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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Ah, thanks for checking up on me my friend. I have returned and am currently in voluntary isolation for the next 11 days. As far as I know I am fine, I am not showing any symptoms at this point, my temperature is normal, and to the best of my knowledge I haven't been in contact with anyone who is infected. So far so good but I don't want to risk contact with anyone just in case. I have plenty of food, enough medications to last me 4 weeks and enough work to do around here to keep me busy for a long time. Oh and plenty of TP lol. My goal right now is to make sure I am clear then try to help as many people as I can that are dealing with this.
    3 points
  2. For all the skeptics
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Here's an idea used by a store in Corner Brook.You might like to pass it along so that---maybe---some local stores will do the same or similar. I just e-mailed G Weston of Loblaws-----I'll see if I get any kind of response.
    2 points
  5. Anyone fishing in another country and gets nailed with a fine like this after repeat offences should be banned from ever entering that country again.
    2 points
  6. A couple of other things to consider.... -if you have pets, be sure to pick up 2 months worth of food as soon as you can. It's likely that they will close those stores, sooner than later. -they say that washing your clothes and putting them in the dryer will kill/get rid of any virus on your clothes... just remember to completely disinfect your laundry basket between washing/drying and folding. If the virus is on your clothes, it will infect your laundry basket. You will be back to square one. HH
    2 points
  7. it’s a thought to keep us going in these difficult times. Keep well my friends.
    1 point
  8. With all the uncertainty in the world today, I decided on some self-imposed ice-solation, trying to get another crack at Lake Simcoe before ice-out! The ice was still in good shape 15'-16", even the shoreline although I'm sure that it will deteriorate quickly! My ice-solation day was spent with a friend and his son plus another friend and his two step sons. The weather was excellent, at least until the wind picked up at the end of the day! We caught enough nice fish for a couple of meals and the kids had a great time! Not sure how many more days on frozen lake Simcoe are left, might try to sneak out for another ice-solation day! Be careful out there, watch the shoreline ice!
    1 point
  9. Your a good man Brian !!
    1 point
  10. Well we have been 90% shut down for 4 weeks . Only the machines that need to run will run, which aint that many. Maintenance will treat the shut down as our summer shut down as there will not be one once all are back full force running machines . All machines will be cleaned and over hauled . If this is completed before the 4 weeks, we will be laid off for the remainder if the outstanding orders are completed . We are aloud to use our holidays if we wish instead of UI. I am fortunate to have many weeks, so UI will not be for me . As much as many expected it, it was a hard pill to swallow being told an hour before shift end . Although they say there is no waiting period for UI, many complaints about not getting through online to fill the application to get their claims started . It was tough seeing some of the faces on a few of the workers . Those are the ones that live pay to pay . We really have no new people . Meaning, less then 10 years service, so to put that many years in and told, that cant be a good feeling . If I was a production worker and had as many holidays as I do, I would of volunteered to be laid off to keep one of them on . Lets hope when April 20th comes,we start to get back up and running and everyone gets called back .
    1 point
  11. Thats a chick magnet boat . The white one, not the other one . LOL
    1 point
  12. In a nut shell... HH
    1 point
  13. I guess in my humble opinion it's still not enough. How about seizing boat and tow vehicle?
    1 point
  14. Wife & I are both retired with 4 good pensions coming in monthly and we don't owe a cent to anyone so we're fortunate that we don't have the money worries that so many across the country are already having or will be soon with the 1000's of unexpected lay-offs and I feel very sorry for so many of them and hopefully it doesn't last too long. We also live in the country so not as many people to avoid like in the urban areas. I consider us lucky.
    1 point
  15. Nice David. Some sweet perchy candy and smiles . I may look at a spot in the morning.
    1 point
  16. Is that a cloud of perch on the graph or minnows?
    1 point
  17. Ya LOL, we didn't use pampers when the kids were young, we couldn't afford them, cloth diapers, washed and hung out on a cloths line.
    1 point
  18. I just have to make a bracket till they start shipping the new bracket and I’m good to go ,already upgraded the software. Can’t wait to try it
    1 point
  19. Great way to spend a day during these crazy times what. No Livescope perspective on that garmin
    1 point
  20. Always wearing gloves . It deters me from touching my face. Dont ask how that works,,but it does.
    1 point
  21. Your perspective makes me think of this old saying.... "A recession is when your neighbor is out of work. A depression is when you are out of work."
    1 point
  22. Glad to have you back. I’m also in isolation, my work shut down to lack of advertising. Hopefully they will start up again, The Bay has closed its stores so we will wait.
    1 point
  23. 1 part bleach to 9 parts water is an effective hand sanitizer from what I understand. As far as TP is concerned, I have plenty but I also have a few packs of micro fiber cloths, I washed plenty of diapers when the kids were young, TP isn't a priority for me 😊
    1 point
  24. That's what started this whole thing!!!!!
    1 point
  25. Good ole Clorox bleach, mixed with water to dilute is what you want. If you are cleaning surfaces, use bleach and let it sit on the surface for 5 minutes before you rise it off. @Lew... good luck finding isopropyl alcohol, if you did, count yourself lucky. Metro has announced early closings starting today...8:00pm. HH
    1 point
  26. What Art says. Check your insurance policies re storage of flammables, even outside. Saving 8 bucks or so a 20L can isn't worth it, but that's just me.
    1 point
  27. The biggest Red fish I ever caught was from a Kayak.
    1 point
  28. Basic but gets the job done 😁
    1 point
  29. You probably wouldn't want to see me when I'm UN-happy LOL
    1 point
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