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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2020 in all areas

  1. I look at it this way as well, but I am still duedillagent (sp?) in my day to day surroundings. I have even started walking around with disinfectant and wipe down machines and railings during breaks and lunch, as I feel it is the right thing to do for all of us working together. There are some that laugh, that's their ignorance . I want to be safe as possible .
    4 points
  2. it’s a thought to keep us going in these difficult times. Keep well my friends.
    3 points
  3. Ah, thanks for checking up on me my friend. I have returned and am currently in voluntary isolation for the next 11 days. As far as I know I am fine, I am not showing any symptoms at this point, my temperature is normal, and to the best of my knowledge I haven't been in contact with anyone who is infected. So far so good but I don't want to risk contact with anyone just in case. I have plenty of food, enough medications to last me 4 weeks and enough work to do around here to keep me busy for a long time. Oh and plenty of TP lol. My goal right now is to make sure I am clear then try to help as many people as I can that are dealing with this.
    3 points
  4. Anyone fishing in another country and gets nailed with a fine like this after repeat offences should be banned from ever entering that country again.
    2 points
  5. Always wearing gloves . It deters me from touching my face. Dont ask how that works,,but it does.
    1 point
  6. The Facebook page for this event has announced a reschedule to May 31, 2020. Too bad, this was looking to be a very big event for the area. Hopefully it will happen on May 31st and the same numbers turn out. Press Release March 13th 2020 – Peterborough ON. Due to unfortunate circumstances of the COVID-19 Virus we are sad to inform you that the Peterborough Tackle Swap and Fishing Show that was scheduled to take place at the Memorial Centre on March 15th will be postponed until May 31st 2020. Due to the world pandemic of the COVID-19 Virus we have no choice but to take the advice of health officials and experts and postpone the event. This was not an easy decision but the safety of our vendors and attendees and the great city of Peterborough is our top priority. We were able to work with the Memorial Centre and secure a new date of May 31st and we will release more details shortly regarding that date. To all our vendors and supporters, attendees and anglers everywhere we appreciate your support and by following suit with other organizations across the country we feel this is the responsible decision to make. All concerns can be address to show promoter. May 31st Save the date! Kyle Carruthers Peterborough Tackle Swap and Fishing Show 905-809-9682 [email protected]
    1 point
  7. That's what started this whole thing!!!!!
    1 point
  8. Good point HH. And besides if we run out of people food people with pets will be able to make some serious cash. Anybody ever tried dog or cat🤪
    1 point
  9. A couple of other things to consider.... -if you have pets, be sure to pick up 2 months worth of food as soon as you can. It's likely that they will close those stores, sooner than later. -they say that washing your clothes and putting them in the dryer will kill/get rid of any virus on your clothes... just remember to completely disinfect your laundry basket between washing/drying and folding. If the virus is on your clothes, it will infect your laundry basket. You will be back to square one. HH
    1 point
  10. Thanks for your concern HH but my wife hasn't been out of the house for a week and when I went to the grocery store it was 4:00 in the morning and I was the only customer in the place. We're very careful but still need to buy food.
    1 point
  11. What Art says. Check your insurance policies re storage of flammables, even outside. Saving 8 bucks or so a 20L can isn't worth it, but that's just me.
    1 point
  12. Did got to Sobeys today in Dunnville. It is next to Canadian Tire. It sure looked like business as usual with the number of cars in each lot. In and out ASAP. 99% of pasta was sold out and frozen veggies and cans of soup other than that the shelves were full. Plenty of everything. The lady there said stock was very low on Monday before their big Monday shipments came in. My wife gave me a bottle of hand sanitizer. I am to use it before getting into the car each and every time. A good habit for us all. I had to drop the boat off today for a new cover, the fuel tank is empty. The only plus to this entire thing is the price of gas, saw 87.9 today, I can't remember when it was below a buck. When I pick it up Friday I will fill the main tank and the kicker tank to the brim as well as all my gas cans. I may even go to CTC and buy a few 5 gallon cans, if they have any. I'm sure many are stocking up with the way gas prices are today. Oil even lower per barrel than yesterday. CDN dollar below 70 cents USD today. Our PM is actually doing something for everyone and Ford has impressed me as well. Getting the relief will be a chore I'm sure. Try getting someone on the phone at the bank, good luck. I was told on the recording wait times were 2 hours for Scotia Bank. It's been a few years now that you can't call a Scotia branch directly all calls go through a main number. When I don't show up for my appointment I think they will know why. Big Cliff, I am so happy you made it back safe and sound. Welcome home big guy.
    1 point
  13. This is one of reasons why they ask everybody to stay home, practice social distancing, avoiding gatherings, etc. - to "Slow Down The Curve" https://www.wlrn.org/post/what-does-slowing-down-covid-19-curve-mean One more article https://www.newsweek.com/canada-border-entry-coronavirus-test-1493072 As always, wash your hands!
    1 point
  14. Four cancellations today alone, the news of the border closing was tipping point where the gravity of the situation set in. Today the US government stated it's looking at a 18 month fight.... hope it doesn't take that long, china seems to be winning their battle 80 days in. I hope every other country suffering can duplicate those results. Ultimately let's all do what needs to be done to stay healthy, let's not trade a 2020 trip for many more trips in the future over next multiple years. Wishing everyone a healthy 2020
    1 point
  15. You buying new ? I know I am not. Well maybe something new,but not a boat . I have barrels, just no place to store them. Or I would be.
    1 point
  16. Stay safe and healthy everyone. If things get tough, please don’t forget to help your elderly neighbour or the disadvantaged.
    1 point
  17. Thanks my friend, me too!
    1 point
  18. OMG, this kid has got the Hank Marvin look and sound down pat.
    1 point
  19. What the heck one more from the same concert
    1 point
  20. When people of my generation talk of the great guitar players of the 60's , this guy doesn't get mentioned near enough, one of the first to use a Fender Strat. A young looking almost 60 here and still impeccable playing
    1 point
  21. Was out on Simcoe yesterday and stumbled across this guy. Never seen one before.
    1 point
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