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Gun amnesty (nf)


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Somewhat related.  When I was growing up I had quite a few guns at home, but when I went off to University, of course they stayed home with my parents.  They moved around Canada a lot, and so did I, but at some point I got my 12ga pump from them, but left a nice old bolt action 22, a 410 and a 22 hand gun passed down from my uncle.  A few years later, I asked my Dad where they were.  So here is the story:

He got nervous about the handgun because he was not sure if it was registered, so he took it down to the Lake O waterfront and threw it out as far as he could throw.  AAARGH.

The 410 and 22 he put into the car and went to the local police station.  Luckily he did not bring them in with him, he told the duty officer he had a couple guns in the car to give them.  Well, they didn't handcuff him, but they were VERY nervous and it took a while for them to be comfortable to go out to the car and let him open the trunk.  They ended up taking the guns from him  AARGH #2.  I still don't think he realizes how bad it could have been if he walked those guns up to the front desk.

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If anyone needs to get rid of some I will provide a nice warm home and treat them nice.  It makes sense for these amnesty days for people who have illegal guns , get them off the streets, that being said if  rather see them in the hands of a collector than be destroyed .

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I think the main donor group is elder ladies whose husbands have passed on. The nice police will come to their home and leave with all the guns. Expensive or not she won't be compensated.

Sad. They should all go to an appraiser and be auctioned legally if possible with proceeds to her or her selected charity.

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Sounds like a local police initiative.  The feds have just introduced a new firearms bill, C-71, which talks about getting guns off the streets but which ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY targets (you guessed it) law-abiding firearms owners.  It repeals some of the common sense firearms legislation enacted by the Conservatives and creates a NEW class of prohibited firearm, to which the feds fairly clearly intend to add a bunch of currently non-restricted firearms (think SKS etc) and makes two fairly popular firearms prohibs after 30 June.

Anyways every time there is a LIEBERAL gun control act introduced you can bet that law-abiding gun owners are going to get the sand in the Vaseline and the scumball criminals will face zero new sanctions.  C-71 does absolutely ZILCH to take action against the criminal use of firearms.

And it sounds to me like your local coppers have decided this is an opportune time to put out another request for people to turn in their guns.


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39 minutes ago, akaShag said:

Sounds like a local police initiative.  The feds have just introduced a new firearms bill, C-71, which talks about getting guns off the streets but which ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY targets (you guessed it) law-abiding firearms owners.  It repeals some of the common sense firearms legislation enacted by the Conservatives and creates a NEW class of prohibited firearm, to which the feds fairly clearly intend to add a bunch of currently non-restricted firearms (think SKS etc) and makes two fairly popular firearms prohibs after 30 June.

Anyways every time there is a LIEBERAL gun control act introduced you can bet that law-abiding gun owners are going to get the sand in the Vaseline and the scumball criminals will face zero new sanctions.  C-71 does absolutely ZILCH to take action against the criminal use of firearms.

And it sounds to me like your local coppers have decided this is an opportune time to put out another request for people to turn in their guns.


The Feds are not adding to the restricted and prohibited list , they are giving the RCMP the power to do that, the police will not only enforce the rules they will be making them now :wallbash:

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1 hour ago, dave524 said:

The Feds are not adding to the restricted and prohibited list , they are giving the RCMP the power to do that, the police will not only enforce the rules they will be making them now :wallbash:

We can only hope this gets rolled back next year when the libs get trounced in the election.  

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back to dave 524........YES the C-71 DOES make some new firearms into prohibs.  Four versions of the VZ 858, 2 non-restricted, 2 restricted, are now (after 30 June) prohibited firearms.  these ones:

(i) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-2P
rifle, 10
(ii) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-2V
(iii) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-4P
rifle, or
(iv) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-4V 15

and it also makes the SAN Swiss Arms, currently non-restricted, into prohibs effective 30 June.  These are NEW prohibitions.  And yes when I say the Feds can add more rifles to the new 12 (9) class of prohibs, it will be the RCMP that makes the calls.  And the scarlet tunics are NOT on our side in this, they are deeply in the pocket of the oxygen thieves currently in power in Oddawa.

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2 hours ago, cisco said:

I think the main donor group is elder ladies whose husbands have passed on. The nice police will come to their home and leave with all the guns. Expensive or not she won't be compensated.

Sad. They should all go to an appraiser and be auctioned legally if possible with proceeds to her or her selected charity.

This is the target audience. Not sure about the auction idea. 

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If a widow is the executor of her late husband's estate and the husband had a valid PAL, the widow is allowed to dispose of the firearms as if she also had a PAL.  (I am simplifying.) A great way to dispose of firearms is to contact a reputable auction house and have them look after the cataloguing and sale.  Here in Southern Ontario the name that comes to mind is Switzer's Auctions from Bancroft Ontario.

When I advise older folks looking to dispose of a firearms collection, I always point them to Switzer's.  I have on occasion bought the firearms from an estate but generally speaking, the estate is better off dealing with a REPUTABLE auction house and not a private individual.



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They can take my weapons from my cold dead hands.

When they had the gun amnesty years ago my dear father gave them my turn of the century Berretta side by side willed to me by my Grand Father and about 8 grand worth (then) of other long guns my brother and I had in our childhood home as well as the WW2 Luger with the SS holster and a Walther PPK my uncle snagged in Europe during the war then willed to me in the 70's. Thanks Pops but I shouldn't have left them there.  Ah man, thanks for reminding me. I'm still not over it.

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When 6 out 10 gun deaths in the US are suicides, and you as a good guy are more likely to see a loved one killed in your house by accidental gun death then you are likely to kill a bad guy with a gun in your house, ...the target audience for police collections could simply be anyone that is concerned about overall safety of having a deadly weapon within their household. May be grandpa has gotten a little to "dark" lately. I have no problem with people owning guns for hunting, collecting, or that are required for pest control etc. But, that doesn't mean that every type of weapon should be available to everyone.

The actual need for guns for protection in Canada is WAY over hyped by the fear mongers. I'm all for police gun collections and I am all for further restrictions on assault like weapons of warfare. The evidence is overwhelming more guns = more gun deaths period.

Edited by scuro2
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The house should be divided. Get off your high horse and recognize reality. Some have made the issue of guns into a moral cause approaching a patriotic duty. In the end they are lethal weapons that end up killing far more innocent people then bad guys. They need FEDERAL restrictions for the safety of population.

As to your second point, seriously, should every Canadian have ability to buy an AR15? Does every Canadian need one? It is a weapon of warfare as documented in the G&M video below


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An AR-15 is a weapon of war?

That's the last darn gun I'd want strapped on my back in a war lol

Before it gets political, it's clear your anti firearms and I'm pro firearms.

Let's just meet in the middle, me keeping mine and you not having any

Edited by manitoubass2
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Obviously you didn't watch the video. I have fired guns. I don't give a rats ass about you owning guns. Stop with the shrill, they are going to take my guns away Bull. I only care when zealots try to erode necessary restrictions on guns.

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Yes, perhaps it's best if some people don't own weapons. I choose not to have guns in my house because they are a bigger danger then they are a tool of safety.

Reality MB2, consider reality. Think of it...with all the gangs and crime in the US, still 6 out of 10 gun deaths are suicides. Then there are the accidental deaths. Just in the last month two teachers accidentally shot either themselves or students in school!

More guns = more gun deaths period.

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More people also equals more death, correct?

I'm talking about our country, not the US. They have their own issues and we have ours.

Gun restrictions will NEVER STOP A CRIMINAL ACT, and that includes suicides. Somebody wants to commit a crime or kill themselves, odds are it's happening with or without a gun.

Where I live we have a huge rate of resident gun owners. Guess what else we have? A huge rate of suicides. BUT.... Guess how many are gun related? Almost ZERO! WOW EH? It's pills, booze and or rope.

And I wish you'de include hunters in your argument. Most gun owners in Ontario own guns for????? HUNTING!!!! IMAGINE THAT! just so happens they can also be used to protect your property and family.

BUT.... Most gun owners, know the restrictions already in place, and owning guns does almost zero to protect you in a break in related crime. Thus, we have bats, knives etc to defend ourselves. As it's highly impractible and almost impossible to have the time needed to ready a firearm in a break-in related situation.

Your rational thinking, or lack thereof is part of the problem, not a solution.

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OK I watched the video.

Mr Day should KNOW BETTER than to suggest a person can HUNT with an AR-15 or any of its variants.  There is no place in Canada where a person can legally hunt with ANY restricted firearm.  That includes all of the AR-15 variants, all handguns (that are not prohibited, which of course also cannot be used for hunting), and any other firearm designated as restricted (or prohibited).

To acquire and possess any restricted firearm, yes a person has to take and pass the course, and apply for a Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence.  As part of the approval process (which Mr Day also neglected to mention), there is not only the criminal records check, but also a confirmation with the spouse and any ex-spouse that there are no domestic violence issues that may be a concern, PLUS a confirmation that the applicant does not have mental health issues.  Every 24 hours the entire list of individuals having a firearms licence is cross-checked with the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC).  It is noteworthy that CPIC does not run daily checks on anybody else, not paroled rapists and pedophiles, not career criminals, not known gangsters, only firearms licence holders.

Restricted firearms need to be stored in a very secure manner (all described in detail in the regulations).  Ammunition for them most be stored in a separate locked container.  IN CANADA, the likelihood of a child, or other non-licenced individual, getting access to an AR-15 or ammunition for it is remote.  And as Mr Day did mention, all magazines for the AR-15 family of firearms must not be capable of holding more than five cartridges.  While there may have been an instance of somebody in Canada using an AR-15 in a "mass shooting" I am not aware of it.  The people who own them are amongst the most vetted and thereby law-abiding people in Canada.

I do not own an AR-15, nor any of the variants, given that they hold no attraction for me.  But I consider it perfectly reasonable that folks who wish to own and shoot this type of IMMENSELY popular firearm should be able to do so.  If they want to go through the hassle in order to take their firearm to an approved range to shoot it, more power to them.

And no, I don't buy the argument that more guns equals more gun deaths.  In Canada that is simply not true, and people using AMERICAN statistics to make points about CANADIAN firearms issues are definitely mixing apples and oranges.

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Well put shag.

And that's completely factual information as all of us gun owners KNOW.

Scuro, you might want to lay off news outlets for reliable information. All news has an agenda, thus they leave out precise information needed to inform to fit whatever the agenda of the day is.

There are far more credible sources of info available to you, I or anybody else directly on the government's website FYI.

So if you want to know, go to the source. That's logical and rational approach. Eliminate the 3rd and 4th party info which is clearly flawed and or downright incorrect.

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