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well it was bound to happen


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"Its arrival in the Great Lakes basin has been so feared that a $9-million underwater electric barrier has been set up at a potential entry point at the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal."


WAYYYYY too little too late. Man...this is terrible news.

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Sounds like it could be devestating to the Great Lakes if the Asian carp get a foothold.

Hopefully it's an isolated fish.


Maybe the MNR can get that stuff killing all the carp in the Kawarthas and put it in the Great Lakes.




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holy cow guys take a pill. you make it seem like the great lakes are going to magically disappear one day. in the article it states that a few asian carp were found before the ban a few years ago. the fishing is still great and the carp have been found before so i dont see why one more caught a few years later would be so alarming. for all the know it could have been released into the lake before the ban was placed on them. all of the great lakes are huge so the chances of catching a released fish isnt very high.


"Cudmore said a few isolated Asian carp have been found in the Great Lakes -- but, significantly, none since the province banned the sale of live Asian carp a few years ago."

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U.S. catfish farmers imported the carp in the 1970s as a way of removing algae from their ponds. But during large floods in the 1990s, the fish swam into local waterways. From there, they migrated north up the Mississippi River and to the Illinois River, a gateway to the Great Lakes.


Duh! Like they could not foresee that this could happen? How many times have we heard of floods devastating those parts of the country? (The Mississippi watershed) And they were allowed to bring live immigrant species into the area. How utterly stupid could anyone in an authoritative position have been to allow this to even happen in the first place? What I mean is, wouldn't the catfish farmers have to have had permission to import these fish? Lessons are learned too late at a high cost. I hope that we have at least learned a lesson from this.


Like Xrap said, if there is one then likely there are more in hiding. Just like cockroaches, if you see one there are a thousand hiding in the walls. The possibility that there are more in the Sarnia area is quite possible.

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Because of the vague way in which this fish's decription has been published, I suspect it just may have been a slow news day!! The fisherman who caught this 'mystery fish' (Tim Purdy) lays claim to being a 'fourth generation' commercial fisherman, and the V P of a large commercial fishing operation, but cannot even identify what species of carp he's caught?? Even being an avid fisherman for the common carp, I've seen enough photos of Asian carp, and seen enough common carp, that even I could tell the difference 50' away. Reminds me of the hysteria generated by the mere mention of zebra mussels a few years ago . . . they may have made an impact, but life goes on, then it was the hysteria at the mention of gobies . . . . ESPECIALLY when it was first documented they were in Lake Simcoe ( does ANYBODY think they just stopped up at Pefferlaw, and were afraid to enter the lake) but NOW the reaction is . . . . 'HO . . HUM when gobies & Lake Simcoe are mentioned in the same sentence?' I DO NOT like the thought of Asian carp hitting our waters, but I'm not making any plans on moving up to Moose Factory to get away from them! As for the Ministry, hell, they cannot even, in almost 2 months 'investigating,' give any definitive answer concerning what's killing the carp in the Kawarthas, now they CANNOT EVEN SAY WHETHER THEY HAVE A COMMON CARP, OR AN ASIAN CARP handed to them? Comon guys & gals . . . . it's NOT time to go in panic mode on a "MAYBE WE HAVE THIS, MAYBE WE DON'T" headline in a small-town paper?

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I don't think any one is panicking exsactly...

Very concerned...yes..knee jerk responses....yes :dunno:

It's probobly a prudent approach given the exsample this species has set south of the border.

Better to nip a problem in the but right off the bat if you can right?


If we're lucky the last one caught 3 years ago was the last one and we won't need to deal with this issue...

I just hope that electric fence has battery back up :D



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GRASS CARP, EH? Turn off the panic alarms, go back to normal living . . . fishing is NOT doomed after all? But . . . . this just shows what might be a small insignificant news non-story can do, when it's published, WITHOUT thoroughly checking facts! After while, instead of sheer panic, when one of these stories surfaces, people will just shrug their shoulders & say . .. . "S o o o o??" Just one 'down' side of the monster called the 'INTERNET!' The best way on this planet to spread panic and angst, instantly. The newspaper obviously didn't ask for much confirmation, the reporter needed a story to keep circulation levels up, the guy who caught the carp HAD TO have known what he had, and if not, there are MILLIONS of sources as close as his fingertips that COULD have identified this fish . . . even I can identify a common carp, a grass carp & an Asian carp . . . . howcum a 4th generation commercial fishing V P couldn't? Like I said . . . . . . a slow news day . . . . and a story that caught a few people's attention! My bet is we'll be hearing a lot more in the near future about the 'Asian carp caught in Lake Erie . . . . must be true, 'I SAW IT ON THE INTERNET!!?"

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I don't think anyone is panicking. This is a serious issue......NO? Have you seen the videos of these fish??? Have you read about how fast they reproduce......do you realize that the great lakes will sustain a HUGE number of these things??? Its no joke.....they're on thier way!!


I've seen the electric barriers, and I've seen the carp swim right thru them without as much as a flinch......sooner or later....they will be here......better to panick now than once the lake is over run with carp.....no? It would be nice to stop a problem before it gets here for a change, rather than deal with it when it comes don't you think???


I'm amazed that you take this so lightly.....seeing that you are a shore fisherman on the GREAT LAKES? I know you like your carp fishing, but come on.....we have to start doing things now, if we're gonna stop these things.....or would you rather wait until we're infested like they are down south....then start cryin the blues?


Sorry for the rant, but this stuff really kills me.....



Edited by Sinker
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Perhaps you didn't read my concerns closely enough? My beef was with the carelessly written story, which scares the c r a p outta most of us. If we keep seeing false reports of these things (crying 'wolf') soon nobody will pay any attention.


P. S.

Exactly what are YOU doing to stop these fish? I live in Toronto . . . where can I head 'em off? Seriously, I suspect you and I are kinda powerless to do much?

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The canal that connects the Mississippi system to the Great Lakes is at Chicago. If these carp come through that, you'll hear about their spread through Lake Michigan and down through Lake Huron long before they get near Sarnia or Lake Erie. Some eastern cultures believe in buying live fish, two at a time, one to eat and the other to release. This is why sale of live Asian carp has been banned.

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Well from what they say its only a matter of time....and like a member said why dont they ban the sale of them....and put more measures in place sportfishing is over a 1 BILLION dollar industry in the great lakes....you would think that both sides would do a little more about this situation.....i wanna freak out on someone in charge....im ticked....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :devil::angry::angry::dunno:

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Perhaps you didn't read my concerns closely enough? My beef was with the carelessly written story, which scares the c r a p outta most of us. If we keep seeing false reports of these things (crying 'wolf') soon nobody will pay any attention.


P. S.

Exactly what are YOU doing to stop these fish? I live in Toronto . . . where can I head 'em off? Seriously, I suspect you and I are kinda powerless to do much?


I suppose your right in saying there's not much WE (me and you personally) can do......but if we all work together there has to be a way to help. I'd gladly warm the barrel of my shotgun ridding the ecosystem of a few :canadian: I know I'll be out there with the bow killing them as often as I can if/when they get here.....


Like I said above.....the barrier in Chicago isn't gonna stop them.....it may slow them down, but I watched a video of the carp going right thru it without as much as a flinch. :rolleyes: One of my profs at school was working on the barriers there, he made the video I watched, and he told me the only way to stop them is to kill them all.......how we gonna do that? Its gonna be a problem sooner or later.......It will only be a matter of time!


I see plenty of reasons to panick!



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Anyone remember the snakehead scare?



Did you see any videos of snake heads jumping out of the water and injuring people.....have you seen the videos of these carp??


If you think this is just a scare.....your in for a big surprise!!


The reality of it is that its already too late.....they'll get here sooner or later......

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Does anyone here think that maybe...just maybe that the Scugog and Kawarthas carp die offs are somewhat related here...hmmm. Someone/organization is working on a remedy to rid us of carp and that Scugog was the testing area gone bad, Lake X if you will...maybe figuring that the toxins dumped in the lake would be diluted before it reached Sturgeon or downstream from there...man were they mistaken. I believe they have come up with some data and possibly preparing to dump it into the Great Lakes to reduce or kill off the new invading carp species...Why else would the MNR and Fish and Wildlife Services be taking so long to ID the problem in the Kawarthas...its' because they know whats goin on and don't want to let on they do. IT'S A CONSPIRACY....OH NO.


Relax think how a huge carp would fight on lite line...awesome. B)

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