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  1. Thank you my friend! If I had known I was going to live this long I'd have taken better care of my self😁
    4 points
  2. Like most things, you take preventative measures to ensure that when things go catastrophically bad, that you will be able to get yourself out of the situation. in this case, I made a really bad error in judgement and the impact was simply that I got cold and had to dry my suit out literally for a week. that’s extremely low negative impact all things considered and the reason why is that I took every single other preventative measure possible. Absolutely had I not been dressed appropriately, aware of the ice conditions on the “good sections” of the lake, able to visibly see bad ice due to lack of snow cover (one of the key reasons for us even venturing out at all in the first place) ventured too far from home or been alone, all things I considered befofe venturing out, the situation could have ended horribly. So in the end I can live with the fact that I did basically everything else according to the book, I was with a friend walking in a line with myself in the lead checking the ice. wearing a survival suit, equipped with picks, and walking out very close to home allowing me to get home very easily should the worst happen. the comparisons you use are funny because quite literally the most dangerous activity anyone does on a day to day basis is drive a car. No one ever gives a second thought to it. Just like driving though, being overtired, making judgements in error and driving too fast/not according to conditions, being drunk, not wearing a seatbelt etc etc not doing any of these things allow you to mitigate the risks associated with driving. you are definitely more likely to die from heart disease from sitting on your behind all winter than you are getting outside and dying ice fishing. most horror stories you hear there is far far more at play than just some innocent soul falling through bad ice and dying. The most common of which is attempting to navigate lakes at night on a snowmobile without a floater suit on. I personally hate lake crossing at night, it’s disorientating as all hell and super difficult to have any spacial awareness unless the shoreline is immediately visible. When it snows nearly all bets are off and I would admit it’s very dangerous. Once again, this is where preventative and common sense measure can help you avoid trouble. Getting drunk and going for a rip out on the lake at midnight or leaving the ice shack to go home absolutely wasted is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately lots of folks take a taste of that spoon and make the rest of the responsible, cautious, careful people a bad rep.
    3 points
  3. Cmon guys.....it's a game......not worth getting yourself all worked up. 🙄
    3 points
  4. We hope you catch a big 'un today !
    2 points
  5. Maybe that is what you meant. But that is NOT how it came off... Lots of early ice anglers here that go out on sketchy ice and play very safe in doing so. If you where just asking an honest question then why word it as " I have to ask a question that seems to have no reasonable answer:"...
    2 points
  6. I just won one of these on a FB auction page (only cost me $10!) so one never knows. I have my 6" manual and 8" gas unit so... who knows. I may need a new drill 1st LoL!
    2 points
  7. Made a couple dozen Cabbage Rolls yesterday. Love Cabbage Rolls.
    1 point
  8. If Fisherman and misfish are giving you advice I reckon it will be right on the money. BUT............ It's not that hard to make it yourself, and you can be sure that what you put into the sausage mix is what you are eating....Even a hand grinder can cut up your meat, and you can mix it by hand, and it is possible (but sub-optimal) to stuff the casings by hand. Buying an inexpensive electric grinder, with sausage stuffing tubes, will give you years of use if you are gentle with it, and now you can make your own burgers, fresh sausages (cased and country style), pepperettes, salami, and so on. Hi Mountain makes decent kits if you go that route, or you can buy all of the supplies from Halford's in Edmonton. https://www.halfordsmailorder.com/food-equipment-and-supply Doug
    1 point
  9. Nice $10 prize. Get the Millwacky fuel and your set. We tightened up over night. I was like WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Open yesterday,closed up all the way to the main lake. 7th Oro looking out to the main lake Shanty BAY Johnsons beach to Barrie
    1 point
  10. Thanks I have done both cold and warm. I like the warm mix, as the taters absorb the flavor of the fish and onion much more. I allow to cool before patty making.
    1 point
  11. Why come at me like that? Having a bad day? I was simply inquiring to try and understand the power of pull ice fishing provides. I wasn't judging...or accusing anybody of driving drunk or being a careless idiot...just trying to understand the balance of risk/reward BECAUSE I'm not an ice fisherman...hence the post. Thanks AK'...appreciate your perspective.
    1 point
  12. Chris I state facts about the leafs for the most part, along with some speculation. I don't know why you would have a problem with that. Here's a few more facts for you just for fun. On at least a couple of posts in the past I have mentioned about how the leafs were likely going to get in trouble from over working Andersen and not having a capable backup. Well it seems maybe I was correct. Andersen has been pulled in 2 of his last three games, and is sub .900 in 5 of his last 7 starts. Some of that no doubt may be due to the Leafs defensive woes, but I don't see any change for the better there. Muzzin is now LTIR so he's done for a good time. Leafs have now lost 3 in a row too, although they have done quite well over all with the new coach. Leafs are now 7th in the conference, Florida is 1 point behind with a game in hand, if they win that one and so does Philly win their game in hand it puts the Leafs into 2nd place in the wild card race tied in points with Philly and one point from being out of the playoffs. Plus Andersen is in the All Star weekend, to bad actually, I'm sure that the Leafs would much rather have him resting for the 5 day break, he really is the key to the team's success. These are all facts. If you consider this trolling and Leaf bashing then you're the one with the issue.These same points are no doubt being debated on every sports media out there right now, I'm just bringing it up on this thread for comment and discussion. After the Sens lost in OT to the Habs there were 5 posts in a row "bashing" the Sens, like so what, no biggee right, it's like normal sports bantering among the guys as I see it. Dave's first one was perfect and next one about the titanic must have been a product of that think tank I bet. Next few were meh hehe. So I didn't respond till later, but again you seem to miss the friendly banter here it seems and react with personal shots. You need to chill man. Cheers
    1 point
  13. If you don't fish on the ice why comment in the manner you have to compare it to a drunk driver???!?? We all make mistakes (on ice or in a boat) as I am sure you are far from perfect. We all are and his post was a good read and reminder for some... Take it for what it is, a lesson learned and shared.
    1 point
  14. Before you get all butt hurt and hypocritical, how about you go back and read the 100+ pages of the Leaf bashing that has gone on before you decided to hop on that band wagon. "Childish comments" lol that's frigging rich. Go back and read two years of comments before crying about comments from Leaf fans. Oh, Leafs are losing??? 6 more in a row and we can tie the Senatarps colossal landslide.
    1 point
  15. N0---just saying you could buy a folding one and use it with a piece of pipe
    1 point
  16. A few more days and it's dropping to normal temps.
    1 point
  17. WOW! Wasn't expecting that read at all but thanks for sharing. A serious reminder and especially important with the crap ice season and climate this winter. It's sketchy out there! Drove the skidoo out onto 8 inches of ice on a tiny back lake this week. Cruising around later in the day to punch different holes found an open spot in the middle, likely where a spring is. Realized when I stopped the skidoo I parked on 4 inches, that open water barely visible was maybe 75 feet away. Gotta smarten up and stay that way out there. Glad you and the dog are all good!
    1 point
  18. The habs and sens are like the two pieces of the titanic, both at the bottom of the atlantic
    1 point
  19. Man those fans in Montreal are real loud. 😂 😂 😂
    1 point
  20. Dogs don't understand danger so if there's any issues with ice I'd for sure leave the pooch in the cottage. Good to hear it all ended well for both of you.
    1 point
  21. Well I hope you leafs fans had fun with all your childish comments. What did you do, put a think tank together and come up with all those comments? I guess that's your new tactic, start commenting on every sens game? Well looky here, I was just watching the Leafs game. Florida has 4 goals on 12 shots and Andersen gets pulled again. Looks like Andersen is starting to get worn out from having to play too much. Big surprise. So they put Hutch in goal, the leafs get a PP and Florida scores shorthanded to make it 5-0. Go figure lol.
    0 points
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