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Hi all still new on here but finding my way about, hope you don't mind, I caught this little beauty whilst on a fishing holiday with 4 other mates in Spain of the Rio Ebro. This little puppy was 66lb in the sling so we settled on 62lb which actually equalled the British record this strain of catfish is the european wells catfish and grow to 202lb so far. I want to catch this little beautys grand daddy one day :thumbsup_anim: I had got bored with trying to catch carp as the river had been in near flood conditions the week before we got there as the mountain snow and ice was running into it making it too cold for the carp to feed as we had hoped.


Please bare with me on this one, I am a member of The Association of Registered Gas Installers (ARGI) we have a forum http://www.argi.org.uk/forum/index.php there is a public forum but you need to be a gas fitter to get full membership so unfortunately you can't see all of it :mellow: it is a similar setup to this one where we talk about, yawn, yawn plumbing and gas and stuff.


For a little light relief we also have a cyber pub section called the "Gas mans arms" where we can talk about anything as long as it is not work related. I started a thread just over a year ago and called it "Fishing Corner" it has become quite popular with the guys well about 4 of them anyway it gets about 2 or 3 posts per month, I know that is nothing compared to on here but for a load of old boring gas installers it is quite something. Anyway I thought I would introduce myself properly with a picture, this is taken straight from the ARGI site which I posted originally so hope it works. The picture was taken about 2 years ago in Spain on the river Ebro where 5 of us had a good weeks fun, the text as well is straight from ARGI site.


Any anglers out there :?:

Of course there are well If I got it right there should be a rather nice picture of my biggest so far. May be the start something new here, I know that there are countless forums dedicated to angling but its always nice to talk about it in the pub.





Regards Clive

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Beauty Clive. You'll find lots of fisher-folks on here and we all love to see pics of the catches and some great scenery shots. I'm sure we'd all love to hear more about your adventures and fishing success. Post away my friend and it's great to have you on the board.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Hi guys thanks for the kind words, as I said earlier the Cat weighed 66lb in the sling but we rounded it down to 62lb ish so equals the British record but we caught it in Spain so just a tiddler really.


I caught it using a 2lb Zander which was nearly dead that I found floating by, the dam behind in the picture is we think a hydro electric dam and we thought it may have come through there, we were mainly after carp but i just happened to have in my tackle box all the ingredients for a bit of catty bashing and this was the result.


It took me only about 10 mins to land but I was using 70lb braid a size 7/0 hook and 9oz lead to hold bottom I was only fishing about 15ft out so nearly under the rod tip. The other guys laughed at me when I found the fish floating by, I said to them not to laugh too soon and hey what a result, I made them feel well sad that night when I celebrated with a few bottles of Rioja.


Regards Clive

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Excellent catch, nice looking gear you've got there too! I think I have un-hooking mat envy now :lol:


You could be onto something, using Walleye to catch Catfish ;) (Oh wait!...those silly laws against using gamefish for bait here in Ontario)



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Nice catfish your self there Joe. I notice your variety has a sort of tail fin, unlike the wells which is sort of like a conger eel. I am learning fast so now I know Walleye are Zander or a close cousin maybe?


Rioja = Spanish red wine very nice and if in spain cheap as chips :clapping:


So you cant use game fish for bait well it is OK here just anyway won't be long before they try to ban it iu suppose like the fox hunting can't do that now, jees what next no hooks in fishing aaah make my blood boil.


Tony, unhooking mats I love them and I hate them. I am still to be convinced they are an absolute necessity, some waters here won't even let you fish unless you got one and your own landing net, so 4 guys go out for a days fishing and you need 4 nets and 4 mats, well poos what I say. It is all just a big con I think, OK the terrain where we were fishing was pretty rugged and I can see the need for a mat there if you go dropping a fish onto the stones you could do it some serious damage but if you handle them properly and you are on a nice soft grass bank then why would you need a scorching hot mat. The politically correct mob at it again, telling me what I can and can't do. The fishing forums over here would have you skinned alive if you dared to have a photo of a fish without the obligitory super size unhooking mat in full view, and dont even think about lifting the fish up to waist height heaven forbid, they would be tearing your door down :blahblah1:


Most of the forums fall down over here because of some spotty idiot who will start a full scale war with others over just that. The tackle manufacturers obviously want everyone to have one and the one in the picture was approx £45.00 not mine I hasten to add, I know one tackle manufacturer very well and the top anglers over here who shape the way fishing is driven are paid a lot of money to endorse the products which makes them dearer so they dream up more and more nicknacks which they convince everybody that they have to have just seems endless to me. Back to basics is what I like, you guys use sweetcorn which is the best ever bait bar none. We have been brainwashed into thinking if you dont use boilies then you will not catch the biggest fish in the lake.


Still enough of my gripes.


Thanks again, tight lines


Regards Clive

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