, on a one to one basis. The repair industry is one that I'm involved with. People need their furnaces, fridges repaired when it goes down. Me I need to keep my clients vehicles running and safe to use. We repair techs have to get close and personal with peoples stuff, let alone the person themselves. For my trade we have to go into their vehicles; vehicles that are very close quarters. Where we never know what we're going to find under the seat of a vehicle that we're repairing, lets say a power seat. Used (snot filled) tissues, dirty dippers, half eaten burgers and the worst thing I've had to deal with was a used tampon. My techs at the shop, have used so many antiseptic wipes and latex gloves trying to keep themselves and their families at home safe. So the next time you see a sign put up thanking the health care workers, remember they likely drove their vehicle to get the supplies to make the sign and then put it up. All I'm trying to say don't forget to give some thanks to the trades out there helping to keep things somewhat NORMAL! Sorry for the rent Just want the trades to be acknowledged along with the health care. Dan.
    1 point
  12. All the best from myself & Diane and let's hope things start to turn around in the New Year
    1 point
  13. Words of wisdom there Andrew. Merry Christmas to You, Bren and the rest of the gang. I haven't seen Summer for a good while now, is she off at school? Btw, I had to chuckle when reading about dealing with the bugs and crap bug spray. So I figure I can help you out with that for next spring. I'm more than willing to donate a 4oz spray pump of MaxiDeet at 98%. My sis in the US sent me up a box and I have more than I will ever use. We're maybe 20 min apart, you could even send the boss over sometime this winter. Cheers man
    1 point
  14. Well said Drew thank you for starting this Holiday off with sound advise for the times as we figure out how to be better to each other. Art
    1 point
  15. As usual very well said Bunk All the best to everyone over the holidays and for 2021 This year has felt like a grind at times but I also try to remind myself that I have much to be grateful for and yes cheers to you Bunk and all of the frontline workers out there. Andrew
    1 point
  16. Thanks dude for the words. Also, thank YOU, as one of those on the front line. All the best to you and your family Drew. B
    1 point
  17. I'll begin vaccinating those who choose to receive Moderna next month. It should be interesting, there may just be the opportunity to vaccinate Canada's entire most northern community, myself. Being that individuals can accept or decline, I'll respect anyone's choice when I offer it. Hopefully, people are beyond Facebook educated by then and best able to control their opinions and just respectfully take the shot in the arm, or not.
    1 point
  18. Put in words perfectly man!! Your posts/journals are some of the best around but this may be the best post you've ever written! Bravo sir!!!
    1 point
  19. Which end do you light?
    1 point
  20. That what I say about brussel sprouts, cabbage rolls and any peppers.
    1 point
  21. Lol out of all of the food available at the grocery store, I’m not sure how someone looks at one of those things and says to themselves, mmmm delicious
    1 point
  22. I have to say, as a die hard bass guy who loves our fishery as much as the next guy, I will always remain perplexed that thousands of guys fishing Ontario tributaries for spawning trout and milking them for bait is deemed perfectly normal whereas fishing for bass...BASS, anytime before or during a hint of a spawn, is somehow akin to shooting the last dodo bird. And to be clear, this is not a condemnation of the spring or fall trout fishing. Nope, I love it too. Just pointing out the difference in the cultural acceptance of one vs. the other.
    1 point
  23. I bought a new 90HP Merc 4 stroke in 1999 and put a ton of hours on it over the next 10 years and never had a single issue with it. I sold it to a bud in 2009 and he drove it for another 7 or so years before it needed it's 1st repair. I'd say 17 problem free years is pretty darned impressive. I bought a new 150 Yamaha 4 stroke in 2010 and drove that one for 7 years before I quit fishing but they were also problem free years when I sold it. I've always figured if you take care of your gear and keep it well maintained it'll last you a long time.
    1 point
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