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Bass Opener


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Bass season opens this weekend for most of southern Ontario. Curious...when you take that first cast on Saturday morning, what's going to be hanging on the end of your line ? And what are you targeting...green fish or brown fish ?

Although because of a (stupid) nephew's wedding, I won't be able to get out until Monday...for me it's Smallies on a jerkbait...probably Shadow Rap Shad in Black/Silver.

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For many years (like 20 or so) I would be up before dawn to hurtle down the lake to my opening morning glory hole.  A Texas rigged 7 inch Berkley Power worm with a VERY light worm weight would go into a small pocket inside a shoal.  14 FOW on the outside, maybe 2 FOW on top.  Almost always, one of the biggest largemouth of the season would come topside soon thereafter.  On a good morning we would take five or six largemouth from an area the size of a living room.  For a couple magical years, it was a 10 inch Power Worm that would call in the big fish.

BUT!  Whether it's zebra mussels, or educated bass, a Texas rigged worm has not been all that effective the last few years.  So I am thinking it will be a wacky worm, on the small side, on a non-weighted hook, in a natural colour.  About 21 hours from now, but who's counting.  😉



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A 2 1/2 ounce smoke colored salted tube under a slip float has served me well for many years

for both large and small mouth bass and of course The Worlds Greatest Sportfish (Rock Bass)

likes them too...

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So we were up at 4 and in position 10 minutes before first light.  And............we waited........and waited.....and finally a crappie, then a largemouth came in on a ned rig.  Much later another largemouth on the wacky worm. It wasn't a banner day but I probably landed 15 or so. Lots of boats out, as usual.....

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I’m late to the party that is this thread but luckily Ontario has two openers

saturday morning I pulled up to our first stop with a ghost coloured vision 110 and caught a pickerel lol

suddenly noticed some suspended smallies off the shoal and quickly one fell victim. Then I noticed a school of gills getting chased by something surfacing, threw the 110 and proceeded to put 4 of our 5 fish mixed bag in the boat. 

headed off to flip in the afternoon and culled once, missle d bomb with a pegged 3/4 tungsten. Love me some slop.


this Saturday it’s most certainly going to be smallmouth. I’ll be throwing an evergreen shower blow and a Ned rig for a follow up for any missed blow ups. Once the sun gets high I’ll be grinding an evergreen cr-8 all over that shield rock.


I have a week off of work next week so later in the week I’ll go on a mission to get a tinner into a local back lake that’s loaded with giant largemouth. Our smallest bag ever out of it was 22lbs. 

this year I’m going to try pop my swim bait virginity throwing a deps bull shooter and see if I can crack a 6 out of the pond. Mix that with a big gabot in the pads. Swinging for the fences!

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It was a pretty good week on Loughborough.  Some days the bite was pretty tough, other days it was magical.  We caught good numbers, and generally good size, largemouths.  The smallies were smaller and not that plentiful, where we were fishing in the east end north of the marina.

By far, the most productive presentation was a wacky worm, on a weightless hook, in neutral colours.  We had three LMB in the four pound class, but (without a scale) I do not believe we broke the magical five pound record.


LLEMHR 2023 bass (2).jpg

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We also had a what I would consider to be solid opener.

most certainly could have gone better, the morning cloud cover seemed to have the smallies pretty negative. We broke down and had to finesse fish to entice bites until the sun came out, then a flurry of fish hit the boat.  Our bag was 18+lbs, couldn’t complain about that. 



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