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Quinte report(Lots of pics)

Guest Johnny Bass

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Guest Johnny Bass

Wanted to fish Muskoka, but it was calling for 10-15mm rain. I was hoping the weather forecast would change but it didn't. First it said no rain Quinte, or Dunville on Thursday. Friday it said rain on Quinte(1mm)and no rain at Dunville though had 20-25 k winds from the south.So I'm thinking Grand River.


Saturday morning comes. I check and its raining everywhere. We said we'd go close. Simcoe or Rice. We turn around to head for the 401. My friend Suggests Scugog. I didnt really like fishing a muddy lake in the rain so I suggested Quinte or Rice. We are approaching HWY 35/115 and he decided to go to Quinte. Good call.


We get to Deseronto at about 7:30- 8:00 and launch. While I am waiting for My friend to Set up his rods, I am casting a lipless crank bait. 2nd cast? WHAM! First hit. I bring in mister pike.




3rd cast?Another hit. Its a Pickeral.




I'm not too fond of eating fish from Lake O. Ask Mark if he wants it, he says no. So in the drink it goes.


A few minutes later Mark hits one in the same spot on a rapala countdown. He decides to keep this one because HE caught it.lol(though later was released).




We should have stayed on that spot but we didn't....


We started moving around and we hit alot of bass and lost alot of fish...Here are a few of them.






here is one for Mark.




The day started to heat up. Mark decided to go top water.

Mark was on fire with the top water. He was using a pop n image and smashing all kinds.

These are a couple of the better ones.





He even caught a Jumbo perch on a top water!




I wasn't about to let Mark out fish me. I put on my Pop R and this is what I got.




He lost quite a few too! I would sometimes throw a fluke after he missed a strike and come up with a Largie. here is where the shirt comes off.




Picked up a few more fish here and there.




A jumbo on a fluke.




We tried trolling for pickeral. We trolled long reach and there were no fish on the fish finder and no fish caught. We were also hoping to get Mark his first sheep head. We have to figure out a good trolling route....


Then we decided to pound some shore line that we see seen these 2 bass fisherman pounding. They weren't catching much. Even though they pounded the shore line, I wante to try. I'm thinking I'm using different techniques, different presentation.


We begin our drift. We tried all the standard stuff.NOTHING! These guys come back right in front of our drift and start working the shore line again!!


I decide to go to my old school lure.I downsized to a smaller spinner bait(I also modify them). I used to buy these in bulk. Now they are impossible to find. I was always tired of catching small pike so I have upsized all my spinner baits. But still have 3 left of the old school one. Tied it on and a few casts later? WHAM! This thing went crazy!!!




Not bad. A 30 inch pike. I have caught thousands and thousands of Pike on this lure but nothing over 9 lbs.


After that? bass after bass after bass after bass... I caught about 12-13 12 inch or so bass. This is after these guys have covered the shoreline twice!!!


Here is a decent one I caught.




I also caught a nice Jumbo perch with it.




Then around 3:30 4 it started to PORE!!!


I have never had much luck in the rain but that day the bass were still active.




I am catching one bass after another and mark is not catching anything, so I say lets go to deepwater and see what we can come up with.


I am dragging a tube in hay bay looking for smallies and I get a hit. Set it, nothing. I do the drift again. get another hit. Set it? And its a sheep head!!




I redo the drift, get a hit and I am fighting this fish that feels like a tank! Its pulling drag like crazy. Now I am thinking its a big pickeral or sheephead. Bring it in??? It was a pike I snagged behind the neck.lol Its harded to fight a snagged fish, believe me.




I tell mark to put on a tube. He puts it on and about 1/2 hour later nails his very first sheep head. We didn't take a picture on my camera but took one on his.


I also hooked a perch on a crank bait and had a pike take 2 swipes at it but did not return!


We had an amazing day.Though it rained and rained and rained, I didn't put on the bottom half of my rainsuit and my pants were wet. It was starting to get cold and windy so we called it an early day.


We caught so many fish and most we did not take a picture of because the camera was acting up(wouldn't stay on) and many were smaller fish. We lost tons of fish too(no monsters though). Some due to faulty equipement but most lost in thick weeds!Now I know why the pros have thick sticks and heavy lines...

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Guest Johnny Bass

Thanks guys. Ya gotta love Quinte. You never know what you have on the line. I also caught rockbass and caught(snagged)a sunfish, and I caught something that looked like a silver bass but it could have been a sheephead.


Though I tried and tried for smallies and couldn't get any to bite! I would catch Pike,Largies,Sheephead on tubes but thats about it.


I seen a guy catch a 5+ pounder(smallie) though casting a deep diver!

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Great report Johnny!! And yes...it looks like you made the right decision for sure! Lots of great pics there. I was in Muskoka and it pretty much rained all day long, so BOQ was a great spot for you. Thanks for the report and pics!

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Great report Johnny!! And yes...it looks like you made the right decision for sure! Lots of great pics there. I was in Muskoka and it pretty much rained all day long, so BOQ was a great spot for you. Thanks for the report and pics!

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